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2 days
Test Coverage
import operator
import random
from collections import namedtuple, Counter, defaultdict
from functools import reduce, partial
from statistics import median, mean
from typing import List, NamedTuple, Mapping, Dict

import numpy as np
from numpy import NaN
from sqlalchemy import and_, func, distinct, desc
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from pandas import Series
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.stats import fisher_exact
from interval import fpu
from interval import interval

from database import join_unique, db
from models import (
    Protein, Mutation, The1000GenomesMutation, MC3Mutation, InheritedMutation, Gene, Site,
    MutationSource, source_manager,
from helpers.cache import cache_decorator, Cache

def count_mutated_potential_sites():
    count = 0
    total_length = 0
    for protein in tqdm(Protein.query, total=Protein.query.count()):
        mutated_positions = set()
        for mut in protein.confirmed_mutations:
            mutated_positions.update(range(mut.position - 7, mut.position + 7))
        total_length += protein.length

        for i in range(protein.length):
            if i in mutated_positions:
                count += 1
    print(count, total_length, count/total_length*100)

def test_enrichment_of_ptm_mutations_among_mutations_subset(
    subset_query, reference_query, iterations_count=100000, subset_size=None, subset_ptms=None
    """Perform tests according to proposed algorithm:

    1. Count the number of all ClinVar mutations as C, PTM-associated ClinVar mutations as D=27071
        and percentage of the latter as E=19%.
    2. Randomly draw C mutations from 1,000 Genomes
    3. Record the number and % of those N mutations that affect PTM sites, as P, Q
    4. Repeat 2-3 for M=10,000 times
    5. Count in how many of M iterations does D>P and E>Q. These percentages make up the permutation test p-values
    6. Repeat with TCGA instead of ClinVar.

            SQLAlchemy query yielding mutation dataset
            to test (e.g. ClinVar or TCGA)

            query yielding a population dataset to test
            against (to be used as a reference distribution
            e.g. 1000 Genomes)

        namedtuple with:
            median percentage,
            p_value: 1 - p-value,
            enriched_ptm_muts_in_iterations: list of counts of PTM sites discovered in each of sampling iterations,
            expected_ptm_muts:  expected number of mutations associated with PTM sites
    ptm_enriched_absolute = 0
    ptm_enriched_percentage = 0

    is_ptm = Mutation.precomputed_is_ptm

    # 1.
    if subset_query:
        all_mutations = subset_query.count()                        # C
        ptm_mutations = subset_query.filter(is_ptm).count()         # D
        assert subset_size and subset_ptms
        all_mutations = subset_size
        ptm_mutations = subset_ptms

    ptm_percentage = ptm_mutations / all_mutations * 100        # E

    print('Counting enrichment in random subsets of background.')
    print('All: %s, PTM: %s, %%: %s' % (all_mutations, ptm_mutations, ptm_percentage))

    all_reference_mutations = reference_query.all()

    enriched_ptms = []
    enriched_percentage = []

    # 4.
    for _ in tqdm(range(iterations_count)):
        # 2.
        random_reference = random.sample(all_reference_mutations, all_mutations)

        # 3.
        all_in_iteration = len(random_reference)
        ptm_in_iteration = sum(1 for mutation in random_reference if mutation.precomputed_is_ptm)  # P
        iteration_percentage = ptm_in_iteration / all_in_iteration * 100                           # Q

        assert all_in_iteration == all_mutations

        # 5.
        if ptm_mutations > ptm_in_iteration:        # D > P
            ptm_enriched_absolute += 1
        if ptm_percentage > iteration_percentage:   # E > Q
            ptm_enriched_percentage += 1


    median_ptms = median(enriched_ptms)
    median_percentage = median(enriched_percentage)

    result_tuple = namedtuple(
        'enriched_ptm_muts_in_iterations, '
        'median, median_percentage, '
        'p_value, p_value_percentage, '

    return result_tuple(
        ptm_enriched_absolute / iterations_count,
        ptm_enriched_percentage / iterations_count,

def get_confirmed_mutations(
    sources, only_preferred=True, genes=None, confirmed_by_definition=False,
    Utility to generate a query for retrieving confirmed mutations having specific mutation details.

