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Test Coverage
## 5.0.0 [unreleased]

* #3391 Switch to selenium with chrome headless [#3394]( ([bricesanchez](
* Fix page tree cache refresh on sub page changes [#3390]( ([aiomaster](
* Fix image_title assignment with an auto_title different for each image [#3388]( ([bricesanchez](
* Interference marketable pages active record [#3387]( ([bricesanchez](
* flash.error does not exist, use[:error] instead [#3386]( ([bricesanchez](
* Partial revert ae30517 : Remove layout def, we use render_with_templates? method [#3384]( ([bricesanchez](
* Closes GH-3381 [#3382]( ([mightymatth](
* Feature image crop [#3380]( ([bricesanchez](
* Closes GH-3376 [#3377]( ([kluucreations](
* Fix generation of second/subsequent resources in an extension [#3372]( ([anitagraham](
* Update refinerycms-dragonfly gemspec for release. [#3371]( ([parndt](
* Allow the home page to have a path other than '/' [#3368]( ([anitagraham](
* Switch from Globalize to Mobility [#3360]( ([bricesanchez](
* Feature/rails 5.2 [#3352]( ([bricesanchez](

- [See full list](

## 4.0.2 [21 May 2018]

* Remove financials - pledgie has closed down [#3365]( ([parndt](
* Bugfix #3351 Use namespacing in cancel_url [#3362]( ([bricesanchez](
* QA guides Multiple and Relating Resources in an Extension [#3361]( ([bricesanchez](
* Feature/admin page index cache [#3359]( ([bricesanchez](
* Fix Reserved Word Documentation Typo [#3358]( ([jcbantuelle](
* Feature/tests/locale [#3356]( ([bricesanchez](
* Add Ruby 2.5.0 to CI and update others. [#3354]( ([parndt](
* Generator specs clean up after themselves. [#3353]( ([parndt](
* Bugfix #2915: assign cancel_url path in engine generator `_form` partial [#3351]( ([bricesanchez](
* Update `` to match the format introduced in 3535b906fa [#3350]( ([joshmcarthur](
* Remove rails_12factor from Heroku gems [#3349]( ([bricesanchez](
* Bugfix/3340/heroku deploy [#3347]( ([bricesanchez](
* Fix checking :custom_slug existence to use column_exists? [#3343]( ([yadex205](
* Only add puma when it's missing [#3341]( ([parndt](
* no need call valid? [#3339]( ([ShallmentMo](
* Bugfix factory page_with_page_part since Rails 5.1 [#3338]( ([bricesanchez](
* Update [#3337]( ([bricesanchez](
* Extract permitted params lists [#3336]( ([matiasgarciaisaia](
* Fix CI error due to pg 1.0.0 [#3335]( ([bricesanchez](
* Fix typo in readme [#3333]( ([guich-wo](
* rails asset:precompile attempts to connect to DB because [#3332]( ([emaraschio](
* Bugfix/3328 3329/preview button [#3330]( ([bricesanchez](
* Rename FactoryGirl to FactoryBot. [#3324]( ([parndt](
* Now use https protocol for links to [#3323]( ([bricesanchez](
* Updates URL's used in the docs for installation. [#3322]( ([Designaroni](
* Use selected_image parameter to select an image upon opening the dialog [#3284]( ([veger](
* Fix permitted params allowing new images to be uploaded [#3278]( ([veger](

- [See full list](

## 4.0.1 [24 October 2017]

* Always expect to have css and js files precompiled. Remove skip_pipeline option for visual_editor_stylesheets and custom_stylesheets. [#3318]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Now require globalize on top of the engine. [#3316]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Require refinery core nil_user class (needed for prod env). [#3317]( [Brice Sanchez](

* [See full list](

## 4.0.0 [29 September 2017]

* Add Rails version to generated migration. [#3313]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Remove deprecated methods for versions < 4.0.0. [124e560]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Now supporting Rails 5.1. [#3122]( [Brice Sanchez]( & [Philip Arndt]( & [Remco Meinen]( & [Don Pinkster]( & [Johan Bruning]( & [Michael de Silva]( & [Kiril Mitov]( and everyone else who helped out!

* [See full list](

## 3.0.6 [2 October 2017]

* Fix search placeholder. [#3291]( [Roman Krylov](
* Upgrade dragonfly to version 1.1. [#3303]( [Anita Graham](
* Bugfix: canonical url now use current_frontend_locale instead of default_frontend_locale. [#3299]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Now we use redirect 301 to show pages. [#3300]( [Brice Sanchez](
* jQuery .load() deprecated. [#3288]( [Roman Krylov](
* Fixed variable name for editor options. [#3287]( [Bo Frederiksen](
* Fixed PhantomJS timeout when appending something to the body. [#3297]( [Remco Meinen](
* Change warn to use rails logger. [#3272]( [Paul]( & [Philip Arndt](
* Update the updated_at field of the page itself when a page_part got updated. [#3275]( [Maarten Bezemer](
* Remove obsolete sitemap builder from generator [#3270]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Fix #3218 regression: don't duplicate locale in url. [#3271]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Change data attribute to match Turbolinks 5 syntax. [#3269]( [Maarten Bezemer](

* [See full list](

## 3.0.5 [23 November 2016]

* Fix HTML format for not found page in page seeds. [#3263]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Bugfix/draft page view not hidden for visitors. [#3264]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Remove deprecated heroku gem. Fix start generator for Authentication. [#3258]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Add ability to display current used template in layout. [#3259]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Add SVG logo. Improve site_bar HTML/CSS. [#3262]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Fix preview button with WYMeditor. [#3020]( [Christoph Wagner](
* Add "required" html attribute in add_whitelist_attributes config. [#3236]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Fixed admin menu items duplicating after extensions code changing. [#3234]( [Dmitriy Molodtsov](
* Enable reselection of resource after removal. [#3216]( [NicholasKirchner](

* [See full list](

## 3.0.4 [17 July 2016]

* Fixed sitemap generation for multiple frontend locales. [#3218]( [Dmitriy Molodtsov](
* Allow finders to be defined for each action. [#3146]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fix Gemfile additions when using --heroku. [#3219]( [Philip Arndt](
* Allow all data attributes through the HTML sanitizer. [#3187]( & [#3217]( [nzgrover]( & [Brice Sanchez](
* Use admin_update_page_path to avoid encoded URLs. [#3182]( [Philip Arndt](
* Improve flash messages close action. [#3168]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Add skip_to_first_child_page_message. [#3168]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Add skip_to_first_child label in page admin index. [#3168]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Add redirected label in page admin index. [#3168]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Add warning when content has been sanitized. [#3170]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Remove usage of deprecated page_title_with_translations. [#3176]( [Brice Sanchez](

* [See full list](

## 3.0.3 [27 April 2016]

* Split and tidy up stylesheets. [#3165]( [Marie-Helene Tremblay](
* Add config for adding to the elements and attributes whitelisted for HTML sanitization. [#3164]( [Anita Graham](
* Move javascripts partial in head tag. [#3153]( [Brice Sanchez](

