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import {
  Node as ProsemirrorNode,
  Schema as EditorSchema,
} from 'prosemirror-model';
import { Plugin, PluginKey, Selection } from 'prosemirror-state';
import type { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
import { ExtensionPriority } from '@remirror/core-constants';
import { findMatches, includes, isFunction, range, sort } from '@remirror/core-helpers';

 * Create the paste plugin handler.
export function pasteRules(pasteRules: PasteRule[]): Plugin {
  const sortedPasteRules = sort(
    (a, z) => (z.priority ?? ExtensionPriority.Low) - (a.priority ?? ExtensionPriority.Low),

  // Container for the regex based paste rules.
  const regexPasteRules: RegexPasteRule[] = [];

  // Container for the file based paste rules.
  const filePasteRules: FilePasteRule[] = [];

  for (const rule of sortedPasteRules) {
    if (isRegexPastRule(rule)) {
    } else {

  let view: EditorView;

  return new Plugin({
    key: pastePluginKey,
    view: (editorView) => {
      view = editorView;
      return {};
    props: {
      // The regex based paste rules are passed into this function to take care of.
      transformPasted: (slice) => {
        const $pos = view.state.selection.$from;
        const nodeName = $pos.node();
        const markNames = new Set($pos.marks().map((mark) =>;

        // Iterate over each rule by order of priority and update the slice each time.
        for (const rule of regexPasteRules) {
          if (
            // The parent node is ignored.
            rule.ignoredNodes?.includes(nodeName) ||
            // The current position contains ignored marks.
            rule.ignoredMarks?.some((ignored) => markNames.has(ignored))
          ) {

          const textContent = slice.content.firstChild?.textContent ?? '';
          const canBeReplaced =
            !view.state.selection.empty && slice.content.childCount === 1 && textContent;
          const match = findMatches(textContent, rule.regexp)[0];

          if (canBeReplaced && match && rule.type === 'mark' && rule.replaceSelection) {
            const { from, to } = view.state.selection;
            const textSlice = view.state.doc.slice(from, to);
            const textContent = textSlice.content.textBetween(0, textSlice.content.size);

            if (
              typeof rule.replaceSelection !== 'boolean'
                ? rule.replaceSelection(textContent)
                : rule.replaceSelection
            ) {
              const newTextNodes: ProsemirrorNode[] = [];

              const { getAttributes, markType } = rule;
              const attributes = isFunction(getAttributes)
                ? getAttributes(match, true)
                : getAttributes;
              const mark = markType.create(attributes);

              textSlice.content.forEach((textNode) => {
                if (textNode.isText) {
                  const marks = mark.addToSet(textNode.marks);

              return Slice.maxOpen(Fragment.fromArray(newTextNodes));

          const { nodes: transformedNodes, transformed } = regexPasteRuleHandler(

          if (transformed) {
            // If we have created a block node, we don't want to keep the slice's open depth for both side.
            slice =
              rule.type === 'node' && rule.nodeType.isBlock
                ? new Slice(Fragment.fromArray(transformedNodes), 0, 0)
                : new Slice(Fragment.fromArray(transformedNodes), slice.openStart, slice.openEnd);

        // The `slice` passed to `transformPasted` might contain a invalid
        // fragment (this is fine since slice has openStart and openEnd). The
        // paste rule might remove some other node from the fragment because of
        // its invalidity. So we need to check the opening to make sure that the
        // slice is still valid.
        return fixSliceOpening(slice);
      handleDOMEvents: {
        // Handle paste for pasting content.
        paste: (view, clipboardEvent: Event) => {
          const event = clipboardEvent as ClipboardEvent;

          if (!view.props.editable?.(view.state)) {
            return false;

          const { clipboardData } = event;

          if (!clipboardData) {
            return false;

          const allFiles: File[] = [...clipboardData.items]
            .map((data) => data.getAsFile())
            .filter((file): file is File => !!file);

          if (allFiles.length === 0) {
            return false;

          const { selection } = view.state;

          for (const { fileHandler, regexp } of filePasteRules) {
            const files = regexp ? allFiles.filter((file) => regexp.test(file.type)) : allFiles;

            if (files.length === 0) {

            if (fileHandler({ event, files, selection, view, type: 'paste' })) {
              return true;

          return false;

