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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/member-ordering */

import {
} from '@remirror/core-constants';
import { assertGet, freeze, invariant, pascalCase, uniqueBy } from '@remirror/core-helpers';
import type {
} from '@remirror/core-types';
import { isIdentifierOfType, isRemirrorType } from '@remirror/core-utils';

import type {
} from '../types';
import {
} from './base-class';

 * Auto infers the parameter for the constructor. If there is a required static
 * option then the TypeScript compiler will error if nothing is passed in.
export type ExtensionConstructorProps<Options extends ValidOptions> = ConstructorProps<

 * Extensions are fundamental to the way that Remirror works by grouping
 * together the functionality and handling the management of similar concerns.
 * @remarks
 *  Extension can adjust editor functionality in any way. Here are some
 *  examples.
 * - How the editor displays certain content, i.e. **bold**, _italic_,
 *   **underline**.
 * - Which commands should be made available e.g. `commands.toggleBold()` to
 *   toggle the weight of the selected text.
 * - Check if a command is currently enabled (i.e a successful dry run) e.g.
 *   `commands.toggleBold.isEnabled()`.
 * - Register Prosemirror `Plugin`s, `keymap`s, `InputRule`s `PasteRule`s,
 *   `Suggestions`, and custom `nodeViews` which affect the behavior of the
 *   editor.
 * There are three types of `Extension`.
 * - `NodeExtension` - For creating Prosemirror nodes in the editor. See
 *   {@link NodeExtension}
 * - `MarkExtension` - For creating Prosemirror marks in the editor. See
 *   {@link MarkExtension}
 * - `PlainExtension` - For behavior which doesn't map to a `ProsemirrorNode` or
 *   `Mark` and as a result doesn't directly affect the Prosemirror `Schema` or
 *   content. See {@link PlainExtension}.
 * This `Extension` is an abstract class that should not be used directly but
 * rather extended to add the intended functionality.
 * ```ts
 * import { PlainExtension, Static } from 'remirror';
 * interface AwesomeExtensionOptions {
 *   isAwesome?: Static<boolean>;
 *   id?: string;
 * }
 * class AwesomeExtension extends PlainExtension<AwesomeExtensionOptions> {
 *   static defaultOptions: DefaultExtensionOptions<AwesomeExtensionOptions> = {
 *     isAwesome: true,
 *     id: '',
 *   }
 *   get name() {
 *     return 'awesome' as const;
 *   }
 * }
 * ```
abstract class Extension<Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape> extends BaseClass<
> {
   * The default priority for this family of extensions.
  static readonly defaultPriority: ExtensionPriority = ExtensionPriority.Default;

   * Allows for the `RemirrorManager` or `Preset`'s to override the priority of
   * an extension.
  private priorityOverride?: ExtensionPriority;

   * The priority level for this instance of the extension. A higher value
   * corresponds to a higher priority extension
  get priority(): ExtensionPriority {
    return this.priorityOverride ?? this.options.priority ?? this.constructor.defaultPriority;

   * The name that the constructor should have, which doesn't get mangled in
   * production.
  get constructorName(): string {
    return `${pascalCase(}Extension`;

   * The store is a shared object that's internal to each extension. It includes
   * often used items like the `view` and `schema` that are added by the
   * extension manager and also the lifecycle extension methods.
   * **NOTE** - The store is not available until the manager has been created
   * and received the extension. As a result trying to access the store during
   * `init` and `constructor` will result in a runtime error.
   * Some properties of the store are available at different phases. You should
   * check the inline documentation to know when a certain property is useable
   * in your extension.
  protected get store(): Remirror.ExtensionStore {
    invariant(this._store, {
      code: ErrorConstant.MANAGER_PHASE_ERROR,
      message: `An error occurred while attempting to access the '' when the Manager has not yet set created the lifecycle methods.`,

    return freeze(this._store, { requireKeys: true });

   * The list of extensions added to the editor by this `Preset`.
  get extensions(): Array<this['~E']> {
    return this._extensions;
   * Private list of extension stored within this [[`Preset`]].
  private _extensions: Array<this['~E']>;

   * An extension mapping of the extensions and their constructors.
  private readonly extensionMap: Map<this['~E']['constructor'], this['~E']>;

   * This store is can be modified by the extension manager with and lifecycle
   * extension methods.
   * Different properties are added at different times so it's important to
   * check the documentation for each property to know what phase is being
   * added.
  private _store?: Remirror.ExtensionStore;

  constructor(...args: ExtensionConstructorProps<Options>) {
    super(defaultOptions, ...args);