* [See full list](

## 3.0.2 [16 March 2016]

* Update respond_to? and method_missing API. [21e77b08563905b1a79d335cfa3f32278961f24b]( [Philip Arndt](
* Add TranslatedFieldPresenter. [#3125]( & [#3129]( [Brice Sanchez]( & [Glenn Hoppe](
* Specify the correct new_page_part_params. [#3124]( [Philip Arndt](
* Properly specify image for strong parameters. [#3123]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed multiple XSS vulnerabilities found by [Shravan Kumar]( - Sanitize markup. [#3117]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Generate `authors` in order to create a valid gemspec. [#3121]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Remove deprecated rspec config `treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values`. [#3118]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Update `factory_girl_rails` from '~> 4.4.1' to `~> 4.6.0`. [#3114]( [Eric Guo](
* Now welcome to Ruby 2.3.0. [94657b092cec2dde10f77c68205531defaf54476]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed engine template seeds : Add page slug. [#3106]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Fixed a Dragonfly deprecation warning. [ed7bbea503fc95e5aac5dcc94ce444a3d7c9718d]( [Philip Arndt](
* Now use font-awesome from `font-awesome-sass` gem. [#3108]( [Oleg German](
* Fixed CSRF vulnerability found by [Shravan Kumar]( - Add protect_from_forgery with: :exception. [#3101]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Add line numbers to stack trace. [#3093]( [Jared Beck](
* Add icon to image picker warning. [#3075]( [Anita Graham](
* Specify that we are expecting action_name to be insert. [#3092]( [Philip Arndt](

* [See full list](

## 3.0.1 [26 January 2016]

* Set speakingurl-rails to 8.0.0, switch to poltergeist gem. [#3084]( [Philip Arndt]( & [Brice Sanchez](
* Install a compatible version of refinerycms-acts-as-indexed [#3079]( [Philip Arndt](
* Updated Refinery::Pages.default_parts= config to require both a title and a slug attribute for each part. [#3069]( [Brice Sanchez](

* [See full list](

## 3.0.0 [19 September 2015]

* Deprecated ':format' syntax in Resources dragonfly_url_format. [#2500]( [Josef Šimánek](
* Removed Images trust_file_extensions config. [#2500]( [Josef Šimánek](
* Migrated to Dragonfly ~> 1.0.0. [#2500]( [Josef Šimánek](
* Removed Pages#cache_pages_backend. [#2375]( [Philip Arndt](
* Updated how `_make_sortable` works to take an options hash, requiring manual file changes. [Philip Arndt](
* Removed `attr_accessible` in favour of strong parameters. [#2518]( [Philip Arndt](
* Removed the Dashboard extension, now the left most tab is selected when logging in. [#2727]( [Philip Arndt](
* Removed special 'Refinery Translator' role, introduced in 0.9.22, from the core. [#2730]( [Philip Arndt](
* Enabled XHR paging by default, no configuration is needed. [#2733]( [Philip Arndt](
* Limited the jquery-ui assets loaded in the backend to the ones we use in the core. [#2735]( [Philip Arndt](
* Moved the tabs to the left hand side of the screen. [#2734]( [Isaac Freeman]( & [Philip Arndt]( & [Brice Sanchez](
* Add extra fields partial in Admin Pages form advanced options [#2943]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Remove required_label formhelper. [#2954]( [Johan Bruning](
* Added ability to create page part title different form slug. [#2875]( [Brice Sanchez]( & [Philip Arndt]( & [Josef Šimánek](
* Deprecated `part_with_title` method in `Refinery#Page` and `title_matches?` method in `Refinery#PagePart`. [#2875]( [Brice Sanchez]( & [Philip Arndt]( & [Josef Šimánek](
* Added ability to customize and translate filename. [#2966]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Added ability to translate images title and alt attributes. [#2965]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Decouple Refinery CMS from Devise. [#2940]( [Philip Arndt](
* Refinery CMS Core now requires Rails >= 4.2.3. [#3034]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Deprecated `selected_item_or_descendant_item_selected?` method in `Refinery::Pages::MenuPresenter`. [#3038]( [Brice Sanchez](
* Added plugin ordering set by config option. [#3053]( [Graham Wagener]( & [Philip Arndt](
* Update and Decouple Refinery CMS from forms generator engine. [42e253d05dc8b8a33beb1c6b25892d7646583573]( [CJBrew]( & [Philip Arndt](

* [See full list](

## 2.1.4 [28 October 2014]

* Changed Dragonfly to load before `:build_middleware_stack` instead of after `:load_config_initializers`. [#2721]( [Thilo-Alexander Ginkel](

* [See full list](

## 2.1.3 [5 September 2014]

* Fixed an issue where the seeds in a generated form extension weren't idempotent. [#2674]( [Philip Arndt](

* [See full list](

## 2.1.2 [14 March 2014]

* Fixed bug where `load_valid_templates` wasn't called for create action and caused an exception when creating a new page and saving it with a blank title. [#2517]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed bug where adding a link for a translated page via wymeditor it wasn't localised. Also updated the regex for `switch_locale` to match hyphenated language code, e.g. zh-CN or pt-BR. [#2533]( [Daniel Brooker](
* [See full list](

## 2.1.1 [26 November 2013]

* Fixed menu reordering bug when `Refinery::Core.backend_route` was set to something different than `refinery`. [#2368]( [xyz](
* Fixed bug in serializelist.js where we were iterating through object fields instead of the array elements. [#2360]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Bumped `selenium-webdriver` gem dependency version to `~> 2.34.0`.
* Fixed bug which occurred when trying to save a child page with no default translation. [#2379]( [Jess Brown]( & [Uģis Ozols](
* Upgraded Globalize dependency to `~> 3.0.1`. [#2462]( [Chris Salzberg](
* [See full list](