        sources: list of mutation details (sources) to be used to filter
            the mutations (including sources with non-confirmed mutations)
        only_preferred: include only mutations from preferred isoforms
        genes: limit to genes from provided list
        confirmed_by_definition: do not apply the expensive is_confirmed=True
            filter as all sources include only confirmed mutations
        base_query: the initial mutation query (allows to adjust selected columns)

        Query object yielding mutations.

    if not base_query:
        base_query = Mutation.query

    mutations = base_query

    def only_from_primary_isoforms(mutations_query):

        mutations_query = join_unique(mutations_query, Protein)
        return mutations_query.filter(Protein.is_preferred_isoform)

    if not confirmed_by_definition:
        mutations = mutations.filter_by(is_confirmed=True)

    # TODO: remove?
    mutations = only_from_primary_isoforms(mutations)

    if genes:
        mutations = mutations.filter([g.preferred_isoform_id for g in genes]))

    selected_mutations = mutations.filter(Mutation.in_sources(*sources))

    if only_preferred:
        selected_mutations = only_from_primary_isoforms(selected_mutations)

    return selected_mutations

def test_ptm_enrichment():
    # 1000 Genomes
    ref_genes = get_genes_with_mutations_from_sources([The1000GenomesMutation], only_genes_with_ptm_sites=True)

    # TCGA against 1000Genomes
    cancer_genes = load_cancer_census()
    tcga_result = parametric_test_ptm_enrichment(MC3Mutation, The1000GenomesMutation, cancer_genes, ref_genes)

    # ClinVar against 1000Genomes
    tested_genes = get_genes_with_mutations_from_sources([InheritedMutation], only_genes_with_ptm_sites=True)
    clinvar_result = parametric_test_ptm_enrichment(InheritedMutation, The1000GenomesMutation, tested_genes, ref_genes)

    return clinvar_result, tcga_result

def test_enrichment_against_source(ptm_muts_count: int, all_muts_count: int, source=The1000GenomesMutation):
    ref_genes = get_genes_with_mutations_from_sources([source], only_genes_with_ptm_sites=True)
    reference_mutations = get_confirmed_mutations([source], genes=ref_genes)

    result = test_enrichment_of_ptm_mutations_among_mutations_subset(
        None, reference_mutations, subset_size=all_muts_count, subset_ptms=ptm_muts_count

    return result

def parametric_test_ptm_enrichment(tested_source, reference_source, tested_genes, ref_genes):
    """Uses only mutations from primary isoforms."""

    # e.g. 1000Genomes
    reference_mutations = get_confirmed_mutations([reference_source], genes=ref_genes)

    # e.g. ClinVar
    tested_mutations = get_confirmed_mutations([tested_source], genes=tested_genes)

    result = test_enrichment_of_ptm_mutations_among_mutations_subset(tested_mutations, reference_mutations)

    return result

def non_parametric_test_ptm_enrichment():
    """Uses only mutations from primary isoforms.

    Use wilcox.test from R to compare distributions
    of PTM affecting/all mutations between clinvar
    and 1000 Genomes Project mutation datasets.
    from rpy2.robjects import r
    from rpy2.robjects import FloatVector

    def collect_ratios(sources, only_genes_with_ptm_sites=False):
        ratios = []
        genes = get_genes_with_mutations_from_sources(sources, only_genes_with_ptm_sites)

        print('Number of genes:', len(genes))

        for gene in tqdm(genes):
            protein = gene.preferred_isoform
            filters = and_(
                Mutation.protein == protein,
                Mutation.is_confirmed == True    # noqa: E712
            number_of_all_mutations = Mutation.query.filter(filters).count()
            number_of_ptm_mutations = Mutation.query.filter(and_(
                Mutation.precomputed_is_ptm == True    # noqa: E712
        return FloatVector(ratios)

