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title: 'CodeBlockExtension'

import Basic from '../../website/extension-examples/extension-code-block/basic';

# `CodeBlockExtension`

## Summary

The CodeBlock extension adds fenced code blocks to your editor. A code block contains a formatted snippets of source code.


This extension differs from the `CodeExtension`, which provides code marks on inline text.



Also check a more powerful code block implementation at [`CodeMirrorExtension`](codemirror-extension).


## Features

### Formatting

Code blocks can be formatted for many different languages. For example, JavaScript code will be formatted differently from markdown or JSON code.

For a list of supported languages, please consult [refractor](, which we use under the hood.

### Keyboard support

Users can create a new code block by typing <code>&grave;&grave;&grave;&nbsp;</code> (3 ticks and a space). Users can define the language of the code block by typing <code>&grave;&grave;&grave;html&nbsp;</code>.

## Usage

### Installation

This extension is installed for you when you install the main `remirror` package.

You can use the imports in the following way:

import { CodeBlockExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';

### Examples

<Basic />

## API

- [CodeBlockExtension](../api/extension-code-block)