## 2.1.0 [5 August 2013]

* Require at least Ruby 1.9.3 and thus drop Ruby 1.8.x support. [#2277]( [Uģis Ozols]( & [Philip Arndt](
* Removed `:before_javascript_libraries`, `:after_javascript_libraries`, and `:javascript_libraries` content blocks. [#1842]( [Rob Yurkowski](
* Refactored WYSIWYG fields into a partial. [#1796]( [Rob Yurkowski](
* Shortened all authentication helpers. [#1719]( [Ryan Bigg](
* Added canonical page id to body to allow CSS selectors to target specific pages instead of including special CSS files. [#1700]( & [#1828]( [Philip Arndt]( & [Graham Wagener](
* Improved search functionality by adding cancel search link next to search input, made results_for entry nicer by adding some html to it. [#1922]( [Marek](
* Added search functionality to users extension. [#1922]( [Marek](
* Extracted locale picker code into separate partial. [#1936]( [Marek](
* Removed upgrade messages for IE. [#1940]( [Philip Arndt](
* Added template whitelist for page tabs. [#1943]( [Johan](
* Removed DD_belatedPNG since we dropped IE6 support a while ago. (
* Dropped coffee-rails dependency. [#1975]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Added Portuguese translations. [#2007]( [David Silva](
* Added Hungarian translations. [#2010]( [minktom](
* Extracted search header logic into partial. [#1974]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Images can only be updated when the image being uploaded has the same filename as the original image. [#1866]( [Philip Arndt]( & [Uģis Ozols](
* Rack::Cache should be a soft dependency per rails/rails#7838. Fixes Dragonfly caching when Rack::Cache is present. [#1736]( [Alexander Wenzowski](
* Made `refinerycms-i18n` hard dependency for `refinerycms-core`. This allowed to remove all `Refinery.i18n_enabled?` checks. [#2025]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed issue with `view_template_whitelist` config option when array of symbols was used. [#2030]( [A.S. Lomoff](
* Removed `source` from block_tags and made it so `wymeditor_whiltelist_tags` don't get added to block_tags. [#2029]( [Sergio Cambra](
* Removed Array inheritance from `Refinery::Plugins` and included Enumerable module instead. [#2035]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Refactored `Refinery::Page#url` and friends. [#2031]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Removed `store_current_location!` because it was polluting all controllers with Refinery specific instance variable `@page`. [#2032]( [Philip Arndt]( & [Amrit Ayalur](
* Removed `meta_keywords` since seo_meta removed keyword support in version 1.4.0. [#2052](, [#2053]( [Jean-Philippe Doyle]( & [Uģis Ozols](
* Changed WYMeditor.REL from `rel` to `data-rel`. [#2019]( [Amrit Ayalur](
* Added config option to hide page title in page body. [#2067]( [Andrew Hooker](
* Added `Refinery::Core.backend_route` config which allows to set backend route to something different than `/refinery`. [#2050]( [Josef Šimánek](
* Fixed issue with page part reordering for new pages. [#2063]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed bug in regex which was wrapping `config.action_mailer` settings in if clause. [#2055]( [Uģis Ozols]( & [Philip Arndt](
* Renamed `force_ssl?` to `force_ssl!` and `refinery_user_required?` to `require_refinery_users!` and moved these methods to `Admin::BaseController`. [#2076]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed issue with page tree not updating after page position update. [#1985]( [Philip Arndt](
* Replaced menu partials with `MenuPresenter`. [#2068](, [#2069]( [Philip Arndt](
* Set `Refinery::Core.authenticity_token_on_frontend` to `false` by default. [Philip Arndt](
* Refactored many internals of pages to centralize page cache expiration. [#2083]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed page saving bug when default locale was set to something different than `en` or when it was changed after creating some pages. [#2088]( [Philip Arndt](
* Moved page preview functionality to its own controller and made it so that you need to be logged in to use it. [#2089]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed issue which allowed identical slugs to exist after page reordering. [#2092]( [Philip Arndt](
* Gave crudify's actions the ability to redirect to a particular page of results when `params[:page]` is supplied to the action. [#1861]( [Philip Arndt](
* ActsAsIndexed is no longer a required dependency. Integration is achieved by [refinerycms-acts-as-indexed]( instead. [#2162]( [Philip Arndt](
* Added Turkish translation [88f37f2a70c]( and [c42a909eafa]( [Aslan Gultekin](
* Allow user-defined geometries in `image#thumbnail_dimensions`. [#2214]( [Javier Saldana](
* Added Ukrainian translation. [#2259]( [Tima Maslyuchenko](
* Fixed custom page view template preview. [#2219]( [Jean-Philippe Doyle](
* Fixed duplicate page part title validation. [#2282]( [David Jones](
* Fixed nil page bug when `marketable_urls` where set to false and only `path` was passed to `find_by_path_or_id`. [#2278]( [René Cienfuegos]( & [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed bug where user plugin order was reset each time user was updated. [#2281]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Replaced Image#thumbnail geometry parameter with an options hash to support a strip option for reducing thumbnail file size. [#2261]( [Graham Wagener](
* Added ability to turn off page slug scoping. [#2286]( [Matt Olson](
* Made Crudify's `xhr_paging` option working again. [#2296]( [Chris Irish](
* Added draft page support when displaying the home page. [#2298]( [Philip Arndt](
* Removed `Refinery::WINDOWS` constant. [Philip Arndt](
* Removed `jquery.corner` library and invocations. [#2328]( [Philip Arndt](
* Removed `Refinery::Pages.view_template_whitelist` and `Refinery::Pages.use_view_templates` configuration options and enabled setting per page view template to be active by default. [#2331]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed markup corruption in WYMeditor when using `span` with `style` attribute. [#2350]( [wuboy](
* Require jquery-rails ~> 2.3.0. [Francois Harbec]( and [Sergio Cambra](
* Unlocked `truncate_html` from 0.5.x as we no longer support Ruby 1.8.x. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## 2.0.11 [unreleased]

* Fixed issue where a superfluous `</div>` would be inserted when using `rails g refinery:engine` for WYSIWYG fields. [#2236]( [Philip Arndt]( and [Rob Yurkowski](
* [See full list](

## 2.0.10 [15 March 2013]

* Blocked past insecure Rails versions. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed problems with editing pages in different locales. [Philip Arndt](
* Locked `truncate_html` to 0.5.x to ensure Ruby 1.8.x compatibility. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## 2.0.9 [21 November 2012]

* Allowed extra parameters to be passed when creating image. [#1914]( [tbuyle](
* Added usage instructions to refinerycms executable. [#1931]( [Uģis Ozols]( & [Philip Arndt](
* Disabled page caching when logged in to prevent caching the sitebar. [#1609]( [Johan Frolich](
* Fixed problems with `refinery:engine` generator and namespacing. [#1888]( [David J. Brenes](
* Fixed extension/form generator issue when using --pretend option. [#1916]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed new resource insertion in custom extensions which use resource picker. [#1948]( [Marek](
* Fixed _save and continue_ and _preview_ functionality in pages extension when title was changed. [#1944]( [tsemana](
* Fixed html stripping bug when editing pages. [#1891]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed pagination in existing image/resource partial after uploading new image/resource. [#1970]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Added check to extension generator which checks if extension specified by --extension option actually exist. [#1967]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Removed everything that was related to `Refinery::Page#invalidate_cached_urls` because it was redundant and there already is a code that takes care of deleting cache. [#1998]( [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## 2.0.8 [17 August 2012]

* Fixes installs broken by the release of jquery-rails 2.1.0 by requiring ~> 2.0.0. [Rob Yurkowski](
* [See full list](

## 2.0.7 [16 August 2012]

* Fixed a bug with nested reordering that would shuffle any set with 11 or more entities. [#1882]( [Rob Yurkowski](

## 2.0.6 [6 August 2012]

* Added Refinery::Page#canonical_slug to allow us to retrieve a consistent slug across multiple translations of a page. Useful for CSS selectors. [#1457]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed bug with 404 page not honoring custom view/layout template. [#1746]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Renamed all templates in generators which contained erb to \*.rb.erb. [#1750]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed page reorder issue on Ruby 1.8.x. [#1585]( [Uģis Ozols]( & [Philip Arndt](
* Allowed to override presenters using `rake refinery:override`. [#1790]( [Kevin Bullock](
* Fixed issue with saving settings in generated form extension by completely rewriting settings controller. [#1817]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Removed Refinery::Page#title_with_meta in favour of view helpers. [#1847]( [Philip Arndt](