    results = []
    wilcox = r['wilcox.test']

    for exclude_no_ptms in [True, False]:
        print('Genes with no PTM sites excluded?', exclude_no_ptms)

        ratios_clinvar = collect_ratios([InheritedMutation], exclude_no_ptms)
        ratios_tkgenomes = collect_ratios([The1000GenomesMutation], exclude_no_ptms)

        result = wilcox(ratios_clinvar, ratios_tkgenomes, alternative='greater')
        print('Clinvar / 1000Genomes', result)


        ratios_both = collect_ratios([InheritedMutation, The1000GenomesMutation], exclude_no_ptms)
        result = wilcox(ratios_both, ratios_tkgenomes, alternative='greater')
        print('1000Genomes & Clinvar / 100Genomes', result)

    return results

def load_cancer_census(cancer_census_path='data/census.csv'):
    """Load genes from cancer census.

        cancer_census_path: this file needs to be downloaded from COSMIC
    from pandas import read_csv

    census = read_csv(cancer_census_path)
    gene_names = set(census.gene_symbol)

    cancer_genes = set()

    for name in gene_names:
        g = Gene.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
        if g:
            print(f'Cancer Census gene: "{name}" not in database')
    return cancer_genes

def load_genes_disease_relationships(path='data/gene_condition_source_id') -> Mapping[Gene, List[NamedTuple]]:
    """Loads gene_condition_source_id file from NCBI ClinVar,

    which (as stated in README) contains gene-disease relationship from
    OMIM and GeneReviews and is (to some extent) curated by NCBI staff.

    from pandas import read_table

    table = read_table(path)
    diseases_by_gene = defaultdict(list)
    found = 0
    skipped = 0
    skipped_names = set()
    for i, row in table.iterrows():
        name = row.AssociatedGenes if isinstance(row.AssociatedGenes, str) else row.RelatedGenes
        g = Gene.query.filter_by(name=name).first()
        if not g:
            g = Gene.query.filter_by(entrez_id=int(row['#GeneID'])).first()
        if g:
            found += 1
            print(f'Skipping {row}')
            skipped += 1
    print(f'Loaded {found} disease-gene relationships of {len(set(diseases_by_gene))} genes, skipped {skipped} records')
    print(f'Skipped: {skipped_names}')
    return diseases_by_gene

def load_omim(omim_path='data/omim-gene_phenotype.tsv'):
    """OMIM gene-phenotype (+) table was exported using web interface of OMIM

    The resulting set of genes is unfortunately very small
    (70 at the day of download) and it was observerd that it
    was getting smaller with time (starting from 392 from
    2005 OMIM publication). Due to such quirks, we decided
    to go with gene_disease relationships from ClinVar instead.

    The original search query:
    from pandas import read_table

    omim = read_table(omim_path, skiprows=4)
    omim_genes = set()

    skipped = 0
    for i, row in omim.iterrows():
        g = Gene.query.filter_by(entrez_id=int(row['Entrez Gene ID'])).first()
        if g:
            skipped += 1
            print(f'OMIM gene: "{row}" not in database')
    print(f'Found {len(omim_genes)}, skipped {skipped}')
    return omim_genes

def get_genes_with_mutations_from_sources(sources, only_genes_with_ptm_sites=False):
    query = (
        .join(Protein, Gene.preferred_isoform_id ==
    query = query.filter(Mutation.in_sources(*sources))

    genes = set(query.distinct())

    if only_genes_with_ptm_sites:
        return {
            for gene in genes
            if gene.preferred_isoform.sites
    return genes

def count_mutations_from_genes(genes, sources, only_preferred_isoforms=False, strict=True):
    """Counts mutations and PTM mutations from isoforms from given set of genes.