        // Handle drop for pasting content.
        drop: (view, dragEvent: Event) => {
          const event = dragEvent as DragEvent;

          if (!view.props.editable?.(view.state)) {
            return false;

          const { dataTransfer, clientX, clientY } = event;

          if (!dataTransfer) {
            return false;

          const allFiles = getDataTransferFiles(event);

          if (allFiles.length === 0) {
            return false;

          const pos =
            view.posAtCoords({ left: clientX, top: clientY })?.pos ?? view.state.selection.anchor;

          for (const { fileHandler, regexp } of filePasteRules) {
            const files = regexp ? allFiles.filter((file) => regexp.test(file.type)) : allFiles;

            if (files.length === 0) {

            if (fileHandler({ event, files, pos, view, type: 'drop' })) {
              return true;

          return false;

interface BasePasteRule {
   * The priority for the extension. Can be a number, or if you're using it with
   * `remirror` then use the `ExtensionPriority` enum.
   * @defaultValue 10
  priority?: ExtensionPriority;

interface BaseRegexPasteRule extends BasePasteRule {
   * The regular expression to test against.
  regexp: RegExp;

   * Only match at the start of the text block.
  startOfTextBlock?: boolean;

   * Ignore the match when all characters in the capture group are whitespace.
   * This helps stop situations from occurring where the a capture group matches
   * but you don't want an update if it's all whitespace.
   * @defaultValue false
  ignoreWhitespace?: boolean;

   * The names of nodes for which this paste rule can be ignored. This means
   * that if content is within any of the nodes provided the transformation will
   * be ignored.
  ignoredNodes?: string[];

   * The names of marks for which this paste rule can be ignored. This means
   * that if the matched content contains this mark it will be ignored.
  ignoredMarks?: string[];

interface BaseContentPasteRule extends BaseRegexPasteRule {
   * A helper function for setting the attributes for a transformation.
   * The second parameter is `true` when the attributes are retrieved for a replacement.
    | Record<string, unknown>
    | ((match: RegExpExecArray, isReplacement: boolean) => Record<string, unknown> | undefined);

 * For adding marks to text when a paste rule is activated.
export interface MarkPasteRule extends BaseContentPasteRule {
   * The type of rule.
  type: 'mark';

   * The prosemirror mark type instance.
  markType: MarkType;

   * Set to `true` to replace the selection. When the regex matches for the
   * selected text.
   * Can be a function which receives the text that will be replaced.
  replaceSelection?: boolean | ((replacedText: string) => boolean);

   * A function that transforms the match into the desired text value.
   * Return an empty string to delete all content.
   * Return `false` to invalidate the match.
  transformMatch?: (match: RegExpExecArray) => string | null | undefined | false;

export interface NodePasteRule extends BaseContentPasteRule {
   * The type of rule.
  type: 'node';

   * The node type to create.
  nodeType: NodeType;

   * A function that transforms the match into the content to use when creating
   * a node.
   * Pass `() => {}` to remove the matched text.
   * If this function is undefined, then the text node that is cut from the match
   * will be used as the content.
  getContent?: (
    match: RegExpExecArray,
  ) => Fragment | ProsemirrorNode | ProsemirrorNode[] | undefined | void;

 * For handling simpler text updates.
export interface TextPasteRule extends BaseRegexPasteRule {
   * The type of rule.
  type: 'text';

   * A function that transforms the match into the desired text value.
   * Return an empty string to delete all content.
   * Return `false` to invalidate the match.
  transformMatch?: (match: RegExpExecArray) => string | null | undefined | false;

export type FileHandlerProps = FilePasteHandlerProps | FileDropHandlerProps;

export interface FilePasteHandlerProps {
  type: 'paste';
  /** All the matching files */
  files: File[];
  event: ClipboardEvent;
  view: EditorView;
  selection: Selection;

export interface FileDropHandlerProps {
  type: 'drop';
  /** All the matching files */
  files: File[];
  event: DragEvent;
  view: EditorView;
  pos: number;

 * For handling pasting files and also file drops.
export interface FilePasteRule extends BasePasteRule {
  type: 'file';