## 2.0.5 [11 June 2012]

* Now extension/form generators will add all attributes to attr_accessible. [#1613]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed a bug where `refinerycms-images` was trying to load `refinerycms-resources`. [#1651]( [Philip Arndt](
* Use new page part names (:body, :side_body) when generating extensions. [Uģis Ozols](
* Now extension generator will merge two seeds file in case user generates multiple resources for one extension. [#1532]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fix refinery:override bug where it won't match js files with more than one extension. [#1685]( [Uģis Ozols]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Now `refinerycms-images` and `refinerycms-resources` will inherit the s3_region configuration from `refinerycms-core`. [#1687]( [Julien Palmas](
* Fixed dashboard bug where it wasn't producing proper links for nested pages. [#1696]( [Philip Arndt](
* Match only &dialog, ?dialog, &width, ?width, &height and ?height in dialog querystrings. [#1397]( [Philip Arndt](
* Added multiple language support (specified by `Refinery::I18n.frontend_locales`) in `Refinery::Page` seeds file. [#1694]( [Ole Reifschneider](
* Added `Refinery::Page#canonical` support which allows multiple translations to have one canonical version. [Philip Arndt](
* Usernames are validated case insensitively to ensure true uniqueness. [#1703]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed bug with template selector for page where it would always default to parents template. [#1710]( [Glenn Hoppe](
* Fixed and added tests for post-authentication redirect bug where a user would always be redirected to the admin root after successful auth. [#1561]( [Alexander Wenzowski](
* Added session key check for unscoped `return_to` variable so that the key set by `Refinery::Admin::BaseController#store_location?` is respected after successful auth. [#1728]( [Alexander Wenzowski](
* Fixed bug where flag icons in page listing couldn't be clicked due to expand/collapse event preventing it. [#1741]( [Uģis Ozols](

## 2.0.4 [14 May 2012]

* IMPORTANT: Fixed a security issue whereby the user could bypass some access restrictions in the backend. [#1636]( [Rob Yurkowski]( and [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed stack level too deep error in Refinery::Menu#inspect. [#1551]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed spec fails for newly generated engines and bumped gem versions in generated Gemfile. [#1553]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed dialog opening issue when Refinery was mounted at different path than /. [#1555]( [Uģis Ozols](
* Added ability to specify site name in I18n locales too. [#1576]( [Philip Arndt](
* If parent page has custom view/layout template specified set this template as selected when editing sub page. [#1581]( [xyz](
* Fixed page ambiguity for different pages with the same slug in find_by_path. [#1586]( [Nicholas Schultz-Møller](
* Added Refinery::Core.force_ssl config option. [#1540]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed bugs with page sweeper. [#1615]( [f3ng3r](
* Fixed image toggler show/hide bug. [#1587]( [Gabriel Paladino]( & [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed site bar caching bug when `cache_pages_full` is enabled and user is logged in. [#1609]( [TheMaster](
* Made sure plugin params are set before checking exclusion, and removed unused variable. [#1602]( [Rob Yurkowski](
* Fixed link addition bug in the backend when switching locale. [#1583]( [Vít Krchov](
* Fixed bug with invalidating cached urls for all frontend locales. [#1479](, [#1534]( [Vít Krchov](, [Rob Yurkowski]( & [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed image picker bug in Firefox 11 where content of the page was blank until you move the popup. [#1637]( [Nelly Natalí](
* Modified `Refinery.route_for_model` to fix a bug with the refinerycms-search plugin. [#1661]( [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed engine generator for when you don't have a title field. [#1619]( [Jean-Philippe Boily](
* Fixed `content_fu`. [#1628]( [Philip Arndt](
* Added Russian translations for the preview button. [Vasiliy Ermolovich](
* Manually loaded translations associations to avoid N+1 queries in the pages backend. [#1633]( [thedarkone](

## 2.0.3 [2 April 2012]

* Fixed missing authentication initializer. [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed Heroku and sqlite3 related errors. [Philip Arndt](
* Replaced label_tag with label in pages advanced options form. [Johannes Edelstam](
* Added missing `refinerycms-settings` require in generated refinery form extension. [Philip Arndt](
* Added JS runtime check in templates. [Philip Arndt]( & [Josef Šimánek](
* Fixed user role assignment issue. [Uģis Ozols](
* Added image type whitelisting configuration option. [Rob Yurkowski](
* Removed global hash of menu instances. [Pete Higgins](
* Fixed save & continue issue. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed issue with Heroku option for CMS generator. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed asset compilation in production mode. [Philip Arndt](
* Add label style for admin Page tree [Nic Aitch](
* Fixed page part hiding [Rob Yurkowski](
* Fixed missing page part CSS classes (i.e. `no_side_body`) [Rob Yurkowski](
* Deprecated `body_content_left` and `body_content_right` [Rob Yurkowski](
* Reorganizes documentation [Rob Yurkowski](

## 2.0.2 [15 March 2012]

* Removed dependencies from refinerycms-testing that were just opinions and not necessary. [Pete Higgins](
* Fixed missing `Refinery::PagePart` positions in seeds. [Mark Stuart](
* Fixed issue with Rakefile template that gets generated into extensions. [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed issue where new page parts could not be added to a page. [Uģis Ozols](
* Added missing initializer for the Authentication extension. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## 2.0.1 [6 March 2012]

* Updated `plugin.url` code to support Rails 3.2.2. [Philip Arndt](
* Added guard-spork '0.5.2' dependency to refinerycms-testing. [Joe Sak](
* Added support for '.' in usernames. [Philip Arndt](
* Now includes application.js by default. [Nick Romanowski](
* [See full list](

## 2.0.0 [29 February 2012]

* Remove jquery_include_tags helper in favor of using jquery from jquery-rails gem. [Uģis Ozols](
* Finally removed `Page#[]` in favour of `Page#content_for` so instead of `@page[:body]` it's `@page.content_for(:body)`. [Philip Arndt](
* Moved everything under Refinery namespace. [wakeless](
* Renamed `RefinerySetting` to `Refinery::Setting`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added `rails g refinery:form` generator for form textensions. [Philip Arndt](
* Moved `/shared/*` to `/refinery/*` instead, including `/shared/admin/*` to `/refinery/admin/*` as it makes more sense. [Philip Arndt](
* `vendor/engines` is now `vendor/extensions`. [Philip Arndt](
* Extensions are now generated with testing support built in via a dummy refinery installation. [Jamie Winsor](
* Refinery is now mountable at a custom path. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list]( if you dare.
* [See explanation of changes](

## 1.0.9 [5 November 2011]

* `guard` testing strategy ported from edge for testing refinery from its own directory without a dummy app. [Jamie Winsor]( & [Joe Sak](
* WYMEditor bug fixes [Nic Haynes](
* Bulgarian translations added. [Miroslav Rachev](
* Fixed --heroku command. [Garrett Heinlen](
* Refactored plugins code to add Ruby 1.9.3 support. [Amanda Wagener](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.8 [1 September 2011]

* `refinerycms-core` now depends on rails so that users of 1.0.x can be confident of the entire stack being present as before. [Philip Arndt](
* No longer requiring autotest as a dependency of `refinerycms-testing`. [Philip Arndt](
* Improved 'wrong rails version' error message on install with a more helpful guide on how to specify a rails version. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.7 [31 August 2011]

* No change, just fixing corruption in the 1.0.6 gem caused by Syck. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.6 [31 August 2011]

* Added support for Devise `~> 1.4.3`. [Philip Arndt](
* Removed dependency on Rails but added dependencies to its components, like activerecord, where they are used. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.5 [31 August 2011]

* jQuery UI updated to `1.8.15` from `1.8.9`. [Uģis Ozols](
* Removed Duostack hosting option from the installer because the platform isn't online anymore. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed non raw output into noscript section of the backend. [Philip Arndt](
* `will_paginate` updated to `~> 3.0.0` now that it has gone final. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.4 [11 August 2011]

* Added support for figuring out dimensions in resized images to `image_fu`. [Philip Arndt]( and [Joe Sak](
* Fixed issues installing Refinery due to lack of permissions to the gem directories. [Philip Arndt](
* Added ability to specify a different database host in the `bin/refinerycms` installer. [Philip Arndt](
* Lock `will_paginate` to `3.0.pre2` in core gemspec. [Kris Forbes]( and [Uģis Ozols](
* Patch required_label helper so it would pick up I18n model attribute translations. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.3 [23 June 2011]