        genes: a list of Gene
        only_preferred_isoforms: should only one isoform per gene
            (the preferred/primary one) be used when filtering mutations?
        sources: a list of MutationDetails - only confirmed mutations from
            sources identified by given MutationDetail classes will be counted
    all_mutations_count = 0
    ptm_mutations_count = 0

    if strict:
        base_query = (
        base_query = Mutation.query

    for gene in tqdm(genes):
        if only_preferred_isoforms:
            proteins = [gene.preferred_isoform]
            proteins = gene.isoforms

        mutations_filters = and_(
            Mutation.protein_id.in_([ for p in proteins]),
            Mutation.is_confirmed == True,    # noqa: E712

        all_mutations_count += (

        ptm_mutations_count += (

        ptm_mutations_count / all_mutations_count
    return all_mutations_count, ptm_mutations_count

def disease_muts_affecting_ptm_sites():
    cancer_genes = load_cancer_census()

    clinvar_genes = get_genes_with_mutations_from_sources([InheritedMutation])

    for only_preferred_isoforms in [True, False]:
        print('Only preferred isoforms:', only_preferred_isoforms)
        count_mutations_from_genes(clinvar_genes, [InheritedMutation], only_preferred_isoforms)
        print('Cancer census/TCGA')
        count_mutations_from_genes(cancer_genes, [MC3Mutation], only_preferred_isoforms)

def prepare_for_summing(sources: List[MutationSource], count_distinct_substitutions=False) -> List:
    """Mutations from various sources can be summed up differently.

    Given list of mutation sources, checks if the mutation sources
    can be summed up (counted together) in a reasonable way.

    It is possible - though not always advisable - to add frequencies
    of different types of population mutations; it is also possible to
    add occurrence counts of ClinVar and TCGA mutations;

    It is assumed that counting population and non-population
    mutations together is not reasonable as summing frequencies
    with counts has no meaning; however, counting (and summing)
    unique occurrences of mutations from incompatible mutation
    sources is possible with `count_distinct_substitutions=True`.

        list of expressions counting mutations from provided sources

    if count_distinct_substitutions:
        counts = [func.count(distinct( for source in sources]
        source = sources[0]

        if hasattr(source, 'count'):
            assert all(hasattr(s, 'count') for s in sources)
            counts = [
                for source in sources
        elif hasattr(source, 'maf_all'):
            assert all(hasattr(s, 'maf_all') for s in sources)
            counts = [
                for source in sources
            raise Exception(
                f'Undefined behaviour for summing: {source} source,'
                f' which has neither `count` nor `maf_all` defined.'

    return counts

def most_mutated_sites(
    sources: List[MutationSource], site_type: SiteType = None, limit=25, intersection=True,
    exclusive=None, mutation_filter=None
    """Sources must have the same value_type (counts/frequencies)"""

    assert not (intersection and exclusive)

    counts = prepare_for_summing(sources)

    query = (
                for i, count in enumerate(counts)

    if intersection:
        for source in sources:
            query = query.join(source)
        for source in sources:
            query = query.outerjoin(source)

        if exclusive:
            query = query.filter(~Mutation.in_sources(*exclusive))

    if mutation_filter is not None:
        query = query.filter(mutation_filter)

    query = (

    if site_type:
        query = query.filter(SiteType.fuzzy_filter(site_type, join=True))

    query = (

    query = query.subquery()

    total_muts_count = reduce(
        operator.add, [
            getattr(query.c, f'count_{i}')
            for i in range(len(counts))

    total_muts_count = total_muts_count.label('mutations_count')

    query = (
            aliased(Site, query),

    return query.limit(limit)

def genes_enrichment(observed_genes, reference_set):

    observed_from_reference = observed_genes.intersection(reference_set)
    print('Genes intersection:')
    print(','.join([ for gene in observed_from_reference]))
    observed_not_in_reference = observed_genes - observed_from_reference

    all_genes = set(Gene.query)
    not_observed = all_genes - observed_genes

    not_observed_from_reference = not_observed.intersection(reference_set)
    not_observed_not_in_reference = not_observed - not_observed_from_reference

