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Test Coverage
## v3.0
- Updating gem dependencies:
  - bundler -> 1.17.3
  - dogstatsd -> 5.2.0
  - rspec -> 3.10.0
  - sentry-raven -> 3.1.2

## v2.15
- The Formatter can now be configured to exclude selected log fields.
  Currently only the Json formatter implements this.

## v2.13
- Add config option to enable/disable metrics from grape

## v2.12
- feature: 'log hooks', a mechanism for modifying the log event just before it is added to the appender

## v2.11
- Add config option to enable/disable metrics from ActionController

## v2.10
- Fix spec for Ruby 2.4.1
- Bump version to 2.10 in order to properly highlight more significant change
- Add missing Changelog entry

## v2.9.1
- Add support for sinatra applications by including `Sapience::Extensions::Sinatra::Middleware::Logging` middleware
- Bump Ruby version to 2.4.1

## v2.9.0
- Sapience will return more parameters in logs created by Rails::Rack::Logger

## v2.8.0
- Silence rails rack logger for rails 3 by setting `silent_rack: true` in sapience.yml

## v2.7.0
- Add ability to stop generating metrics for ActiveRecord::Notification with config option `silent_active_record`

## v2.6.4
- Bugfix: don't auto-add tags for every application level exception

## v2.6.3
- Include current environment in log entries

## v2.6.2
- Bugfix: clear tags after pushing log to processing queue

## v2.6.1
- Bugfix: Fix sentry logging when payload is nil

## v2.6.0

- Add ability to reduce noise from default rails log subscribers with config option `silent_rails`

## v2.5.4

- Add compatibility fix for concurrent-ruby library logger which expect `call` method to be defined

## v2.5.3

- Fix issues after applying fronzen_string_literal = true. Make it compatible to Ruby 2.1

## v2.5.2

- Fix RuboCop auto-correct changes

## v2.5.0

- Bump Ruby to version 2.3.4
- Add fronzen_string_literal: true to be compatible with coming Ruby 3
- Reevoocop changes

## v2.4.0

- Add shortcut metrics
    - `Sapience.metrics.success(module_name<string>, action<string>, opts<hash>)`
    - `Sapience.metrics.error(module_name<string>, action<string>, opts<hash>)`
    - `Sapience.metrics.exception(module_name<string>, action<string>, opts<hash>)`

## v2.3.5

- Set Sapience.config.app_name when APP_NAME environment variable is set

## v2.3.3

- Put back single_thread_executor and leave immediate_executor only for test environment

## v2.3.2

- Changing the log level of ActiveRecord has the side effect of changing the
  log level of Rails.logger. We don't want that therefore we remove the

## v2.3.1

- Add namespaced events

## v2.2.3

- Set immediate_executor by default to avoid Errno::EIO error for multithreaded processes.
  This could happen when orphaned process (whose parent has died) attempts to get stdio from parent process,
  or when stream is closed.

## v2.2.1

- Log directly to STDOUT for internal errors

## v2.2.0

- Add `Sapience::ErrorHandler::Silent#capture`
- Add `Sapience::ErrorHandler::Silent#capture!`
- Add `Sapience::ErrorHandler::Silent#user_context`
- Add `Sapience::ErrorHandler::Silent#tags_context`

## v2.1.0

- Add `Sapience::ErrorHandler:Sentry#capture`
- Add `Sapience::ErrorHandler:Sentry#capture!`

## v2.0.5

- Add "flush" as an instance method in logger.

## v2.0.4

- Fix Sapience.logger. From now it logs into all configured Stream appenders.

## v2.0.3

- Ability to configure ActiveRecord log level independently
- Fix issue where the Grape extension was incorrectly logging 500 response codes as 404's

## v2.0.2

- Fix metrics collection for 2.0.1

## v2.0.1

- Add metrics for model actions (create, update, destroy)

## v2.0.0

- Prevent Raven from recursively capturing its own exceptions
- Make logger interface explicit (no metaprogramming)
- Separate error handling and metrics from appenders
- Added `Sapience.capture_exception` and `Sapience.capture_message` methods
- Added `logger.error!` and `logger.fatal!` that also sends any exception to the configured error handler

## v1.0.14

- Reduce log output noise from the sentry logger

## v1.0.13

- Fix a problem with logging extra parameters to sentry

## v1.0.12

- Fix NoMethodError in Grape::Notification
- Exclude test apps from Gem

## v1.0.11

- Fix a NoMethodError with logging the response format in grape

## v1.0.10

- Automatically add default `datadog` appender when calling `Sapience.metrics`

## v1.0.9

- Added `filter_parameters` configuration to obfuscate sensitive information such as passwords for rack-like applications
- Require Grape version >= 0.16.2, raise if lesser version is found

## v1.0.8

- Delayed configuration of Sentry until the configuration is valid

## v1.0.3

- Allow for configuration inheritance (see the history for [config_loader.rb](

## v1.0.2

- Require `app_name` to be configured. Either set it with the environment variable `SAPIENCE_APP_NAME` or provided it when configuring the application.
- Fixes problems with Datadog namespace always being nil.

## v1.0.1

- Fix loading configuration outside of Rack application

## v1.0.0

- Rename Sapience.metrix to Sapience.metrics

## v0.2.17

- Update datadog appender to use Datadog::Statsd from dogstatsd-ruby gem

## v0.2.15

- Fix issue with not resetting previously attached appenders when calling `Sapience.configure`.

## v0.2.14

- Reduce noise for assets:precompile by changing default Railtie log level to :warn instead of :debug

## v0.2.13

- Set Rails.logger even some gems disables logging on initialisation.

## v0.2.12

- Adds support for Rails apps with disabled ActiveRecord

## v0.2.11

- Adds `request_id` to the action_controller/log_subscriber

## v0.2.10

- Rename `bin/rake` to `bin/tests` to avoid conflicts with rake

## v0.2.9

- Added test apps for Rails and Grape frameworks
- Testing different Grape versions (0.16.2, 0.17.0)
- Improved request logging for Grape
- Merge and send coverage from main gem and Rails/Grape test apps

## v0.2.5

- Allow the log_executor to be configured to either `:single_thread_executor` or `:immediate_executor`
- Test coverage improvement
- Working rails integration
- Minor adjustments to the log_formatter to make it more compatible with log_stasher.

## v0.2.3

- Adds debugging and coverage for sneakers integration

## v0.2.2

- Add an instance method for the `#name` of the appender

## v0.2.1

- Fixed all appenders, it only worked for Sapience::Logger.
- Added method to test exceptions `Sapience.test_exception(:error)`

## v0.2.0

- Rename Appender::File to Appender::Stream. Accept option stream instead of file in `sapience.yml`

## v0.1.12

- Add missing bang to `.deep_symbolize_keys!`

## v0.1.11

- Make sure the default environment is loaded in case all else fails. Warn about this.

## v0.1.10

- Set tags to `{ environment: Sapience.environment }` for sentry

## v0.1.9

- Support sneakers timing implementation

## v0.1.8

- Validate the sentry/raven dsn when creating the appender

## v0.1.7

- Add support for sneakers

## v0.1.6

- Prevent configuring twice (adds double appenders)

## v0.1.5

- Add missing `#time` method for datadog
- Adds coverage for previous release

## v0.1.4

- Add missing `#count` method for datadog