* Fixes corruption in the 1.0.2 gem. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.2 [23 June 2011]

* Ensure that `refinerycms-testing` is not enabled by default when installing an application. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.1 [21 June 2011]

* Added `-t` / `--testing` option to `bin/refinerycms` which adds `refinerycms-testing` support by default when installing. [Philip Arndt](
* Set rails dependency to `~> 3.0.9`. [Philip Arndt](
* Re-enabled the magic `s3_backend` setting controlled by `ENV` variables. [Philip Arndt](
* `bin/refinerycms` installer now generates rails using `bundle exec` so that you can have multiple Rails versions installed and they won't clash. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed problems with `rcov` and `simplecov` in Ruby 1.9.2. [Joe Sak](
* Make the catch-all pages route for marketable URLs be controlled by the configuration switch. [Kyle Wilkinson](
* [See full list](

## 1.0.0 [28 May 2011]

* New `::Refinery::Menu` API implemented which speeds up menu generation by many times. [Philip Arndt](
* Removed caching from menu because it's so much faster now. Probably in future it will be added to `::Refinery::Menu` itself in a transparent manner. [Philip Arndt](
* Deprecated `Page#[]` in favour of `Page#content_for` e.g. instead of `@page[:body]` use `@page.content_for(:body)`. [Philip Arndt](
* Noisily deprecated many other features that still function in 1.0.0 but won't be present in 1.1.0. [Philip Arndt](
* A hidden page can no longer mark the ancestor pages as selected in the menu. [Philip Arndt](
* Rcov added to `refinerycms-testing` gem. [Rodrigo Dominguez](
* [See full list](

## [22 May 2011]

* Fixed issue introduced with `rake 0.9.0`. [Philip Arndt](
* Improved menu performance again including update to `awesome_nested_set 2.0`. [Philip Arndt]( and [Mark Haylock](
* Supporting the new Google Analytics 'site speed' feature. [David Jones](
* Implemented `:translator` role which allows a particular user access only to translate pages. [Philip Arndt](
* Added support for `Dragonfly 0.9.0` which uses the 'fog' gem. [Jesper Hvirring Henriksen](
* Updated all `refinery/admin.js` functions to make use of 'initialised'. [Mark Haylock](
* Using SEO form from `seo_meta` inside pages' advanced options rather than having it duplicated in the Refinery CMS codebase too. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## [03 May 2011]

* Fixed issue with MySQL2 gem complaining about us being on Rails 3 by specifying `'~> 0.2.7'` in the Gemfile of a generated application. [Philip Arndt](
* `/registrations` is now `/users`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added Finnish translation. [Veeti Paananen](
* Allowed `data` and `data-` attributes in WYMeditor tags using HTML view. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [28 April 2011]

* Improved performance of the menu rendering. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed UI to allow for how different languages display on the login screen. [Marian André](
* Vastly improved specs & spec coverage. [Uģis Ozols](
* Upgraded to `jQuery 1.5.2` and `Dragonfly 0.8.4`. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [22 April 2011]

* Removed `rdoc` dependency. [Philip Arndt](
* Migrate to stable Rails 3.0.7. [Josef Šimánek](
* Use `let()` in rspec specs. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## [16 April 2011]

* Fixed a backward incompatibility. [Josef Šimánek](
* Reduced calls to `SHOW TABLES` by updating `friendly_id_globalize3`. [Philip Arndt](
* Switched `/shared/_menu.html.erb` and `/shared/_menu_branch.html.erb` away from `render :partial` with `:collection`, speeding up menu 12~15%. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed Refinery.root, Fixed generator templates, Added refinerycms-i18n generator to refinerycms generator if i18n is included. [Mark Haylock](
* Bumped Rails dependency to `~> 3.0.7.rc2`. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [15 April 2011]

* Mass assignment protection implemented. [Andreas König](
* Removed deprecated code to prepare for `1.0.0`. [Uģis Ozols](
* Added `Strip Non Ascii` preference to `has_friendly_id`. [Marc Argent](
* Bumped Rails dependency to `~> 3.0.7.rc1`. [Philip Arndt](
* Better support for models in modules for uncrudify. [Josef Šimánek](
* [See full list](

## [7 April 2011]

* Improved resource picker. [Will Marshall](
* Improved robustness of `Page#expire_page_caching` for both `ActiveSupport::Cache::FileStore` and `ActiveSupport::Cache::MemoryStore`. [Jeff Hall](
* Optimised index sizes on MySQL. [Ruslan Doroshenko](
* Changed default cache store to `:memory_store`. [Philip Arndt](
* `rake db:migrate` and `rake db:rollback` now works consistently when migrations from other engines are in the mix. [Vaughn Draughon](
* Re-enable cache when logged in, this avoids slowdown of site when admin logged in. [Mark Haylock](
* [See full list](

## [1 April 2011]

* Fixed asset caching of files in `public/stylesheets/`. [Sergio Cambra](
* All dependencies now have an absolute version dependency (e.g. '=' rather than '~>') to prevent Refinery auto-updating. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [31 March 2011]

* Added `refinery.before_inclusion` for running extra functionality just before Refinery attaches to Rails. [Philip Arndt](
* Renamed `refinery.after_inclusion` to `refinery.after_inclusion` to match `refinery.before_inclusion`. [Philip Arndt](
* Moved meta tag responsibility to `seo_meta` library. [Philip Arndt](
* Added HTML5 tag support to WYMeditor. [Philip Arndt]( and [Nick Hammond](
* [See full list](

## [28 March 2011]

* Forcing password reset when migrating from older versions of Devise (sigh). [Philip Arndt](
* Updated to `refinerycms-i18n` - please run `rails generate refinerycms_i18n`. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [27 March 2011]

* Removed `password_salt` field from users table and comment out `config.encryptor` in `config/initializers/devise.rb` to handle update to devise 1.2.0. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## [24 March 2011]

* Translated WYMeditor texts to Japanese. [Hiro Asari](
* Supporting `cucumber-rails 0.4.0`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added an option to link in the `page_title` enabling easier breadcrumbs. [Sergio Cambra](
* Fixed support for `asset_file_path` in upcoming Rails 3.1. [Philip Arndt](
* Updated copyright notice to include the current year. [David Jones](
* Fixed site bar switch link. [Philip Arndt](
* Added support for translating Javascript strings. [Philip Arndt](
* Added `refinery.on_attach` for running extra functionality just after Refinery attaches to Rails. Functions similarly to `config.to_prepare`. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [17 March 2011]

* Excluded caching option for menus when logged in. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed site bar translation logic. [Philip Arndt](
* Removed `config/settings.rb` file. [Philip Arndt](
* Added a default `features/support/paths.rb` file in the `Rails.root` for your paths. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [15 March 2011]

* Added Japanese translation. [Hiro Asari](
* Improved menu rendering performance. [Philip Arndt](
* Added caching to site menu and pages backend (DISABLED by default). [Philip Arndt](
* Added `Page#by_title` to filter pages results by title using `Page::Translation`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added migration to remove already translated fields from the pages table. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [11 March 2011]

* Fixed several user interface bugs reported by Patrick Morrow. [Philip Arndt](
* Looser dependency on `moretea-awesome_nested_set` (now `~> 1.4`). [Philip Arndt](
* Corrected `ajax-loader.gif` path. [Maurizio](
* [See full list](