    #     x     |  cancer genes from census  |   other (not in census)
    #  glyco    |  observed_from_census      |   observed_not_in_census
    # not glyc? |

    contingency_table = [
        [observed_from_reference, observed_not_in_reference],
        [not_observed_from_reference, not_observed_not_in_reference]
    contingency_table = [[len(x), len(y)] for x, y in contingency_table]
    oddsratio, pvalue = fisher_exact(contingency_table)

    expected_ratio = len(reference_set) / len(all_genes)
    expected_count = expected_ratio * len(observed_genes)

    observed_count = contingency_table[0][0]

    return observed_count, expected_count, contingency_table, oddsratio, pvalue

def active_driver_genes_enrichment(analysis_result, cancer_census_path='data/census.csv'):
    cancer_genes = load_cancer_census(cancer_census_path)
    observed_genes = {
        for gene_name in analysis_result['top_fdr'].gene

    return genes_enrichment(observed_genes, cancer_genes)

def enrichment_of_ptm_genes(reference_set, site_type_name: str, only_mutated_sites=False):
            whether only genes with mutated sites should be considered,
            True, False or an SQLAlchemy filter, e.g. Mutation.in_sources(MC3Mutation)
    site_type = SiteType.query.filter_by(name=site_type_name).one()
    observed_genes = (
    if only_mutated_sites is not False:
        observed_genes = observed_genes.join(Site.mutations).filter(only_mutated_sites)

    observed_genes = set(observed_genes)

    return genes_enrichment(observed_genes, reference_set)

def omim_enrichment(site_type_name='glycosylation'):
    """Warning: this analysis was superseded by disease_enrichment()

    Please read load_omim() documentation for more details.
    return enrichment_of_ptm_genes(load_omim(), site_type_name)

def disease_enrichment(site_type_name='glycosylation'):
    genes = set(load_genes_disease_relationships().keys())
    print(f'Using {len(genes)} disease genes')
    return enrichment_of_ptm_genes(genes, site_type_name)

def cancer_census_enrichment(site_type_name='glycosylation', **kwargs):
    return enrichment_of_ptm_genes(load_cancer_census(), site_type_name, **kwargs)

def breakdown_of_ptm_mutations(gene_names: List[str], source_name: str):
    source = source_manager.source_by_name[source_name]
    proteins = [
        for gene_name in gene_names
    a = 0
    c = Counter()
    for p in proteins:
        meta_data = {
            m: source_manager.get_bound_relationship(m, source)
            for m in p.mutations
        a += sum(meta.count if meta else 0 for meta in meta_data.values())
        ms = defaultdict(set)
        for m in p.mutations.all():
            sites = m.get_affected_ptm_sites()
            for s in sites:
                for t in s.types:
        for t, muts in ms.items():
            for m in muts:
                c[t] += meta_data[m].count if meta_data[m] else 0

    print(f'All mutations: {a}')
    for t, count in c.items():
        print(t, count, count/a)

cached = cache_decorator(Cache('.enrichment_cache'))

def get_site_filters(exclude=None, glycosylation='together'):
    """Yields (site type name, type filter) tuples.

        exclude: site types to exclude
        glycosylation: 'together', 'only' or 'separate'

    for site_type in tqdm(SiteType.query, total=SiteType.query.count()):
        glyco_kind = 'glycosylation' in
        type_name =

        if glycosylation == 'together':

            if glyco_kind:
                if type_name == 'glycosylation':
                    type_name = 'glycosylation (all subtypes)'

        elif glycosylation == 'only':

            if not glyco_kind:

            if type_name == 'glycosylation':
                type_name = 'glycosylation (unknown subtype)'

        if exclude and in exclude:

        if glycosylation == 'together':
            site_filter = SiteType.fuzzy_filter(site_type, join=True)
            site_filter = Site.types.contains(site_type)

        yield type_name, site_filter

def sites_mutated_ratio_by_type(source_name: str, disordered=None, display=True, relative=True, **kwargs):
    """What proportion of sites of given type has mutations from given source?