   * A regex test for the file type.
  regexp?: RegExp;

   * The names of nodes for which this paste rule can be ignored. This means
   * that if content is within any of the nodes provided the transformation will
   * be ignored.
  ignoredNodes?: string[];

   * Return `false` to defer to the next image handler.
   * The file
  fileHandler: (props: FileHandlerProps) => boolean;

export type PasteRule = FilePasteRule | TextPasteRule | NodePasteRule | MarkPasteRule;

const pastePluginKey = new PluginKey('pasteRule');

 * @typeParam RegexPasteRule
interface PasteRuleHandler<Rule extends RegexPasteRule> {
  /** The fragment to use */
  fragment: Fragment;
  /** The type of the rule passed */
  rule: Rule;
  /** The nodes provided */
  nodes: ProsemirrorNode[];

interface TransformerProps<Rule extends RegexPasteRule> {
  rule: Rule;
  textNode: ProsemirrorNode;
  nodes: ProsemirrorNode[];
  match: RegExpExecArray;
  schema: EditorSchema;

type Transformer<Rule extends RegexPasteRule> = (props: TransformerProps<Rule>) => void;

 * Factory for creating paste rules.
function createPasteRuleHandler<Rule extends RegexPasteRule>(
  transformer: Transformer<Rule>,
  schema: EditorSchema,
) {
  return function handler(props: PasteRuleHandler<Rule>): {
    nodes: ProsemirrorNode[];
    transformed: boolean;
  } {
    const { fragment, rule, nodes } = props;
    const { regexp, ignoreWhitespace, ignoredMarks, ignoredNodes } = rule;
    let transformed = false;

    fragment.forEach((child) => {
      // Check if this node should be ignored.
      if (ignoredNodes?.includes( || isCodeNode(child)) {

      // When the current node is not a text node, recursively dive into it's child nodes.
      if (!child.isText) {
        const childResult = handler({ fragment: child.content, rule, nodes: [] });
        transformed ||= childResult.transformed;
        const content = Fragment.fromArray(childResult.nodes);

        if (child.type.validContent(content)) {
        } else {


      // When this is a text node ignore this child if it is wrapped by an ignored
      // mark or a code mark.
      if (child.marks.some((mark) => isCodeMark(mark) || ignoredMarks?.includes( {

      const text = child.text ?? '';
      let pos = 0;

      // Find all matches and add the defined mark.
      for (const match of findMatches(text, regexp)) {
        // The captured value from the regex.
        const capturedValue = match[1];

        const fullValue = match[0];

        if (
          // This helps prevent matches which are only whitespace from triggering
          // an update.
          (ignoreWhitespace && capturedValue?.trim() === '') ||
        ) {

        const start = match.index;
        const end = start + fullValue.length;

        if (start > pos) {
          nodes.push(child.cut(pos, start));

        let textNode = child.cut(start, end);

        // When a capture value is provided use it.
        if (fullValue && capturedValue) {
          const startSpaces =\S/);
          const textStart = start + fullValue.indexOf(capturedValue);
          const textEnd = textStart + capturedValue.length;

          if (startSpaces) {
            nodes.push(child.cut(start, start + startSpaces));

          textNode = child.cut(textStart, textEnd);

        // A transformer to push the required nodes.
        transformer({ nodes, rule, textNode, match, schema });
        transformed = true;
        pos = end;

      // Add the rest of the node to the gathered nodes if any characters are
      // remaining.
      if (text && pos < text.length) {

    return { nodes, transformed };

 * Mark rule transformer which pushes the transformed mark into the provided
 * nodes.
function markRuleTransformer(props: TransformerProps<MarkPasteRule>) {
  const { nodes, rule, textNode, match, schema } = props;
  const { transformMatch, getAttributes, markType } = rule;
  const attributes = isFunction(getAttributes) ? getAttributes(match, false) : getAttributes;

  const text = textNode.text ?? '';
  const mark = markType.create(attributes);
  const transformedCapturedValue = transformMatch?.(match);

  // remove the text if transformMatch returns empty text
  if (transformedCapturedValue === '') {

  // remove the mark if transformMatch returns false
  if (transformedCapturedValue === false) {
    nodes.push(schema.text(text, textNode.marks));

  const marks = mark.addToSet(textNode.marks);
  nodes.push(schema.text(transformedCapturedValue ?? text, marks));