## [10 March 2011]

* Added `:per_page` option to `crudify` for overriding the number of items to display per page with will_paginate. [Josef Šimánek](
* Deprecated `rake refinery:update` in favour of rails `generate refinerycms --update`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added `--skip-db` option to `bin/refinerycms` installer which doesn't automate any database creation/migration and skips the `rails generate refinerycms` generator. [Philip Arndt](https:/
* Exchanged (help) links for the information.png 'refinery icon'. This will happen automatically if you used `refinery_help_tag`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added `xhr_paging` as an option in crudify which handles the server-side usage of the HTML5 History API. [Philip Arndt](
* Looser Bundler dependency (now `~> 1.0`). [Terence Lee](
* [See full list](

## [7 March 2011]

* Fixed an issue that caused the installer to fail on some systems. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [7 March 2011]

* Added `<div class='inner'>` to `_content_page` for better control over CSS for each section. Please see [086abfcae2c83330346e28d1e40004cff8a27720]( for what changed if this affects you. [Stefan Mielke](
* Menu performance improvements. [David Reese](
* Removed `--update` from `bin/refinerycms` because it's no longer relevant. [Philip Arndt](
* Added support for --ident in the installation task which uses ident authentication at the database level by commenting out the username and password credentials. [Philip Arndt](
* Changed the default `cache_store` to `:file_store` for better thread safety with passenger. [Philip Arndt](
* WYMeditor Internet Explorer improvements. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [24 February 2011]

* Added `doc/guides` for textile based guides that power [the guides at]( [Steven Heidel]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Allowed multiple resource pickers on one form. [Phil Spitler](
* Solved YAML parsing issues introduced by change to Psych. [Aaron Patterson]( and [Uģis Ozols](
* Updated page to use a localized cache key if frontend translations are enabled. [Bryan Mahoney](
* Upgraded modernizr to version 1.7. [Jon Roberts](
* Fixed an issue with the 'add page parts' functionality inserting new parts in the wrong place. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [17 February 2011]

* Fixed faulty require statement that tried to load rack/cache before dragonfly. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [17 February 2011]

* Removed `activesupport` requirement from `bin/refinerycms`. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed an issue in some browsers with a particular jQuery selector. [Philip Arndt](
* Modified some existing migrations to behave better when creating new applications. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed `-u` and `-p` support for `bin/refinerycms`. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [15 February 2011]

* Fixed Firefox issue with WYMeditor. [Amanda Wagener](https:/
* Gracefully exit `bin/refinerycms` on error. [Alexandre Girard]( and [Brian Stevens]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Added basic single table inheritance support to crudify. [Ken Nordquist](
* Removed most of the specific `--update` logic in `bin/refinerycms`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added `refinerycms-testing` engine which reduces the main Gemfile complexity. [Philip Arndt](
* Split the project into 10 separately released gems that include their own dependencies. [Philip Arndt](
* New Vietnamese translation files added. [Alex Nguyen]( and Stefan N and Mario Nguyen
* Improved JRuby support as well as the way that commands run in any ruby implementation. [Hiro Asari](
* [See full list](

## 0.9.9 [27 January 2011]

* Better, more semantic HTML5. [Joe Sak](
* Added `role` selection for `admin/users#edit`. [Hez Ronningen](
* Fixed WYMeditor bug regarding adding links, helped with persistent testing by [Marko Hriberšek]( [Philip Arndt](
* Better `RSpec` coverage [Joe Sak]( and [Philip Arndt]( and [Uģis Ozols]( and [PeRo ICT Solutions](
* Superusers now get access to all backend tabs by default. [Philip Arndt](
* Introduced LOLcat translation (yes, seriously) as an easter egg. [Steven Heidel](
* Fixed several missing translations. [Johan Bruning](
* Solved several i18n inconsistencies. [Jonas Hartmann](
* Made `UserPlugin` dependent on `User` which solves a data redundancy proble.m [Maarten Hoogendoorn](
* Fixed issue with finding where engines are located on the disk using `Plugin::pathname`. [Lele](
* Add `rescue_not_found` option to turn on/off 404 rendering. [Ryan Bigg](
* Full review of the French translations. [Jérémie Horhant](
* Now using `mail()` to send emails. [J. Edward Dewyea](
* Refactored backend HTML & CSS, reduced complexity and added a loading animation when you click Save on forms. [Philip Arndt](
* Improved the speed of the menu especially related to scaling through reusing collections rather then revisiting the database. [Amanda Wagener](
* Implemented an API for the `pages` form's tabs. [David Jones](
* Use the rails naming convention for translations that contain html markup. Escaping translations not marked as `html_safe` in the `refinery_help_tag` helper. [Jérémie Horhant](
* Full review of the Italian translations. [Mirco Veltri](
* Deprecated `/admin` in favour of `/refinery` and put in a message to display to the user when they use it. [Philip Arndt](
* Full review of the Russian translations as well as work with articles / genders in grammar. [Semyon Perepelitsa](
* Full review of routes and the Latvian translations. [Uģis Ozols](
* Implemented better support for `rails.js`, using standard `:method` and `:confirm` `link_to` options. [Semyon Perepelitsa](
* Locked jQuery to 1.4.2 and jQuery UI to 1.8.5, fixed errors with dialogues and tested. [Philip Arndt]( and [Phillip Miller]( and [Sam Beam](
* Added multiple file upload for images and resources using HTML5. [Philip Arndt](
* Deprecated `content_for :head` in favour of `content_for :meta`, `content_for :stylesheets` and `content_for :javascripts`. [Philip Arndt](
* Improved client-side responsiveness of backend and frontend. [Philip Arndt](
* No more RMagick dependency [Philip Arndt](
* Added `rake refinery:override stylesheet=somefile` and `rake refinery:override javascript=somefile` commands to override stylesheets and javascripts. [Oliver Ponder](
* Restructed the project to remove `vendor/refinerycms` and put all engines in the application root. [Kamil K. Lemański](
* Force no resource caching on non-writable file systems (like Heroku). [Philip Arndt](
* Refinery can now attach itself to a Rails application simply by including the refinerycms gem in the `Gemfile`. [Philip Arndt](
* Added core support for `globalize3` so that pages can be translated into multiple languages. [Philip Arndt]( and [Maarten Hoogendoorn](
* Refactored `group_by_date` into a helper method which is called in the view layer and not in the controller because it is entirely presentation. [Philip Arndt](
* Applied HTML5 history pagination to all core engines. [Philip Arndt](
* Converted translate calls to use `:scope`. [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed issues where errors would only show up in English for some models and updated Russian translations. [Semyon Perepelitsa](
* Converted to devise for authentication, requiring password resets. [Philip Arndt]( and [Uģis Ozols](
* Sped up WYMeditor load times. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed several issues for Internet Explorer. [Josef Šimánek](
* Added installation option for [Duostack]( hosting service. [Philip Arndt]( and [David E. Chen](
* [See full list](

## [21 December 2010]

* Fixed error in the inquiries engine seeds. [Philip Arndt](
* Separate each error message into its own `<li>`. [Uģis Ozols](
* Add `rescue_not_found` option to turn on/off 404 rendering. [Ryan Bigg](
* Add `:from` key to `UserMailer` for password reset. [Earle Clubb](
* [See full list](