    // Create the extension list.
    this._extensions = uniqueBy(
      this.createExtensions() as any,
      // Ensure that all the provided extensions are unique.
      (extension) => extension.constructor,

    this.extensionMap = new Map<this['~E']['constructor'], this['~E']>();

    // Create the extension map for retrieving extensions from the `Preset`
    for (const extension of this._extensions) {
      this.extensionMap.set(extension.constructor, extension);

   * When there are duplicate extensions used within the editor the extension
   * manager will call this method and make sure all extension holders are using
   * the same instance of the `ExtensionConstructor`.
   * @internal
  replaceChildExtension(constructor: AnyExtensionConstructor, extension: this['~E']): void {
    if (!this.extensionMap.has(constructor)) {

    this.extensionMap.set(constructor, extension);
    this._extensions = =>
      extension.constructor === constructor ? extension : currentExtension,

   * Not for usage. This is purely for types to make it easier to infer
   * available sub extension types.
   * @internal
  ['~E']: ReturnType<this['createExtensions']>[number] = {} as ReturnType<

   * Create the extensions which will be consumed by the preset. Override this
   * if you would like to make your extension a parent to other (holder)
   * extensions which don't make sense existing outside of the context of this
   * extension.
   * @remarks
   * Since this method is called in the constructor it should always be created
   * as an instance method and not a property. Properties aren't available for
   * the call to the parent class.
   * ```ts
   * class HolderExtension extends PlainExtension {
   *   get name() {
   *     return 'holder'
   *   }
   *   // GOOD ✅
   *   createExtensions() {
   *     return [];
   *   }
   *   // BAD ❌
   *   createExtensions = () => {
   *     return [];
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  createExtensions(): AnyExtension[] {
    return [];

   * Get an extension from this holder extension by providing the desired
   * `Constructor`.
   * @param Constructor - the extension constructor to find in the editor.
   * @remarks
   * This method will throw an error if the constructor doesn't exist within the
   * extension created by this extension.
   * It can be used to forward options and attach handlers to the children
   * extensions. It is the spiritual replacement of the `Preset` extension.
   * ```ts
   * import { PlainExtension, OnSetOptionsProps } from 'remirror';
   * interface ParentOptions { weight?: string }
   * class ParentExtension extends PlainExtension<ParentOptions> {
   *   get name() {
   *     return 'parent' as const;
   *   }
   *   createExtensions() {
   *     return [new BoldExtension()]
   *   }
   *   onSetOptions(options: OnSetOptionsProps<ParentOptions>): void {
   *     if (options.changes.weight.changed) {
   *       // Update the value of the provided extension.
   *       this.getExtension(BoldExtension).setOption({ weight: options.changes.weight.value });
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  getExtension<Type extends this['~E']['constructor']>(Constructor: Type): InstanceType<Type> {
    const extension = this.extensionMap.get(Constructor);

    // Throws an error if attempting to get an extension which is not available
    // in this preset.
    invariant(extension, {
      code: ErrorConstant.INVALID_GET_EXTENSION,
      message: `'${}' does not exist within the preset: '${}'`,

    return extension as InstanceType<Type>;

   * Check if the type of this extension's constructor matches the type of the
   * provided constructor.
  isOfType<Type extends AnyExtensionConstructor>(Constructor: Type): this is InstanceType<Type> {
    return this.constructor === (Constructor as unknown);

