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# ReevooSapience::Rb

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# Deprecated

We have decided not to use this gem because its basically just a yml file.

It creates a lot of issues when debugging locally - for instance, if using Mark, and wanting to run a pry session inside the sapience gem, we cant do that.

The normal way is to use `bundle config local` -

this does work with gemspecs & nor does specifying a path.

The yml file `lib/default_reevoo_sapience.yml` should be merged into each application when switching from reevoo_sapience to just plain sapience.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'reevoo_sapience'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install reevoo_sapience

## Usage

There is nothing to be done here. The gem contains a reevoo specific override `sapience.yml` with the configuration the Reevoo Ltd. company uses internally. It is used to centralize logging, metrics and exception collection within our organization.

Our configuration can be found in [lib/default_reevoo_sapience.yml](