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 * jQuery object
 * @external jQuery
 * @see {@link}

 * Server response for filtering query for given representation.
 * @typedef {Object} ServerResponse
 * @property {FiltersData} filters
 * @property content - Content to be passed to provided data_handler

 * Filter-specific metadata allowing to recognise if a response id up-to-date,
 * to update widgets if dataset has changed and so on.
 * @typedef {Object} FiltersData
 * @property {boolean} checksum - Semaphore-like checksum of filters handled
 * @property {html} dynamic_widgets - Widgets applicable only to selected dataset
 * @property {string} query - Value of query as to be used in 'filters={{value}}' URL query string.
 * @property {string} expanded_query - Like query but including default filters values.

 * @class
 * @return {{init: init, value: get_value, load: load, apply: apply, on_update: on_update}}
var AsyncFiltersHandler = function()
    var config;
    var form;
    var current_state_checksum;

    var filters_separator = ';'
    var field_separator = ':'
    var sub_value_separator = ','
    var quote_char = '\''

     * Generate checksum string for given query string.
     * @param {string} query
     * @returns {string} checksum of given query string
    function make_checksum(query)
        return md5(query);

     * Serialize a form into the new format (fallback=False)
     * @param {jQuery} $form - Form to be serialized.
     * @returns {string} Generated query string (parameters).
    function serialize_new_format($form)

        var filters_list = $form.serializeArray()

        var filters = {}
        var others = []

                var name =;

                if(name.match(/filter\[(.*)\]/) == null)
                    // this is new format, not the fallback format
                    if(name === 'fallback')
                        filter.value = false

                    others.push(name + '=' + filter.value)

                name = name.slice(7, -1)

                if(name in filters)
                    filters[name] += sub_value_separator + filter.value
                    filters[name] = filter.value

        var filter_strings = []

            function(key, value){
                filter_strings.push(key + field_separator + 'None' + field_separator + value)

        var query = filter_strings.join(filters_separator)

            query = 'filters=' + query

        if(others) {
            query += query ? '&' : '?';
            query += others.join('&')
        return query

     * Serialize a form into a GET-parameters list (for use in URLs),
     * additionally, a checksum parameter (md5) will be added.
     * @param {jQuery} $form - Form to be serialized.
     * @returns {string} Generated query string (parameters).
    function serialize_form($form)
        var filters_query = $form.serialize()

        var checksum = make_checksum(filters_query);

        // use less tested but more concise format if the length exceeds acceptable 2000 characters
        if(filters_query.length >= 1800)
            filters_query = serialize_new_format($form)

        filters_query += filters_query ? '&' : '?';

        filters_query += 'checksum=' + checksum;
        return filters_query

     * Transform current URL (location.href) to include provided parameters.
     * @param {string} parameters - Query string to be included.
     * @returns {string} Current URL updated with provided filters query.
    function make_query_url(parameters)
        var location = window.location.href;
        var splitted = location.split('#');
        var hash = splitted.length > 0 ? splitted[1] : '';
        location = splitted[0].split('?')[0];

        if (parameters) {
            location += '?' + parameters;

        if (hash) {
            location += '#' + hash;
        return location;

    /** Callback to update event which will be bound to the form. */
    function on_update(do_not_save)
        // do not apply filters till all widget blockades are released
        if(form.find('.block').length !== 0) {
            return false

        var filters_query = serialize_form(form);

        apply(filters_query, do_not_save);

     * Serialize as much as (easily) possible inside given DOM structure.
     * Generally used to compare two HTML fragments containing similar but not identical forms.
     * If for both fragments the function returns the same, then then values of inputs are identical.
     * @param {jQuery} $dom_fragment - Part of HTML document to serialize.
     * @returns {string} Query string from serialized inputs inside given DOM fragment.
    function serialize_fragment($dom_fragment)
        return $dom_fragment.find('input,select').serialize()

     * @param {FiltersData} data
     * @returns {boolean} is response up to date?
    function is_response_actual(data)
        return make_checksum(form.serialize()) === data.checksum;

     * Prevents concurrency issue of accepting two or more consecutive
     * responses, which all pass "is_response_actual" test.
     * It prevents effect of duplicated visualisations as shown in #121 issue.
     * @param {FiltersData} data
     * @returns {boolean} is different with currently set value?
    function does_response_differ_from_current_state(data)
        return current_state_checksum != data.checksum

