import { logger } from '../logger';
import { runCommand } from './run-command';
const testedModules = new Map<string, boolean>();
* Check if the provided module supports commonjs require.
export async function isCommonJSModule(cwd: string, module: string): Promise<boolean> {
if (testedModules.has(module)) {
return testedModules.get(module) ?? false;
logger.debug(`checking require for module ${module}`);
try {
await runCommand('node', ['-e', `require('${module}')`], { cwd });
testedModules.set(module, true);
return true;
} catch (error) {
logger.warn(`Failed to use Node.JS 'require()' to load module: ${module}`);
testedModules.set(module, false);
return false;