   * Pass a reference to the globally shared `ExtensionStore` for this
   * extension.
   * @remarks
   * The extension store allows extensions to access important variables without
   * complicating their creator methods.
   * ```ts
   * import { PlainExtension } from 'remirror';
   * class Awesome extends PlainExtension {
   *   customMethod() {
   *     if ( {
   *       log('dance dance dance');
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
   * This should only be called by the `RemirrorManager`.
   * @internal
   * @nonVirtual
  setStore(store: Remirror.ExtensionStore): void {
    if (this._store) {

    this._store = store;

   * Clone an extension.
  clone(...args: ExtensionConstructorProps<Options>): Extension<Options> {
    return new this.constructor(...args);

   * Set the priority override for this extension. This is used in the
   * `RemirrorManager` in order to override the priority of an extension.
   * If you set the first parameter to `undefined` it will remove the priority
   * override.
   * @internal
  setPriority(priority: undefined | ExtensionPriority): void {
    this.priorityOverride = priority;

   * This handler is called when the `RemirrorManager` is first created.
   * @remarks
   * Since it is called as soon as the manager is some methods may not be
   * available in the extension store. When accessing methods on `` be
   * shore to check when they become available in the lifecycle.
   * You can return a `Dispose` function which will automatically be called when
   * the extension is destroyed.
   * This handler is called before the `onView` handler.
   * @category Lifecycle Methods
  onCreate?(): Dispose | void;

   * This event happens when the view is first received from the view layer
   * (e.g. React).
   * Return a dispose function which will be called when the extension is
   * destroyed.
   * This handler is called after the `onCreate` handler.
   * @category Lifecycle Methods
  onView?(view: EditorView): Dispose | void;

   * This can be used by the `Extension` to append a transaction to the latest
   * update.
   * This is shorthand for the `ProsemirrorPlugin.spec.appendTransaction`.
   * @category Lifecycle Methods
  onAppendTransaction?(props: AppendLifecycleProps): void;

   * This is called when the prosemirror editor state is first attached to the
   * editor. It can be useful for doing some preparation work.
   * This is a shorthand for creating a plugin and adding the
   * [[`Plugin.spec.state.init`]].
   * @category Lifecycle Methods
  onInitState?(state: EditorState): void;

   * This is called when the state is being applied to the editor. This can be
   * used as a shorthand for the [[`Plugin.spec.state.apply`]] method.
   * For example, when using [[`createDecorations`]] you can respond to editor
   * updates within this callback.
   * @category Lifecycle Methods
  onApplyState?(props: ApplyStateLifecycleProps): void;

   * This handler is called after a transaction successfully updates the editor
   * state. It is called asynchronously after the [[`onApplyState`]] hook has
   * been run run.
   * @category Lifecycle Methods
  onStateUpdate?(props: StateUpdateLifecycleProps): void;

   * Called when the extension is being destroyed.
   * @category Lifecycle Methods
  onDestroy?(): void;

 * Declaration merging since the constructor property can't be defined on the
 * actual class.
interface Extension<Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape> extends Remirror.BaseExtension {
   * The type of the constructor for the extension.
  constructor: ExtensionConstructor<Options>;

   * An extension can declare the extensions it requires.
   * @remarks
   * When creating the extension manager the extension will be checked for
   * required extension as well as a quick check to see if the required
   * extension is already included. If not present a descriptive error will be
   * thrown.
  requiredExtensions?: AnyExtensionConstructor[];

 * Get the expected type signature for the `defaultOptions`. Requires that every
 * optional setting key (except for keys which are defined on the
 * `BaseExtensionOptions`) has a value assigned.
export type DefaultExtensionOptions<Options extends ValidOptions> = DefaultOptions<

 * Create a plain extension which doesn't directly map to Prosemirror nodes or
 * marks.
 * Plain extensions are a great way to add custom behavior to your editor.
export abstract class PlainExtension<
  Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape,
> extends Extension<Options> {
  /** @internal */
  static get [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__](): RemirrorIdentifier.PlainExtensionConstructor {
    return RemirrorIdentifier.PlainExtensionConstructor;

  /** @internal */
  get [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__](): RemirrorIdentifier.PlainExtension {
    return RemirrorIdentifier.PlainExtension;

 * A mark extension is based on the `Mark` concept from from within prosemirror
 * {@link}
 * @remarks
 * Marks are used to add extra styling or other information to inline content.
 * Mark types are objects much like node types, used to tag mark objects and
 * provide additional information about them.
export abstract class MarkExtension<
  Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape,
> extends Extension<Options> {
  /** @internal */
  static get [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__](): RemirrorIdentifier.MarkExtensionConstructor {
    return RemirrorIdentifier.MarkExtensionConstructor;

   * Whether to disable extra attributes for this extension.
  static readonly disableExtraAttributes: boolean = false;

  /** @internal */
  get [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__](): RemirrorIdentifier.MarkExtension {
    return RemirrorIdentifier.MarkExtension;

   * Provides access to the mark type from the schema.
   * @remarks
   * The type is available as soon as the schema is created by the
   * `SchemaExtension` which has the priority `Highest`. It should be safe to
   * access in any of the lifecycle methods.
  get type(): MarkType {
    return assertGet(,;

  constructor(...args: ExtensionConstructorProps<Options>) {

   * Provide a method for creating the schema. This is required in order to
   * create a `MarkExtension`.
   * @remarks
   * The main difference between the return value of this method and Prosemirror
   * `MarkSpec` is that that the `toDOM` method doesn't allow dom manipulation.
   * You can only return an array or string.
   * For more advanced requirements, it may be possible to create a `nodeView`
   * to manage the dom interactions.
  abstract createMarkSpec(
    extra: ApplySchemaAttributes,
    override: MarkSpecOverride,
  ): MarkExtensionSpec;

export interface MarkExtension<Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape>
  extends Extension<Options>,
    Remirror.MarkExtension {}

 * Defines the abstract class for extensions which can place nodes into the
 * prosemirror state.
 * @remarks
 * For more information see {@link}
export abstract class NodeExtension<
  Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape,
> extends Extension<Options> {
  static get [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__](): RemirrorIdentifier.NodeExtensionConstructor {
    return RemirrorIdentifier.NodeExtensionConstructor;

   * Whether to disable extra attributes for this extension.
  static readonly disableExtraAttributes: boolean = false;

  /** @internal */
  get [__INTERNAL_REMIRROR_IDENTIFIER_KEY__](): RemirrorIdentifier.NodeExtension {
    return RemirrorIdentifier.NodeExtension as const;

   * Provides access to the node type from the schema.
  get type(): NodeType {
    return assertGet(,;

  constructor(...args: ExtensionConstructorProps<Options>) {

   * Provide a method for creating the schema. This is required in order to
   * create a `NodeExtension`.
   * @remarks
   * A node schema defines the behavior of the content within the editor. This
   * is very tied to the prosemirror implementation and the best place to learn
   * more about it is in the
   * {@link docs}.
   * @params hole - a method that is meant to indicate where extra attributes
   * should be placed (if they exist).
   * The `hole` is a function that augments the passed object adding a special
   * `secret` key which is used to insert the extra attributes setter.
   * ```ts
   * import { NodeExtension, SpecHole } from 'remirror';
   * class AwesomeExtension extends NodeExtension {
   *   get name() { return 'awesome' as const'; }
   *   createNodeSpec() {
   *     return {
   *       toDOM: (node) => {
   *         return ['p', hole(), 0]
   *       }
   *     }
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
   * The above example will have the `hole()` method call replaced with the
   * extra attributes.
  abstract createNodeSpec(
    extra: ApplySchemaAttributes,
    override: NodeSpecOverride,
  ): NodeExtensionSpec;