## [16 December 2010]

* Prevented ::Refinery::Setting from accessing its database table before it is created. [Philip Arndt](
* Added more options to `bin/refinerycms` like ability to specify database username and password. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [15 December 2010]

* Fixed a problem with migration number clashes. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed problems with `db:migrate` for a new app on Postgres. [Jacob Buys](
* Back-ported the changes made to the images dialogue which speed it up significantly. [Philip Arndt](
* Sort file names in the `refinery_engine` generator so attribute types don't get changed before `_form.html.erb` generation. [Phil Spitler](
* Added `approximate_ascii` setting, defaulted to true, for pages so that characters won't appear strangely in the address bar of some web browsers. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## [3 December 2010]

* Backported lots of functionality from 0.9.9 and later like:
* Fixed reordering for trees and non-trees [Philip Arndt](
* Better `RSpec` coverage [Joe Sak]( and [Philip Arndt]( and [Uģis Ozols]( and [PeRo ICT Solutions](
* Fixed issue with finding where engines are located on the disk using `Plugin::pathname`. [Lele](
* Improved the speed of the menu especially related to scaling through reusing collections rather then revisiting the database. [Amanda Wagener](
* No more RMagick dependency [Philip Arndt](
* Added helper methods to expose some of the options in crud. [David Jones](
* [See full list](

## [21 September 2010](

* Fixed an issue with the engine generator that was putting a comma in the wrong place breaking the call to `crudify`. [Maarten Hoogendoorn](
* Made the delete messages consistent. [Uģis Ozols](
* `zh-CN` was overriding en locale in core locale file, fixed. [Philip Arndt](
* Changed verbiage from created to added, create to add as it describes it better for things like images. [Philip Arndt](
* `image_fu` no longer gives you the width and height of the image due to performance problems. [Philip Arndt]( and [David Jones](
* Implemented a standardised API for the engine generator. The core now includes a standard engine install generator. Engines generate a readme file explaining how to build an engine as a gem. [David Jones](
* [See full list](

## [17 September 2010]

* Recursive deletion of page parts. [primerano](
* Move around the default pages. [Philip Arndt](
* Extraction of windows check to `Refinery::WINDOWS`. [Steven Heidel](
* Updated the changelog for several previous releases. [Steven Heidel](
* Made the menu more flexible so that it can be used in many places in your layout without caching over the top of itself. [Philip Arndt](
* Added search feature to Refinery Settings. [Matt McMahand](
* Ensure that in `crudify` that we use `:per_page` properly for `will_paginate`. [Philip Arndt](
* Reduce the number of routes that we respond to in the `pages` engine as they were unused. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed a case where page links weren't generating properly when inside an engine such as the news engine which made use of `params[:id]`. Took a lot of perserverance on the part of Hez - thank you very much Hez! [Hez Ronningen]( and [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [14 September 2010]

* German translation improvements. [Andre Lohan](
* Fix bug with `bin/refinerycms` and windows commands. [Philip Arndt](
* DRY up `crudify` and also switch to ARel. [Philip Arndt](
* Several fixes to make things much easier on windows. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [13 September 2010]

* Update `` [David Jones](
* Speed improvements to menu with nested_set. [Maarten Hoogendoorn](
* More speed improvements by optimising slugs. [Philip Arndt](
* Fix `-h` flag on `bin/refinerycms` to display the help. [Steven Heidel](
* [See full list](

## [9 September 2010]

* Convert to `awesome_nested_set`. [Maarten Hoogendoorn]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Allow passing `-g` to the bin task for extra gems. [Tomás Senart](
* Update documentation for engines, not plugins. [David Jones](
* Several more documentation fixes. [Steven Heidel](
* Better use of dragonfly resizing. [Philip Arndt](
* Partial Latvian translation. [Uģis Ozols](
* Review Portugese translation. [Kivanio Barbosa](
* Bugfix with wymeditor in the engine generator. [Karmen Blake](
* Split `application_helper` into smaller, more usable files. [Philip Arndt](
* Move features and specs to each engine directory. [Philip Arndt](
* Bugfixes to ensure that reordering works under `awesome_nested_set`. [Maarten Hoogendoorn]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Update engines to not have a special :require in the Gemfile. [Johan Bruning](
* Make cache sweepers work. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## 0.9.8 [30 August 2010]

* Rails 3 support!
  * [Philip Arndt](
  * [Alex Coles](
  * [Steven Heidel](
  * [David Jones](
  * [Uģis Ozols](
  * [Maarten Hoogendoorn](
* [See our blog post](
* [See full list](

## [23 August 2010]

* Russian language support (RU). [Sun](
* We <3 HTML5 (better supported HTML5 semantics) [Joe Sak]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed issue with Refinery's 404 page. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed recent inquiries display on dashboard when HTML present. [Steven Heidel](
* Better dutch (NL) translations. [Michael van Rooijen](
* Fixed for IE and added fixes to WYMeditor from the core project. [Philip Arndt](
* Added pagination for search results to the plugin generator. [Amanda Wagener](
* [See full list](

## [11 August 2010]

* Smoothed the sortable list in the admin UI. [Joe Sak](
* Binding link dialogue URL checker to paste action. [Joe Sak](
* Kill hidden overflow on dialogues for smaller browser windows. [Joe Sak]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Refactored the `parse_branch` method to speed up reordering on the server. [Joshua Davey](
* Running `refinerycms` with `-v` or `--version` will now output the version number. [Steven Heidel](
* Made the core codebase not rely so heavily on `@page[:body]` by adding `Page.default_parts` and using `.first` on that instead. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [07 August 2010]

* Removed `app/controllers/application.rb` due to its serious deprecation. Fixed deprecations in how we use acts_as_indexed. [Philip Arndt](
* Added passing cucumber features for search for: [Uģis Ozols](
  * Images
  * Files
  * Inquiries
  * Pages
* Moved HTML5 enabling script to a partial so that IE always runs it first. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed some invalid HTML. [Bo Frederiksen](
* Added Danish translation for WYMeditor. [Bo Frederiksen](
* Fixes for Tooltips [Philip Arndt](
  * Tooltips were not showing in dialogues, they now are.
  * Tooltips would not position properly above links, they now do.
  * The Tooltips' nibs (the arrow) would not sit properly centered above the element if the tooltip had to move for the browser window size, they now do.
* Lots of fixes for translations. [Uģis Ozols](
* Fix XSS vulnerability on page meta information by escaping the relevant fields properly [David Jones](
* Ensure that the generator script grabs the first attribute that is a string, not just the first attribute, when choosing the field for Dashboard activity. [Joe Sak](
* Updated `json-pure` to `1.4.5`, now using the actual gem [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [02 August 2010]

* Added options to site_bar partial to allow particular components to be disabled (CSS, JS, jQuery or cornering script) so that they don't interfere with these already being included in the theme. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed the schema file as it was invalid somehow. [Steven Heidel](
* Made search more consistent and added it to Spam/Ham. [Uģis Ozols](
* Fixed a bug with adding new resources. [Steven Heidel](
* Fixed a range of issues with translation keys and grammar between different languages. [Uģis Ozols](
* [See full list](

