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# json-expression-eval (and rule engine)
A Fully typed Node.js module that evaluates a json described boolean expressions using dynamic functions and a given context.
Expressions can also be evaluated in a [`rule engine`](#rule-engine) manner.  

The module is strictly typed, ensuring that passed expressions are 100% valid at compile time.

This module is especially useful if you need to serialize complex expressions / rules (to be saved in a DB for example) 
## Installation 
npm install json-expression-eval
yarn add json-expression-eval

## Usage

 *Please see tests and examples dir for more usages and examples (under /src)* 

import {evaluate, Expression, ExpressionHandler, validate, ValidationContext, EvaluatorFuncRunOptions} from 'json-expression-eval';
import {Moment} from 'moment';
import moment = require('moment');

interface IExampleContext {
    userId: string;
    times: number | undefined;
    date: Moment;
    nested: {
        value: number | null;
        value4: number;
        nested2: {
            value2?: number;
            value3: boolean;

type IExampleContextIgnore = Moment;

type IExampleCustomEvaluatorFuncRunOptions = {dryRun: boolean};

type IExampleFunctionTable = {
    countRange: ([min, max]: [min: number, max: number], ctx: { times: number | undefined },
                 runOpts: EvaluatorFuncRunOptions<IExampleCustomEvaluatorFuncRunOptions>) => Promise<boolean>;

type IExampleExpression = Expression<IExampleContext, IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore, IExampleCustomEvaluatorFuncRunOptions>; // We pass Moment here to avoid TS exhaustion

const context: IExampleContext = {
    userId: '',
    times: 3,
    date: moment(),
    nested: {
        value: null,
        value4: 5,
        nested2: {
            value3: true,

// For validation we must provide a full example context
const validationContext: ValidationContext<IExampleContext, IExampleContextIgnore> = {
    userId: '',
    times: 3,
    date: moment(),
    nested: {
        value: 5,
        value4: 6,
        nested2: {
            value2: 6,
            value3: true,

const functionsTable: IExampleFunctionTable = {
    countRange: async ([min, max]: [min: number, max: number], ctx: { times: number | undefined },
                       runOpts: EvaluatorFuncRunOptions<IExampleCustomEvaluatorFuncRunOptions>): Promise<boolean> => {
        return ctx.times === undefined ? false : ctx.times >= min && ctx.times < max;

const expression: IExampleExpression = {
    or: [
            userId: '',
            times: {
                lte: {
                    op: '+',
                    lhs: {
                        ref: 'nested.value4',
                    rhs: 2,
            and: [
                    countRange: [2, 6],
                    'nested.nested2.value3': true,
                    times: {
                        lte: {
                            ref: 'nested.value4',

(async () => {
    // Example usage 1
    const handler =
        new ExpressionHandler<IExampleContext, IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore,
            IExampleCustomEvaluatorFuncRunOptions>(expression, functionsTable);
    await handler.validate(validationContext, {dryRun: false}); // Should not throw
    console.log(await handler.evaluate(context, {dryRun: true})); // true

    // Example usage 2
    await validate<IExampleContext, IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore,
        IExampleCustomEvaluatorFuncRunOptions>(expression, validationContext, functionsTable, {dryRun: true}); // Should not throw
    console.log(await evaluate<IExampleContext, IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore, IExampleCustomEvaluatorFuncRunOptions>(expression, context, functionsTable, {dryRun: true})); // true

### Expression

There are 4 types of operators you can use (evaluated in that order of precedence):
- `and` - accepts a non-empty list of expressions
- `or` - accepts a non-empty list of expressions
- `not` - accepts another expressions
- `<user defined funcs>` - accepts any type of argument and evaluated by the user defined functions, and the given context (can be async) and run options (i.e. validation + custom defined value).
- `<compare funcs>` - operates on one of the context properties and compares it to a given value.
    - `{property: {op: value}}`
        - available ops:
            - `gt` - >
            - `gte` - >=
            - `lt` - <
            - `lte` - <=
            - `eq` - ===
            - `neq` - !==
            - `regexp: RegExp` - True if matches the compiled regular expression.
            - `regexpi: RegExp` - True if matches the compiled regular expression with the `i` flag set.
            - `nin: any[]` - True if *not* in an array of values. Comparison is done using the `===` operator
            - `inq: any[]` - True if in an array of values. Comparison is done using the `===` operator
            - `between: readonly [number, number] (as const)` - True if the value is between the two specified values: greater than or equal to first value and less than or equal to second value.
    - `{property: value}`
        - compares the property to that value (shorthand to the `eq` op, without the option to user math or refs to other properties)

> Nested properties in the context can also be accessed using a dot notation (see example above)