        source_name: name of the source (e.g. "ClinVar" or "MC3")
        disordered: filter sites by position with regard to disorder regions:
            None: do not filter - use all sites (default),
            True: only sites in disordered regions,
            False: only sites outside of the disordered regions
        display: should the results be printed out?
        **kwargs: site filter arguments

    Returns: fraction (as percent) of sites that are affected by mutations from given source.

    from stats.table import count_mutated_sites

    source = source_manager.source_by_name[source_name]
    ratios = {}

    for type_name, site_filter in get_site_filters(**kwargs):

        sites = Site.query.filter(site_filter)
        if disordered is not None and relative:
            sites = sites.filter_by(in_disordered_region=disordered).join(Protein)
        mutated = count_mutated_sites(custom_filter=site_filter, model=source, only_primary=True, disordered=disordered)
        sites_count = sites.count()
        print(type_name, sites_count)
        ratios[type_name] = mutated / sites_count * 100 if sites_count else NaN

    if display:
        for type_name, percentage in ratios.items():
            print(f'{type_name}: {percentage:.2f}%')

    return ratios

def are_glycosylation_sites_mutated_more_often(source_name: str, disordered=None, alternative='greater'):
    from stats.table import count_mutated_sites

    glycosylation = SiteType.query.filter_by(name='glycosylation').one()
    non_glycosylation = SiteType.query.filter('glycosylation')).all()

    print(f'Comparing {glycosylation} against {non_glycosylation}')

    source = source_manager.source_by_name[source_name]

    count = partial(count_mutated_sites, model=source, only_primary=True, disordered=disordered)

    glyco_filter = SiteType.fuzzy_filter(glycosylation, join=True)
    glycosylation_types = SiteType.query.filter('glycosylation')
    non_glyco_filter = Site.types.any([ for site_type in glycosylation_types])

    mutated_glycosylation = count(custom_filter=glyco_filter)
    mutated_non_glycosylation = count(custom_filter=non_glyco_filter)

    total_glycosylation = Site.query.filter(glyco_filter).count()
    total_non_glycosylation = Site.query.filter(non_glyco_filter).count()

    #         mutated | not_mutated
    #  glyc |
    # other |

    contingency_table = [
        [mutated_glycosylation, total_glycosylation - mutated_glycosylation],
        [mutated_non_glycosylation, total_non_glycosylation - mutated_non_glycosylation]
    oddsratio, pvalue = fisher_exact(contingency_table, alternative=alternative)
    print(source_name, oddsratio, pvalue)
    return oddsratio, pvalue

def are_glycosylation_sites_mutated_more_often_all():
    for disordered in [True, False, None]:
        for source in source_manager.confirmed:
            alternative = 'less' if disordered else 'greater'
            result = are_glycosylation_sites_mutated_more_often(
            yield, disordered, result, alternative

def are_glycosylation_sites_enriched(source_name: str, population_name: str, disordered=None, alternative='greater'):
    from stats.table import count_mutated_sites

    glycosylation = SiteType.query.filter_by(name='glycosylation').one()
    glyco_filter = SiteType.fuzzy_filter(glycosylation, join=True)

    glycosylation_types = SiteType.query.filter('glycosylation')
    non_glyco_filter = Site.types.any([ for site_type in glycosylation_types])

    source = source_manager.source_by_name[source_name]
    population = source_manager.source_by_name[population_name]

    count_glyc = partial(count_mutated_sites, custom_filter=glyco_filter, only_primary=True, disordered=disordered)
    count_not_glyc = partial(count_mutated_sites, custom_filter=non_glyco_filter, only_primary=True, disordered=disordered)