## [30 July 2010]

* Added a theme generator to create the basic file structure of a new theme. [David Jones]( and [Levi Cole](
* Renamed `script/generate refinery` to `script/generate refinery_plugin`. [David Jones](
* Add deprecation notice to `script/generate refinery`. [David Jones](
* Updated documentation to reflect new generator changes. [David Jones](
* Added tests for both plugin and theme generators. [David Jones]( and [Levi Cole](
* Refactored the `refinerycms` & `refinery-upgrade-097-to-097` tasks to make better use of Pathname. [Philip Arndt](
* Added more cucumber features and tagged existing ones. [Philip Arndt](, [James Fiderlick]( and [Steven Heidel](
* Removed mysterious `page_translations` table if you had it. [Philip Arndt](
* Added workaround for tests that involve dialogues. [Uģis Ozols](
* Added as default the ability for forms to know whether they are inside a modal / dialog. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [23 July 2010]

* Refactored Amazon S3 and gem installation to make it easier to install on Heroku. [Steven Heidel](
* Made project more testable. Renamed rake refinery:test_all to rake test:refinery [Philip Arndt](
* Documentation improved [David Jones](, [Philip Arndt]( and [Steven Heidel](
* Installed spork for use with systems that support forking for performance improvements. Doesn't run on Windows. [Philip Arndt]( and [James Fiderlick](
* Improvements and new translations for Norsk Bokmål localisation. [Ken Paulsen](
* Ensured that ::Refinery::Setting restrictions work properly using a before_save handler. [Joe Sak](
* Updated jquery-html5-placeholder-shim to latest version. [Amanda Wagener](
* [See full list](

## [20 July 2010]

* Fixed an issue in the plugin generator that saw locales being created with singular_name not the interpreted version. [Philip Arndt]( and [Joe Sak](
* Fixed an issue with non-MySQL databases. [Lee Irving](
* Refactored versioning and .gitignore file so that both are easier to follow and use. [Steven Heidel](
* Added rake refinery:test_all command to run all tests Refinery has. [Steven Heidel](
* Fixed deprecation warnings with translate rake tasks. [Steven Heidel](
* Bugfixes, some IE compatibility. [Philip Arndt](
* Fix syntax errors in existing resource dialog. [David Jones](
* Identified and fixed a positioning bug in dialogues [Joe Sak]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed issue that was causing Refinery to load in rake tasks twice if they lived under `"#{Rails.root}/vendor/plugins"`. [David Jones]( and [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [15 July 2010]

* Bugfixes, fixed some failing tests. [Philip Arndt](
* More pt-BR translation keys translated. [Kivanio Barbosa](
* Locked gems using `Gemfile.lock`. [David Jones](
* Changed 'refinery' task to 'refinerycms' as that is our gem's name. [Steven Heidel](
* Fixed bug where settings were still considered restricted if NULL. [Steven Heidel](
* Ensures that bundler is available before creating an application from a gem. [Philip Arndt](
* Application generator (from gem) and application upgrade bin task. (from 0.9.6) is now Ruby 1.9.2 compatible. [Philip Arndt](
* bin/refinery-upgrade-from-096-to-097 will no longer allow you to run it if Gemfile is present and thus signifying an upgraded app. [Philip Arndt](
* Cleaned up syntax, changed CSS involving dialogues. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [08 July 2010]

* Wrote an upgrade task for migrating from 0.9.6.x releases of Refinery CMS. Just run refinery-update-096-to-097 inside your application's directory. [Philip Arndt](
* Improved code used to include gem rake tasks and script/generate tasks into the Refinery application to fix issue with these tasks not being found. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed a broken migration that would mean pages were missing upon upgrading. [Jesper Hvirring Henriksen](
* More pt-BR translation keys translated. [Kivanio Barbosa](
* [See full list](

## [07 July 2010]

* Fixed critical issue in the i18n routing pattern that was matching prefixes like /news/ as a locale incorrectly. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [07 July 2010]

* Falls back to default locale when a translation key can not be located in the current locale, only in production mode. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed issue creating a Refinery site using bin/refinery where directory paths contained spaces. [Philip Arndt](
* Fixed issue when using script/generate refinery surrounding the migration incorrectly using the plugin's title. [Philip Arndt](
* Added verbose=true option when running rake refinery:update that prints out everything it's doing. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [06 July 2010]

* Bugfixes with users and roles. [Philip Arndt]( and [Amanda Wagener](
* Fixed the rake translate:lost_in_translation LOCALE=en and rake translate:lost_in_translation_all tasks so that they accurately reflect the missing i18n translation keys. [Philip Arndt](
* Refactored routing of i18n to allow different default frontend and backend locales. [Philip Arndt](
* Added better grammar support for some i18n. [Halan Pinheiro](
* Improved output of rake refinery:update task and removed bin/refinery-update-core task. [Steven Heidel](
* Set to run in production RAILS_ENV by default. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## [03 July 2010]

* Bugfixes in the gem installation method process. [Philip Arndt](
* Made installing from gem faster. [Philip Arndt](
* Provided example files for sqlite3, mysql and postgresql. [Philip Arndt](
* Created option for specifying a database adapter (sqlite3, mysql or postgresql) when creating from Gem. [Philip Arndt](
* Other bugfixes including UI consistency around signup. [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](

## 0.9.7 [02 July 2010]

* Full backend internationalisation (i18n) support and frontend i18n routing. [Maarten Hoogendoorn]( and [Philip Arndt]( and many others
* Marketable URLs, such as "/contact". [Joshua Davey]( and [Joe Sak](
* Switched to bundler and rack. [Alex Coles]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Added options to Refinery Settings :restricted, :scoping, :callback_proc_as_string. [Steven Heidel]( and [Philip Arndt](
* Added caching abilities to frontend and to ::Refinery::Setting to drastically speed up the application under certain conditions. [Philip Arndt](
* Added spam filtering to contact form. [David Jones](
* Full Refinery UI redesign. [Resolve Digital](
* User Role support. [Amanda Wagener]( and [Philip Arndt](
* [See full list](
* [See blog post](

## [09 May 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [06 May 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [05 May 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [19 April 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [15 April 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [14 April 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [12 April 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [12 April 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [07 April 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [01 April 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [26 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [26 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [26 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [23 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [03 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [02 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [02 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [02 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [01 March 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [24 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [23 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [16 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [16 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [15 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [15 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [14 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [10 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [10 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [08 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [07 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [07 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [04 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [04 February 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## 0.9.6 [04 February 2010]

* Minor release.

## [27 January 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [24 January 2010]

* Bugfixes.

## [23 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [17 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [16 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [13 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [09 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [08 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [07 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [07 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [06 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [03 December 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [30 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [29 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [26 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [22 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [19 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [18 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [18 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [18 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [17 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [16 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [15 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [09 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [09 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [08 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [04 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [04 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [04 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [03 November 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## 0.9.5 [03 November 2009]

* Minor release.

## [29 October 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [19 October 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [19 October 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## 0.9.4 [15 October 2009]

* Minor release.

## 0.9.3 [11 October 2009]

* Optimise loading of WYM Editors.
* Supported more plugins' menu matches.

## [08 October 2009]

* Bugfixes.

## [08 October 2009]

* Fix bug with using instance_methods vs using methods to detect whether friendly_id is present.

## 0.9.2 [08 October 2009]

* Update rails gem requirement to 2.3.4.

## [07 October 2009]

* Updated JS libraries and added lots of convenience methods.

## [05 October 2009]

* HTML & CSS changes.

## 0.9.1 [04 October 2009]

* Bugfixes.
* Renamed project from Refinery to refinerycms and released as a gem.

## 0.9 [29 May 2009]

* Initial public release.