> In each expression level, you can only define 1 operator, and 1 only

The right-hand side of compare (not user defined) functions can be a:
- literal - number/string/boolean (depending on the left-hand side of the function)
- reference to a property (or nested property) in the context.  
  This can be achieved by using `{"ref":"<dot notation path>"}`
- A math operation that can reference properties in the context.  
  The valid operations are `+,-,*,/,%,pow`.  
  This can be achieved by using  
    "op": "<+,-,*,/,%,pow>",
    "lhs": {"ref": "<dot notation path>"}, // or a number literal
    "rhs": {"ref": "<dot notation path>"} // or a number literal
  which will be computed as `<lhs> <op> <rhs>` where lhs is left-hand-side and rhs is right-hand-side. So for example
    "op": "/",
    "lhs": 10,
    "rhs": 2
  will equal `10 / 2 = 5`

Example expressions, assuming we have the `user` and `maxCount` user defined functions in place can be:
         "times": { "eq" : 5}
         "times": { "eq" : { "ref": "nested.preoprty"}}
         "country": "USA"

### Rule Engine

*Please see tests and examples dir for more usages and examples (under /src)* 

import {ValidationContext, validateRules, evaluateRules, RulesEngine, Rule, ResolvedConsequence, EngineRuleFuncRunOptions} from 'json-expression-eval';
import {Moment} from 'moment';
import moment = require('moment');

interface IExampleContext {
    userId: string;
    times: number | undefined;
    date: Moment;
    nested: {
        value: number | null;
        nested2: {
            value2?: number;
            value3: boolean;

type IExampleContextIgnore = Moment;

type IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions = {dryRun: boolean};

type IExamplePayload = number;

type IExampleFunctionTable = {
    countRange: ([min, max]: [min: number, max: number], ctx: { times: number | undefined },
                 runOpts: EngineRuleFuncRunOptions<IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>) => boolean;

type IExampleRuleFunctionTable = {
    userRule: (user: string, ctx: IExampleContext,
               runOpts: EngineRuleFuncRunOptions<IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>) =>
        Promise<void | ResolvedConsequence<IExamplePayload>>;

type IExampleRule = Rule<IExamplePayload, IExampleRuleFunctionTable, IExampleContext,
    IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore, IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>;

const context: IExampleContext = {
    userId: '',
    times: 3,
    date: moment(),
    nested: {
        value: null,
        nested2: {
            value3: true,

// For validation we must provide a full example context
const validationContext: ValidationContext<IExampleContext, IExampleContextIgnore> = {
    userId: '',
    times: 3,
    date: moment(),
    nested: {
        value: 5,
        nested2: {
            value2: 6,
            value3: true,

const functionsTable: IExampleFunctionTable = {
    countRange: ([min, max]: [min: number, max: number], ctx: { times: number | undefined },
                 runOptions: EngineRuleFuncRunOptions<IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>): boolean => {
        return ctx.times === undefined ? false : ctx.times >= min && ctx.times < max;

const ruleFunctionsTable: IExampleRuleFunctionTable = {
    userRule: async (user: string, ctx: IExampleContext,
                     runOptions: EngineRuleFuncRunOptions<IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>)
        : Promise<void | ResolvedConsequence<number>> => {
        if (ctx.userId === user) {
            return {
                message: `Username ${user} is not allowed`,
                custom: 543,

const rules: IExampleRule[] = [
        condition: {
            or: [
                    userId: '',
                    and: [
                            countRange: [2, 6],
                            'nested.nested2.value3': true,
        consequence: {
            message: ['user', {
                ref: 'userId',
            }, 'should not equal'],
            custom: 579,
        userRule: '',

(async () => {
    // Example usage 1
    const engine = new RulesEngine<IExamplePayload, IExampleContext, IExampleRuleFunctionTable,
        IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore, IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>(
        functionsTable, ruleFunctionsTable);
    await engine.validate(rules, validationContext, {dryRun: false}); // Should not throw
    console.log(JSON.stringify(await engine.evaluateAll(rules, context, {dryRun: false}))); // [{"message":"user should not equal","custom":579}]

    // Example usage 2
    await validateRules<IExamplePayload, IExampleContext, IExampleRuleFunctionTable,
        IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore, IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>(
        rules, validationContext, functionsTable, ruleFunctionsTable, {dryRun: false}); // Should not throw
    console.log(JSON.stringify(await evaluateRules<IExamplePayload, IExampleContext, IExampleRuleFunctionTable,
        IExampleFunctionTable, IExampleContextIgnore, IExampleCustomEngineRuleFuncRunOptions>(rules, context, functionsTable, ruleFunctionsTable, false, {dryRun: false}))); // [{"message":"user should not equal","custom":579}]