    #         mutated glyc | mutated not glyc
    # cancer |
    # popula |

    contingency_table = [
        [count_glyc(model=source), count_not_glyc(model=source)],
        [count_glyc(model=population), count_not_glyc(model=population)]
    oddsratio, pvalue = fisher_exact(contingency_table, alternative=alternative)
    print(source_name, population_name, oddsratio, pvalue)
    return oddsratio, pvalue

def sites_mutated_ratio(
    path='static/plot.png', width=1400, height=900, dpi=72,
    exclude: List[str] = None, glycosylation='together'
    from pandas import DataFrame
    from helpers.ggplot2 import GG
    from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
    from rpy2.robjects import StrVector

    rows = []
    for disorder in [True, False]:
        for source in source_manager.confirmed:
            ratios = sites_mutated_ratio_by_type(
      , disordered=disorder, relative=False, display=False,
                exclude=exclude, glycosylation=glycosylation
            for site_name, percentage in ratios.items():
                row = {
                    'site_type': site_name,
                    'disordered_region': 'Yes' if disorder else 'No',
                    'percentage': percentage,

    df = DataFrame(rows)
    ggplot2 = importr("ggplot2")
    theme_options = {
        'axis.text.x': ggplot2.element_text(angle=90, hjust=1),
        'axis.text': ggplot2.element_text(size=15),
        'text': ggplot2.element_text(size=14),
        'legend.text': ggplot2.element_text(size=14),
        'legend.position': 'bottom'
    plot = (
        GG(ggplot2.ggplot(df, ggplot2.aes_string(x='site_type', y='percentage', fill='disordered_region'))) +
        ggplot2.geom_bar(stat='identity', position=ggplot2.position_stack(reverse=True)) +
        ggplot2.facet_grid('~source') +
        ggplot2.theme(**theme_options) +
        ggplot2.labs(x='Site type', y=r'Percentage of sites affected by mutations', fill='Is site in disordered region?') +
        ggplot2.scale_fill_manual(values=StrVector(["#998ec3", "#f1a340"]))

    if path:
        ggplot2.ggsave(str(path), width=width / dpi, height=height / dpi, dpi=dpi, units='in', bg='transparent')

    return plot

def measure(x):
    return int(fpu.up(lambda: sum((c.sup - c.inf for c in x), 0)))

def get_intervals_by_protein(sites):
    intervals_by_protein = defaultdict(interval)

    for site in tqdm(sites, total=sites.count()):
        intervals_by_protein[site.protein] |= interval[
            max(site.position - 7, 0),
            min(site.position + 7, site.protein.length)

    return intervals_by_protein

def get_total_region_size(intervals: Dict[Protein, interval]):
    sequence_region_size = 0

    for sequence_interval in intervals.values():
        sequence_region_size += measure(sequence_interval)

    return sequence_region_size

def sample_mean_counts(
    intervals_by_protein: Dict[Protein, interval],
    total_region_size: int,
    repeats: int
    from numpy.random import choice
    ptm_muts_by_protein = defaultdict(list)
    for mutation_details, mutation in ptm_muts:
        ptm_muts_by_protein[mutation.protein].append((mutation_details, mutation))

    ptm_mutations_array = np.zeros(total_region_size)
    pos = 0

    for protein, protein_interval in tqdm(intervals_by_protein.items(), total=len(intervals_by_protein)):
        for mutation_details, mutation in ptm_muts_by_protein[protein]:
            p = 0
            for subinterval in protein_interval.components:
                if mutation.position in subinterval:
                    p += mutation.position - 1 - int(subinterval[0].inf)  # position in interval
                p += measure(subinterval)

            if distinct:
                ptm_mutations_array[pos + p] += 1
                ptm_mutations_array[pos + p] += mutation_details.count
        pos += measure(protein_interval)

    ptm_counts = []
    for repeat in tqdm(range(repeats), total=repeats):
        ptm_counts.append(np.sum(choice(ptm_mutations_array, size=total_region_size)))
    ptm_muts_count = mean(ptm_counts)
    return ptm_muts_count

def ptm_on_random(
    source=MC3Mutation, site_type='glycosylation',
    same_proteins=False, only_preferred=True, mode='occurrences',
    repeats=10000, ptm_proteins=False, same_ptm_proteins=False,
    exclude_genes=None, mutation_filter=None, sample_ptm_muts=True
    """"Compare frequencies of PTM mutations of given type with random proteome mutations