export interface NodeExtension<Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape>
  extends Extension<Options>,
    Remirror.NodeExtension {}

 * The type which is applicable to any extension instance.
 * **NOTE** `& object` forces VSCode to use the name `AnyExtension` rather than
 * print out `Replace<Extension<Shape>, Remirror.AnyExtensionOverrides>`
export type AnyExtension = Replace<Extension<Shape>, Remirror.AnyExtensionOverrides> & object;

 * The type which is applicable to any extension instance.
export type AnyExtensionConstructor = Replace<
  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-function-type
  { new (...args: any[]): AnyExtension }

 * The type for any potential PlainExtension.
export type AnyPlainExtension = Replace<PlainExtension<Shape>, Remirror.AnyExtensionOverrides> &

 * The type for any potential NodeExtension.
export type AnyNodeExtension = Replace<NodeExtension<Shape>, Remirror.AnyExtensionOverrides> &

 * The type for any potential MarkExtension.
export type AnyMarkExtension = Replace<MarkExtension<Shape>, Remirror.AnyExtensionOverrides> &

 * These are the default options merged into every extension. They can be
 * overridden.
const defaultOptions: BaseExtensionOptions = {
  priority: undefined,
  extraAttributes: {},
  disableExtraAttributes: false,
  exclude: {},
} as BaseExtensionOptions;

