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title: 'PositionerExtension'

import Basic from '../../website/extension-examples/extension-positioner/basic';

# `PositionerExtension`

## Summary

This is the positioner extension which is used to track the positions of different parts of your editor.

For example, you can track the cursor or all visible paragraph nodes.


Tip: See this [blog post](/blog/positioner-performance) if you encounter performance issues.


## Usage

### Installation

This extension is installed for you when you install the main `remirror` package.

You can use the imports in the following way:

import { PositionerExtension } from 'remirror/extensions';

The extension is provided by the `@remirror/extension-positioner` package.

### Examples

<Basic />

## API

- [PositionerExtension](../api/extension-positioner)