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import { ErrorConstant } from '@remirror/core-constants';
import { entries, invariant, isFunction, isString, keys } from '@remirror/core-helpers';
import type {
} from '@remirror/core-types';
import type { NodeRange } from '@remirror/pm/model';
import type { Step } from '@remirror/pm/transform';

import { getChangedNodeRanges, isProsemirrorNode } from './core-utils';

interface DescendProps {
   * Whether to descend into a node.
   * @defaultValue true
  descend: boolean;

type NodePredicateProps = PredicateProps<NodeWithPosition>;

 * A node with it's start position.
export interface NodeWithPosition extends ProsemirrorNodeProps, PosProps {}

interface NodeActionProps {
   * A method which is run whenever the provided predicate returns true.
   * This avoids the need for multiple passes over the same data, first to
   * gather and then to process. When viable ,why not just get it done.
  action?: (node: NodeWithPosition) => void;

interface BaseFindProps
  extends OptionalProsemirrorNodeProps,
    NodeActionProps {}

interface FindChildrenProps extends BaseFindProps, NodePredicateProps {}

 * Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes predicate
 * returns truthy for.
 * @remarks
 * It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
 * `true`).
 * ```ts
 * const textNodes = findChildren({
 *   node: state.doc,
 *   predicate: child => child.isText,
 *   descend: false
 * });
 * ```
export function findChildren(props: FindChildrenProps): NodeWithPosition[] {
  const { node, predicate, descend = true, action } = props;

  // Ensure that the node provided is a `ProsemirrorNode`.
  invariant(isProsemirrorNode(node), {
    code: ErrorConstant.INTERNAL,
    message: 'Invalid "node" parameter passed to "findChildren".',

  // Ensure that the predicate is a function.
  invariant(isFunction(predicate), {
    code: ErrorConstant.INTERNAL,
    message: 'Invalid "predicate" parameter passed to "findChildren".',

  // This is used to keep track of all the node positions.
  const result: NodeWithPosition[] = [];

  // Start descending into the provided node. This can be an expensive operation
  // if the document is very large or deeply nested.
  node.descendants((child, pos) => {
    const nodeWithPosition: NodeWithPosition = { node: child, pos };

    // True when this call matches the required condition - returns `true`.
    const isMatch = predicate(nodeWithPosition);

    if (!isMatch) {
      // Move onto the next node or descendant depending on the value of
      // `descend`.
      return descend;

    // Store the result and run the provided action if it exists.

    return descend;

  return result;

 * A utility for creating methods that find a node by a specific condition.
function findNodeByPredicate({ predicate }: NodePredicateProps) {
  return (props: BaseFindProps) => findChildren({ ...props, predicate });

 * Returns text nodes of a given `node`.
 * @remarks
 * It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
 * `true`).
 * ```ts
 * const textNodes = findTextNodes({ node });
 * ```
export const findTextNodes = findNodeByPredicate({ predicate: (child) => child.node.isText });

 * Returns inline nodes of a given `node`.
 * @remarks
 * It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
 * `true`).
 * ```ts
 * const inlineNodes = findInlineNodes(node);
 * ```
export const findInlineNodes = findNodeByPredicate({ predicate: (child) => child.node.isInline });

 * Returns block descendants of a given `node`.
 * @remarks
 * It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
 * `true`).
 * ```ts
 * const blockNodes = findBlockNodes(node);
 * ```
export const findBlockNodes = findNodeByPredicate({ predicate: (child) => child.node.isBlock });

type AttributePredicate = (props: { value: unknown; exists: boolean }) => boolean;

interface FindChildrenByAttrProps extends BaseFindProps {
   * This can either be any primitive value or a function that takes the `value`
   * as the first argument and whether the key exists within the attributes as
   * the second argument.
  attrs: { [key: string]: Primitive | AttributePredicate };

 * Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes predicate
 * returns truthy for.
 * @remarks
 * It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
 * `true`).
 * The following will match any node with an `id` of any value (as long as the
 * attribute exists) and a `colspan` of `2`.
 * ```ts
 * const mergedCells = findChildrenByAttribute({
 *   node: table,
 *   attrs: { colspan: 2, id: (_, exists) => exists }
 * });
 * ```
export function findChildrenByAttribute(props: FindChildrenByAttrProps): NodeWithPosition[] {
  const { attrs, } = props;