 * Mutate the default extension options.
 * @remarks
 * This is a dangerous method since it allows you to mutate the received object.
 * Don't use it unless you absolutely have to.
 * A potential use case is for adding a new default option to all extensions. It
 * shows an example of how to accomplish this in a typesafe way.
 * ```ts
 * import { mutateDefaultExtensionOptions } from 'remirror';
 * mutateDefaultExtensionOptions((settings) => {
 *   // Set the default value of all extensions to have a property `customSetting` with value `false`.
 *   settings.customSetting = false;
 * })
 * declare global {
 *   namespace Remirror {
 *     interface BaseExtensionOptions {
 *       customSetting?: boolean;
 *     }
 *   }
 * }
 * The mutation must happen before any extension have been instantiated.
export function mutateDefaultExtensionOptions(
  mutatorMethod: (defaultOptions: BaseExtensionOptions) => void,
): void {

 * Determines if the passed value is an extension.
 * @param value - the value to test
export function isExtension<Type extends AnyExtension = AnyExtension>(
  value: unknown,
): value is Type {
  return (
    isRemirrorType(value) &&
    isIdentifierOfType(value, [

 * Determines if the passed value is an extension constructor.
 * @param value - the value to test
export function isExtensionConstructor<
  Type extends AnyExtensionConstructor = AnyExtensionConstructor,
>(value: unknown): value is Type {
  return (
    isRemirrorType(value) &&
    isIdentifierOfType(value, [

 * Checks whether the provided value is a plain extension.
 * @param value - the extension to check
export function isPlainExtension<Type extends AnyPlainExtension = AnyPlainExtension>(
  value: unknown,
): value is Type {
  return isRemirrorType(value) && isIdentifierOfType(value, RemirrorIdentifier.PlainExtension);

 * Determines if the passed in extension is a node extension. Useful as a type
 * guard where a particular type of extension is needed.
 * @param value - the extension to check
export function isNodeExtension<Type extends AnyNodeExtension = AnyNodeExtension>(
  value: unknown,
): value is Type {
  return isRemirrorType(value) && isIdentifierOfType(value, RemirrorIdentifier.NodeExtension);

 * Determines if the passed in extension is a mark extension. Useful as a type
 * guard where a particular type of extension is needed.
 * @param value - the extension to check
export function isMarkExtension<Type extends AnyMarkExtension = AnyMarkExtension>(
  value: unknown,
): value is Type {
  return isRemirrorType(value) && isIdentifierOfType(value, RemirrorIdentifier.MarkExtension);

export interface ExtensionConstructor<Options extends ValidOptions = EmptyShape>
  extends BaseClassConstructor<Options, BaseExtensionOptions>,
    Partial<Remirror.StaticExtensionOptions> {
  new (...args: ExtensionConstructorProps<Options>): Extension<Options>;

   * The default priority level for all instance of this extension.
   * @defaultValue ExtensionPriority.Default
  readonly defaultPriority: ExtensionPriority;

export type AnyManagerStore = Remirror.ManagerStore<any>;
export type ManagerStoreKeys = keyof Remirror.ManagerStore<any>;

declare global {
   * This namespace is global and you can use declaration merging to extend and
   * create new types used by the `remirror` project.
   * @remarks
   * The following would add `MyCustomType` to the `Remirror` namespace. Please
   * note that this can only be used for types and interfaces.
   * ```ts
   * declare global {
   *   namespace Remirror {
   *     type MyCustomType = 'look-at-me';
   *   }
   * }
   * ```
  namespace Remirror {
     * This interface stores all the currently installed extensions. As a result
     * it can be used to set the default loaded extensions to include all
     * available within `node_modules`. By extending this extension in the
     * global `Remirror` namespace the key is ignored but the value is used to
     * form the union type in the `chain`, `commands`, `helpers` properties on
     * the `Remirror.ExtensionStore` interface.
     * This is useful for extensions being able to reuse the work of other
     * extension.
    interface AllExtensions {}

     * This is the global interface for adding extra methods and properties to
     * all [[`Extension`]]s using declaration merging.
     * @remarks
     * The following will add `newOption` to the expected options. This is the
     * way that extensions which add new functionality to the editor can request
     * configuration options.
     * ```ts
     * declare global {
     *   namespace Remirror {
     *     interface ExtensionFactoryProps {
     *       newOption?: string;
     *     }
     *   }
     * }
     * ```
    interface BaseExtension {}

    interface NodeExtension {}
    interface MarkExtension {}

     * An override to for the `AnyExtension` type. If you're extension adds a
     * new property to the `Extension` that is deeply nested or very complex it
     * can break the `AnyExtension` implementation from being compatible with
     * all valid extensions.
     * The keys you provide on this override replace the default `AnyExtension`
     * types include unsafe properties that need to be simplified.
     * An example is the `constructor` property which makes it impossible to
     * find a common interface between extensions with different settings and
     * properties. By setting the `constructor` to a much simpler override all
     * `Extension`'s are now assignable to the `AnyExtension type again.`
    interface AnyExtensionOverrides extends AnyBaseClassOverrides {
      constructor: AnyExtensionConstructor;
      ['~C']: ExtensionCommandReturn;
      ['~H']: ExtensionHelperReturn;
      ['~E']: AnyExtension;

/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/member-ordering */

// Make the abstract extension available but only as a type.
export type { Extension };