     * Replace filters form with relevant (updated) content:
     * - set up dynamic widgets (widgets which change, depending on
     *   values of other filters, e.g. dataset-specific widgets: we
     *   do not want to filter by cancer type in ESP6500 dataset)
     * - correctly selected checkboxes / inputs
     *   (when restoring to the old state with History API,
     *   those has to be replaced accordingly to old state)
     * @param {FiltersData} data - server response defining current state
     * @param {boolean} from_future - Was the update called on "popstate" History API event?
    function update_form_html(data, from_future)
        var html = $.parseHTML(data.dynamic_widgets);


        var dynamic_widgets = $('.dynamic-widgets');

        // do not replace if it's not needed - so expanded lists stay expanded
        if(serialize_fragment(dynamic_widgets) !== serialize_fragment($(html)))

     * Update an HTML <a> link, substituting '{{ filters }}' with given
     * filters string and cleaning up resultant URL from unused parameters.
     * @param {HTMLElement} element - <a> element to be updated; has to contain appropriate 'data-url-pattern'
     * @param {string} filters_string - query string to be used
    function update_link(element, filters_string)
        var $a = $(element);

        var pattern = decode_url_pattern($'url-pattern'));
        var new_href = format(pattern, {filters: filters_string});

        // clean up the url from unused parameters
        new_href = new_href.replace(/(&|\?)(.*?)=(&|$)/, '');

        $a.attr('href', new_href);

     * Handle response from.
     * @param {ServerResponse} data - server response defining current state
     * @param {boolean} from_future - Was the update called on "popstate" History API event?
    function load(data, from_future)
        var filters_data = data.filters;

        if (!(is_response_actual(filters_data) && does_response_differ_from_current_state(filters_data)) && !from_future)
            console.log('Skipping outdated response');
        current_state_checksum = filters_data.checksum

        config.data_handler(data.content, filters_data);

        update_form_html(filters_data, from_future);

                update_link(this, filters_data.query)


    function update_history(query, replace)
        var history_action = history.pushState;

        if (replace)
            history_action = history.replaceState;

        var state = {filters_query: query, form: form.serialize(), handler: 'filters'};

        history_action(state, '', make_query_url(query));

     * Apply filters provided in query:
     *  - ask server for data for those filters,
     *  - change URL,
     *  - record changes with History API.
     * @param {string} filters_query - Query string as returned by {@see serialize_form}
     * @param {boolean} [do_not_save=false] - Should this modification be recorded in history?
     * @param {boolean} [from_future=false] - Was called on "popstate" History API event?
    function apply(filters_query, do_not_save, from_future)
        current_state_checksum = null;

            url: config.endpoint_url,
            data: filters_query,
            success: function(data){

                var filters_query = ''

                    filters_query += 'filters=' + data.filters.query

                load(data, from_future)

                update_history(filters_query, do_not_save)


     * Retrieve currently set value of a filter of given name.
     * Returns undefined if there is no selected value or if
     * the current value is default one and not explicitly set.
    function get_value(filter_name)
        var matched = form.serializeArray().filter(
            function(o){ return === 'filter[' + filter_name + ']' }
        if(matched.length !== 1)
            return undefined
        return matched[0].value

     * Configuration object for AsyncFiltersHandler.
     * @typedef {Object} Config
     * @memberOf AsyncFiltersHandler
     * @property {jQuery} form
     * @property {function} data_handler
     * @property {function} on_loading_start
     * @property {function} on_loading_end
     * @property {number} input_delay
     * @property {jQuery} links_to_update
     * @property {string} endpoint_url - an URL of endpoint returning {@see ServerResponse}
     *  the endpoint should accept checksum, (and return in {@see FiltersData})

    return {
         * Initialize AsyncFiltersHandler
         * @memberOf AsyncFiltersHandler
         * @param {Config} new_config
        init: function(new_config)
            config = new_config;
            form = config.form;
                'select, input:not([type=text]):not(.programmatic)',
                function() { on_update() }

            var timer;

                function() {


                    timer = window.setTimeout(
                            timer = null
                        config.input_delay || 200


            update_history(, true)
        value: get_value,
        load: load,
        apply: apply,
        on_update: on_update