   * The predicate function which loops through the provided attributes check if
   * they are valid.
  function predicate(nodeWithPos: NodeWithPosition) {
    const attributeKeys = new Set(keys(nodeWithPos.node.attrs));

    for (const [attr, expectedValue] of entries(attrs)) {
      const value = nodeWithPos.node.attrs[attr];

      if (
        // The user has passed in a predicate checking function.
      ) {
        const exists = attributeKeys.has(attr);

        if (
          // Check if the predicate checker returns false, in which case we can
          // exit early.
          !expectedValue({ value, exists })
        ) {
          return false;


      if (
        // If the value doesn't match the expected value, exit early.
        value !== expectedValue
      ) {
        return false;

    return true;

  return findChildren({, predicate });

interface FindChildrenByNodeProps extends BaseFindProps, NodeTypeProps {}

 * Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes of a given
 * nodeType.
 * @remarks
 * It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
 * `true`).
 * ```ts
 * const cells = findChildrenByNode({ node: state.doc, type: state.schema.nodes.tableCell });
 * ```
export function findChildrenByNode(props: FindChildrenByNodeProps): NodeWithPosition[] {
  const { type, } = props;
  return findChildren({, predicate: (child) => child.node.type === type });

interface FindChildrenByMarkProps extends BaseFindProps, MarkTypeProps {}

 * Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes that have
 * a mark of a given markType.
 * @remarks
 * It doesn't descend into a `node` when descend argument is `false` (defaults
 * to `true`).
 * ```ts
 * const nodes = findChildrenByMark({ node: state.doc, type: schema.marks.strong });
 * ```
export function findChildrenByMark(paramter: FindChildrenByMarkProps): NodeWithPosition[] {
  const { type, } = paramter;
  let markType: MarkType | undefined;

  return findChildren({,
    predicate: (child) => {
      if (!markType) {
        markType = isString(type) ? child.node.type.schema.marks[type] : type;

        invariant(markType, {
          code: ErrorConstant.SCHEMA,
          message: `Mark type: ${type} does not exist on the current schema.`,

      return !!markType.isInSet(child.node.marks);

interface ContainsProps extends ProsemirrorNodeProps, NodeTypeProps {}

 * Returns `true` if a given node contains nodes of a given `nodeType`.
 * @remarks
 * ```ts
 * if (containsNodesOfType({ node: state.doc, type: schema.nodes.listItem })) {
 *   log('contained')
 * }
 * ```
export function containsNodesOfType(props: ContainsProps): boolean {
  const { node, type } = props;
  return findChildrenByNode({ node, type }).length > 0;

interface GetChangedNodesOptions {
   * Whether to descend into child nodes.
   * @defaultValue false
  descend?: boolean;

   * A predicate test for node which was found. Return `false` to skip the node.
   * @param node - the node that was found
   * @param pos - the pos of that node
   * @param range - the `NodeRange` which contained this node.
  predicate?: (node: ProsemirrorNode, pos: number, range: NodeRange) => boolean;

   * The valid step types to check for. Set to an empty array to accept all
   * types.
   * @defaultValue [ReplaceStep]
  StepTypes?: Array<AnyConstructor<Step>>;

 * Get all the changed nodes from the provided transaction.
 * The following example will give us all the text nodes in the provided
 * transaction.
 * ```ts
 * import { getChangedNodes } from 'remirror/core';
 * const changedTextNodes = getChangeNodes(tr, { descend: true, predicate: (node) => node.isText });
 * ```
export function getChangedNodes(
  tr: Transaction,
  options: GetChangedNodesOptions = {},
): NodeWithPosition[] {
  const { descend = false, predicate, StepTypes } = options;
  const nodeRange = getChangedNodeRanges(tr, StepTypes);

  // The container for the nodes which have been added..
  const nodes: NodeWithPosition[] = [];

  for (const range of nodeRange) {
    const { start, end } = range;

    // Find all the nodes between the provided node range.
    tr.doc.nodesBetween(start, end, (node, pos) => {
      // Check wether this is a node that should be added.
      const shouldAdd = predicate?.(node, pos, range) ?? true;

      if (shouldAdd) {
        nodes.push({ node, pos });

      return descend;

  return nodes;