    from protein sequence regions of the same size as analysed PTM regions.
    from numpy.random import choice

    assert mode in {'distinct', 'occurrences'}
    distinct = mode == 'distinct'

    assert not (same_proteins and ptm_proteins)
    assert not (same_ptm_proteins and not ptm_proteins)

    site_type = SiteType.query.filter_by(name=site_type).one()
    only_preferred = Protein.is_preferred_isoform if only_preferred else True

    # all muts

    all_muts = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
    q = (
        db.session.query(source, Mutation)
        .filter(mutation_filter if mutation_filter is not None else True)
    if distinct:
        for mutation_details, mutation in tqdm(q, total=q.count()):
            all_muts[mutation.protein][mutation.position] += 1
        for mutation_details, mutation in tqdm(q, total=q.count()):
            if mutation.position > mutation.protein.length:
                print(f'Faulty mutation: {mutation}')
            all_muts[mutation.protein][mutation.position] += mutation_details.count

    # region size

    sites = (

    intervals_by_protein = get_intervals_by_protein(sites)

    glyco_sequence_region_size = get_total_region_size(intervals_by_protein)

    # ptm muts

    ptm_muts = (
        db.session.query(source, Mutation)
        .filter(mutation_filter if mutation_filter is not None else True)

    if exclude_genes:
        exclude_proteins = Protein.query.select_from(Gene).join(Gene.isoforms).filter(
        ptm_muts = ptm_muts.filter([ for p in exclude_proteins]))

    ptm_muts = ptm_muts.group_by(source)

    if sample_ptm_muts:
        ptm_muts_count = sample_mean_counts(
        if distinct:
            ptm_muts_count = ptm_muts.count()
            ptm_muts_count = 0
            for mutation, mutation in ptm_muts:
                assert mutation.count != 0
                ptm_muts_count += mutation.count

            assert ptm_muts_count >= ptm_muts.count()
        ptm_counts = [ptm_muts_count]

    ptm_ratio = ptm_muts_count / glyco_sequence_region_size

    if same_proteins:
        proteins = list(intervals_by_protein.keys())
        proteins = Protein.query.filter(only_preferred)
        if ptm_proteins:
            proteins = proteins.join(Protein.sites)
        if same_ptm_proteins:
            proteins = proteins.filter(SiteType.fuzzy_filter(site_type))
        proteins = proteins.all()

    proteins = [
        protein for protein in proteins
        if not exclude_genes or not in exclude_genes

    weights = [p.length for p in proteins]

    mutations_array = np.zeros(np.sum(weights))
    pos = 0

    for protein in tqdm(proteins):
        for position, count in all_muts[protein].items():
                mutations_array[pos + position - 1] = count
            except Exception:
                print(protein, pos, position)
        pos += protein.length

    counts = []
    append = counts.append

    for repeat in tqdm(range(repeats), total=repeats):
        append(np.sum(choice(mutations_array, size=glyco_sequence_region_size)))

    p_value = np.sum(1 for count in counts if count > ptm_muts_count) / repeats
    count_of_sampled_muts = mean(counts)
    random_ratio = count_of_sampled_muts / glyco_sequence_region_size

    explanation = '(only the same proteins)' if same_proteins else ''

        f'count of {} mutations: {ptm_muts_count},\n'
        f'count of random mutations from protein sequence regions of the same size: {count_of_sampled_muts}'
        f' {explanation}.'
    print(f'region size: {glyco_sequence_region_size}; source: {source}')
        f'frequency of {} mutations: {ptm_ratio * 100}%,\n'
        f'frequency of random mutations: {random_ratio * 100}%.'
    print(f'p-value = {p_value} (permutation test, {repeats} repeats)')
    print('Permutation test values:')

    return ptm_counts, counts, glyco_sequence_region_size, p_value