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# test-util

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Provides a test helper, generic data providers, and assertions.

## Installation


$ composer require refinery29/test-util

## Usage

### Test Helper

If you want to make use of the test helper, import the `Refinery29\Test\Util\TestHelper` trait!

namespace Acme\Test;

use PHPUnit\Framework;
use Refinery29\Test\Util\TestHelper;

final class WebsiteTest extends Framework\TestCase
    use TestHelper;

#### Additional Assertions

The test helper provides a few assertions:

* `assertClassesAreAbstractOrFinal($path, array $excludeDirectories = [])`
* `assertClassesSatisfy(callable $specification, $path, array $excludeDirectories = [])`
* `assertFinal($className)`
* `assertExtends($parentClassName, $className)`
* `assertImplements($interfaceName, $className)`

##### `assertClassesSatisfy(callable $specification, $path, array $excludeDirectories = [])`

The callable will be passed in an instance of `ReflectionClass` which can
be used for further introspection, and should return a `bool`, indicating
that the specification is satisfied.

For example:

    function (\ReflectionClass $reflection) {
        return false !== \strpos('MySmallClass', $reflection->getName());

#### Generating fake data using Faker

Lazily fetch an instance of `Faker\Generator` (see [`fzaninotto/faker`]( using

* `getFaker($locale = 'en_US') : \Faker\Generator`

#### Providing data from an array of values

Quickly provide data from an array of values, using

* `provideData(array $data) : \Generator`

#### Providing data from multiple concrete data providers

Quickly provide data from multiple concrete data providers using

* `provideDataFrom(...$dataProviders) : \Generator`

#### Providing combination of data from multiple concrete data providers

Quickly combine data from multiple concrete data providers using

* `provideCombinedDataFrom(...$dataProviders) : array`

### Data Providers

If you need to assert that invalid values are rejected, you can use one
of the data providers:

* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\BlankString`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidBoolean`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidBooleanNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidFloat`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidFloatNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidInteger`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidIntegerNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidIntegerish`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidIntegerishNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidIsoDate`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidIsoDateNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidJsonString`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidNumeric`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidNumericNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidScalar`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidScalarNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidString`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidStringNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidUrl`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidUrlNotNull`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidUuid`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidUuidNotNull`

If you need generic values, you can use one of the data providers

* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\Boolean`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\EmptyValue`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\Falsy`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\Scalar`
* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\Truthy`

If you want to mix data providers above with some arbitrary values, use

* `Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\Elements`

### Example

Putting it all together, here's an example of a test making use of the test helper:

namespace Acme\Test;

use Acme\Website;
use PHPUnit\Framework;
use Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider;
use Refinery29\Test\Util\TestHelper;

final class WebsiteTest extends Framework\TestCase
    use TestHelper;

     * @dataProvider providerInvalidTitle
     * @param mixed $title
    public function testConstructorRejectsInvalidTitle($title)
        new Website($title);
     * @return \Generator
    public function providerInvalidTitle()
        return $this->provideDataFrom(
            new DataProvider\InvalidString(),
            new DataProvider\BlankString(),
            new DataProvider\Elements([
    public function testConstructorSetsTitle()
        $title = $this->getFaker()->sentence();
        $website = new Website($title);
        $this->assertSame($title, $website->title());
     * @dataProvider \Refinery29\Test\Util\DataProvider\InvalidUrl::data()
     * @param mixed $url
    public function testWithUrlRejectsInvalidUrl($url)
        $title = $this->getFaker()->sentence();
        $website = new Website($title);
     * @dataProvider providerUrl
     * @param string $url
    public function testWithUrlClonesInstanceAndSetsUrl($url)
        $title = $this->getFaker()->sentence();
        $website = new Website($title);
        $mutated = $website->withUrl($url);
        $this->assertInstanceOf(Website::class, $mutated);
        $this->assertNotSame($website, $mutated);
        $this->assertSame($url, $mutated->url());
     * @return \Generator
    public function providerUrl()
        return $this->provideData([

## Contributing

Please have a look at [``](.github/

## Code of Conduct

Please have a look at [``](.github/

## License

This package is licensed using the MIT License.