 * Support for pasting and transforming text content into the editor.
function textRuleTransformer(props: TransformerProps<TextPasteRule>) {
  const { nodes, rule, textNode, match, schema } = props;
  const { transformMatch } = rule;
  const transformedCapturedValue = transformMatch?.(match);

  // remove the text if transformMatch returns empty string or false
  if (transformedCapturedValue === '' || transformedCapturedValue === false) {

  const text = transformedCapturedValue ?? textNode.text ?? '';
  nodes.push(schema.text(text, textNode.marks));

 * Support for pasting node content into the editor.
function nodeRuleTransformer(props: TransformerProps<NodePasteRule>) {
  const { nodes, rule, textNode, match } = props;
  const { getAttributes, nodeType, getContent } = rule;
  const attributes = isFunction(getAttributes) ? getAttributes(match, false) : getAttributes;
  const content = (getContent ? getContent(match) : textNode) || undefined;
  nodes.push(nodeType.createChecked(attributes, content));

 * The run the handlers for the regex paste rules on the content which has been transformed by prosemirror.
function regexPasteRuleHandler(
  fragment: Fragment,
  rule: RegexPasteRule,
  schema: EditorSchema,
): { nodes: ProsemirrorNode[]; transformed: boolean } {
  const nodes: ProsemirrorNode[] = [];

  switch (rule.type) {
    case 'mark':
      return createPasteRuleHandler(markRuleTransformer, schema)({ fragment, nodes, rule });

    case 'node':
      return createPasteRuleHandler(nodeRuleTransformer, schema)({ fragment, nodes, rule });

      return createPasteRuleHandler(textRuleTransformer, schema)({ fragment, nodes, rule });

const regexPasteRules = ['mark', 'node', 'text'] as const;
type RegexPasteRule = MarkPasteRule | NodePasteRule | TextPasteRule;

 * Check if the paste rule is regex based.
function isRegexPastRule(rule: PasteRule): rule is RegexPasteRule {
  return includes(regexPasteRules, rule.type);

export interface IsInCodeOptions {
   * When this is set to true ensure the selection is fully contained within a code block. This means that selections that span multiple characters must all be within a code region for it to return true.
   * @defaultValue true
  contained?: boolean;

 * Check whether the current selection is completely contained within a code block or mark.
export function isInCode(
  selection: Selection,
  { contained = true }: IsInCodeOptions = {},
): boolean {
  if (selection.empty) {
    return resolvedPosInCode(selection.$head);

  if (contained) {
    return resolvedPosInCode(selection.$head) && resolvedPosInCode(selection.$anchor);

  return resolvedPosInCode(selection.$head) || resolvedPosInCode(selection.$anchor);

 * Check if the provided position is within a code mark or node.
function resolvedPosInCode($pos: ResolvedPos): boolean {
  // Start at the current depth and work down until a depth of 1.
  for (const depth of range($pos.depth, 1)) {
    if (isCodeNode($pos.node(depth))) {
      return true;

  for (const mark of $pos.marks()) {
    if (isCodeMark(mark)) {
      return true;

  return false;

 * Check if the current node is a code node.
function isCodeNode(node: ProsemirrorNode) {
  return node.type.spec.code ||' ').includes('code');

 * Check if the current mark is a code mark.
function isCodeMark(mark: Mark) {
  return === 'code' ||' ').includes('code');

function getDataTransferFiles(event: DragEvent): File[] {
  const { dataTransfer } = event;

  if (!dataTransfer) {
    return [];

  if (dataTransfer.files?.length > 0) {
    return [...dataTransfer.files];

  if (dataTransfer.items?.length) {
    // During the drag even the dataTransfer.files is null
    // but Chrome implements some drag store, which is accesible via dataTransfer.items
    return [...dataTransfer.items]
      .map((item) => item.getAsFile())
      .filter((item): item is File => !!item);

  return [];

function fixSliceOpening(slice: Slice): Slice {
  const max = Slice.maxOpen(slice.content);
  return max.openStart < slice.openStart || max.openEnd < slice.openEnd ? max : slice;