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# Piston
Opinionated Micro Framework for APIs

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## Installation


$ composer require refinery29/piston

## Basic Application

Here's the simplest Piston app you could write. First a new `Piston` object is instantiated and to that object a route is added using the `addRoute()` method. This method takes three parameters:

- **The Route Method:** Can be either a single method, or an array of supported methods
- **The Route:** A string containing either a static or parameterized route
- **A Handler:** This needs to accept both a Request and Response object

In the example below we’ve add a default route using an anonymous function as the handler.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Refinery29\Piston\ApiResponse as Response;
use Refinery29\Piston\Piston;
use Refinery29\Piston\Request;

$application = new Piston();
  'GET', '/',
  function(Request $request, Response $response) {
    return $response;


After the routes have been setup, the `launch()` method is called. This then attempts to render the process pipeline and dispatch the client request, resulting in emitting a response back to the client. It won't do anything special, simply returning a JSON response which, if rendered in the browser, would look like the following:

!["Basic Application Output"](./doc/image/basic-application.png)

## Routing

Piston supports class based routing. The class being routed to must return an instance of `Refinery29\Piston\Http\Request`. Routes are implemented as simple value objects that hold 4 properties. These are: a *url alias*, an *http verb*, and an *action*. Here’s a basic implementation of such a class.

namespace Refinery29\DummyPistonApp\Controller;

use Refinery29\Piston\Request;
use Refinery29\Piston\ApiResponse as Response;

class JediController
    public function renderHomePage(Request $request, Response $response)
        return $response;

And here's the previous example revised to use that controller class as the route's handler.

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use DummyPistonApp\Controller;
use Refinery29\Piston\Piston;

$application = new Piston();
$application->addRoute('GET', '/', Controller\JediController::class . '::renderHomePage');


### Parameterized Routing

`league/route` allows for parameterized routes such as `/jedi/master/{name}`. You are able to enforce that the parameters be either a number of a word: `{id:number}/{name:word}`.

### Route Groups

There is also the ability to create Route groups that can bundle certain routes together. If you wanted to build a series of routes about the Jedi, routes prefixed with `/jedi`, a route group is the best way to go about it.

// include the RouteGroup class
use Refinery29\Piston\Router\RouteGroup;

$routeGroup = $application->group('/jedi', function (RouteGroup $group) {
    $group->get('/masters', Controller\JediController::class . '::getJediMasters');
    $group->get('/padawans’, Controller\JediController::class . '::getJediPadawans');

Route Groups also accept a URL segment as a second parameter:

$group = new RouteGroup([], 'admin');

All routes in this group will have URLs that are prepended with this URL segment, resulting in the URL `admin/route_url`. To find out more detailed information, check out [the route groups section](./doc/book/ of the documentation.

### Pipelines (Middleware)

Piston provides a number of different points in the execution of the application that you can hook into to add functionality. This allows you to take action at different points, as you launch the app.

Pipelines exist at two levels:

- Application/Global level
- Route Group level

Hooks are applied in order from least specific (`Application`) to most specific (`RouteGroup`). Hooks must implement `League\Pipeline\StageInterface` and define a `process()` method, which must return an instance of `Refinery29\Piston\Http\Request`, as in the following example.

$hook = new UseTheForceHook();

To find out more detailed information, check out  [the pipeline section](./doc/book/ of the documentation.

### Decorators

Piston allows itself to be decorated to add functionality.

Decorators must implement `Refinery29\Piston\Decorator` interface and define a `register()` function. The `register()` function must return an instance of 'Refinery29\Piston\Piston`.

### Service Providers

[Service providers]( can be easily added to encapsulate any service necessary to the application. Any service provider class must implement `League\Container\ServiceProvider`

$application = new Piston();
$application->register(new LightSaberProvider());

### Query Parameters

Piston is an API focused framework, and therefore encapsulates a number of different query parameter options.

#### Fields

Specific fields can be requested of the application, with the purpose of only returning those fields. Fields are specified as a comma separated list.


The above URL is automatically parsed, and you are able to retrieve that information as follows:


You can determine if the request has requested fields:

#### Pagination

Piston currently supports only cursor based pagination.

These parameters are available on the request as follows:


This function returns an array with the keys `before` and `after`

You can determine if the request is paginated:

#### Included Resources

You may also request different relations be included in the response.


These parameters will be available:
`$request->getIncludedResources()` which will return an array of requested relations.

#### Nested Relations

You are also able to request nested resources.


These parameters are accessed in the same way as single level relations, however the result is different:

    [0] => array
                   [0] => jedi
                   [1] => master
                   [2] => padawan
       [1] => planet

### Sorting

Sort parameters are provided on the request as a `sort` query parameter:


The sort query parameter should be a comma delimited list of sort attributes.

Sort order is defined by negating the sort attribute with a minus sign as it's prefix (e.g. `-created` is negated while `created` is not negated). If the sort attribute is negated then the sort direction will be `'DESC'` (descending), otherwise `'ASC'` (ascending) is used.

Sort values can be checked by calling `Request#getSort($name)` which will return either `'ASC'` or `'DESC'`.

All of the above filters are only allowed on `GET` requests. Use of any of these parameters will result in an error if used with any other HTTP verb.

## Code of Conduct

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