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Test Coverage
## v3.0
- Update dependencies:
  - dogstatsd-ruby -> 5.2.0
  - sapience -> 3.0
  - sentry-raven -> 3.1.2
  - rspec -> 3.10.0

## v2.8
- Bump sapience-rb gem to "~> 2.13" (config option for grape metrics)

## v2.7
- Bump sapience-rb gem to "~> 2.12" (log hooks)

## v2.6
- Bump sapience-rb gem to "~> 2.11"
- Disable metrics from ActionController by default

## v2.5
- Bump sapience-rb gem to "~> 2.9"

## v2.3.1
- Bump sentry-raven gem to "~> 2.6"

## v2.3
- Fix yaml indentation

## v2.2
- Force sapience version >= 2.2

## v2.1
- Force sapience gem to version >= 2.1

## v1.0.2

- Bump dogstatsd-ruby gem to version "~> 2.2"
- Bump sentry-raven gem to version "~> 2.3"

## v1.0.1

- Bump sentry-raven gem to version "~> 2.2.0"

## v1.0.0

- Force Sapience version >= 2.0.0

## v0.2.8

- Always add a datadog appender
- Allow override of default config by placing a config/sapience.yml in the applications root directory

## v0.1.3

- Move dependencies to reevoo_sapience. This is where we know what dependencies we have so declare those dependencies for the gem.

## v0.1.2

- Change log output for test environment to `log/test.log`