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title: 'CalloutExtension'

import Basic from '../../website/extension-examples/extension-callout/basic';
import WithEmojiPicker from '../../website/extension-examples/extension-callout/with-emoji-picker';
import WithRandomEmoji from '../../website/extension-examples/extension-callout/with-random-emoji';

# `CalloutExtension`

## Summary

This extension adds callouts to your text editor.

## Features

### Classify with semantic types

Not all callouts are the same. For example, a callout could contain an urgent warning to the reader that should stand out brightly. In contrast, a callout might contain an informational note which shouldn't overshadow the other text.

These different use cases can be represented by setting the `type` property to `info`, `warning` , `error`, `success`, or `blank`:

commands.toggleCallout({ type: 'error' });

The extension will use different background colors for each type like red for errors.

### Add custom emoji

The semantic types are too limiting for some use cases - especially "info" callouts could benefit from more, context-specific sub categories like:


Context-specific sub categories can be created by configuring an emoji for the callout, additionally to the semantic type:

import { CalloutExtension } from '@remirror/extension-callout';

const basicExtensions = () => [new CalloutExtension({ renderEmoji, defaultEmoji: '💡' })];

 * If you want to update the emoji to a new one, you can dispatch a transaction to update the `emoji` attrs inside this function.
const renderEmoji = (node: ProsemirrorNode) => {
  const emoji = document.createElement('span');
  emoji.textContent = node.attrs.emoji;
  return emoji;

## Usage

### Installation

This extension is installed for you when you install the main `remirror` package.

You can use the imports in the following way:

import { CalloutExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';

The extension is provided by the `@remirror/extension-callout` package.

### Examples

<Basic />

<WithEmojiPicker />

<WithRandomEmoji />

## API

- [CalloutExtension](../api/extension-callout)