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import { createNanoEvents } from 'nanoevents';
import { ErrorConstant } from '@remirror/core-constants';
import {
} from '@remirror/core-helpers';
import type {
} from '@remirror/core-types';

import type { BuiltinPreset, UpdatableViewProps } from '../builtins';
import type { AnyExtension, CommandsFromExtensions } from '../extension';
import { cx } from '../helpers';
import type { RemirrorManager } from '../manager';
import type { FocusType, StateUpdateLifecycleProps } from '../types';
import type {
} from './base-framework';

 * This is the `Framework` class which is used to create an abstract class for
 * implementing `Remirror` into the framework of your choice.
 * The best way to learn how to use it is to take a look at the [[`DomFramework`]]
 * and [[`ReactFramework`]] implementations.
 * @remarks
 * There are two methods and one getter property which must be implemented for this
export abstract class Framework<
  Extension extends AnyExtension = BuiltinPreset,
  Props extends FrameworkProps<Extension> = FrameworkProps<Extension>,
  Output extends FrameworkOutput<Extension> = FrameworkOutput<Extension>,
> implements BaseFramework<Extension>
   * A unique ID for the editor which can also be used as a key in frameworks
   * that need it.
  readonly #uid = uniqueId();

   * A method which enables retrieving the props from the editor.
  #getProps: () => Props;

   * The private reference to the previous state.
  #previousState: EditorState | undefined;

   * A previous state that can be overridden by the framework implementation.
  protected previousStateOverride?: EditorState;

   * True when this is the first render.
  #firstRender = true;

   * The event listener which allows consumers to subscribe to the different
   * events taking place in the editor. Events currently supported are:
   * - `destroy`
   * - `focus`
   * - `blur`
   * - `updated`
  #events = createNanoEvents<FrameworkEvents<Extension>>();

   * The event listener which allows consumers to subscribe to the different
   * events taking place in the editor. Events currently supported are:
   * - `destroy`
   * - `focus`
   * - `blur`
   * - `updated`
  protected get addHandler(): AddFrameworkHandler<Extension> {
    return (this.#addHandler ??= this.#events.on.bind(this.#events));

   * The handler which is bound to the events listener object.
  #addHandler?: AddFrameworkHandler<Extension>;

   * The updatable view props.
  protected get updatableViewProps(): UpdatableViewPropsObject {
    return {
      attributes: () => this.getAttributes(),
      editable: () => this.props.editable ?? true,

   * True when this is the first render of the editor.
  protected get firstRender(): boolean {
    return this.#firstRender;

   * Store the name of the framework.
  abstract get name(): string;

   * The props passed in when creating or updating the `Framework` instance.
  get props(): Props {
    return this.#getProps();

   * Returns the previous editor state. On the first render it defaults to
   * returning the current state. For the first render the previous state and
   * current state will always be equal.
  protected get previousState(): EditorState {
    return this.previousStateOverride ?? this.#previousState ?? this.initialEditorState;

   * The instance of the [[`RemirrorManager`]].
  protected get manager(): RemirrorManager<Extension> {
    return this.props.manager;

   * The ProseMirror [[`EditorView`]].
  protected get view(): EditorView {
    return this.manager.view;

   * A unique id for the editor. Can be used to differentiate between editors.
   * Please note that this ID is only locally unique, it should not be used as a
   * database key.
  protected get uid(): string {
    return this.#uid;

  #initialEditorState: EditorState;

   * The initial editor state from when the editor was first created.
  get initialEditorState(): EditorState {
    return this.#initialEditorState;

  constructor(options: FrameworkOptions<Extension, Props>) {
    const { getProps, initialEditorState, element } = options;

    this.#getProps = getProps;
    this.#initialEditorState = initialEditorState;

    // Attach the framework instance to the manager. The manager will set up the
    // update listener and manage updates to the instance of the framework
    // automatically.
    this.manager.attachFramework(this, this.updateListener.bind(this));

    if (this.manager.view) {

    // Create the ProsemirrorView and initialize our editor manager with it.
    const view = this.createView(initialEditorState, element);

   * Setup the manager event listeners which are disposed of when the manager is
   * destroyed.
  private updateListener(props: StateUpdateLifecycleProps) {
    const { state, tr } = props;
    return this.#events.emit('updated', this.eventListenerProps({ state, tr }));

   * Update the constructor props passed in. Useful for frameworks like react
   * where props are constantly changing and when using hooks function closures
   * can become stale.
   * You can call the update method with the new `props` to update the internal
   * state of this instance.
  update(options: FrameworkOptions<Extension, Props>): this {
    const { getProps } = options;
    this.#getProps = getProps;

    return this;

   * Retrieve the editor state.
  protected readonly getState = (): EditorState => this.view.state ?? this.initialEditorState;

   * Retrieve the previous editor state.
  protected readonly getPreviousState = (): EditorState => this.previousState;

   * This method must be implement by the extending framework class. It returns
   * an [[`EditorView`]] which is added to the [[`RemirrorManager`]].
  protected abstract createView(state: EditorState, element?: Element): EditorView;

   * This is used to implement how the state updates are used within your
   * application instance.
   * It must be implemented.
  protected abstract updateState(props: UpdateStateProps): void;

   * Update the view props.
  protected updateViewProps(...keys: UpdatableViewProps[]): void {
    const props = pick(this.updatableViewProps, keys);

    this.view.setProps({ ...this.view.props, ...props });

   * This sets the attributes for the ProseMirror Dom node.
  protected getAttributes(ssr?: false): Record<string, string>;
  protected getAttributes(ssr: true): Shape;
  protected getAttributes(ssr?: boolean): Shape {
    const { attributes, autoFocus, classNames = [], label, editable } = this.props;
    const managerAttributes =;

    // The attributes which were passed in as props.
    const propAttributes = isFunction(attributes)
      ? attributes(this.eventListenerProps())
      : attributes;

    // Whether or not the editor is focused.
    let focus: Shape = {};

    // In Chrome 84 when autofocus is set to any value including `"false"` it
    // will actually trigger the autofocus. This check makes sure there is no
    // `autofocus` attribute attached unless `autoFocus` is expressly a truthy
    // value.
    if (autoFocus || isNumber(autoFocus)) {
      focus = ssr ? { autoFocus: true } : { autofocus: 'true' };

    const uniqueClasses = uniqueArray(
      cx(ssr && 'Prosemirror', 'remirror-editor', managerAttributes?.class, ...classNames).split(
        ' ',
    ).join(' ');

    const defaultAttributes = {
      role: 'textbox',
      'aria-multiline': 'true',
      ...(!(editable ?? true) ? { 'aria-readonly': 'true' } : {}),
      'aria-label': label ?? '',
      class: uniqueClasses,

    return omitUndefined({ ...defaultAttributes, ...propAttributes }) as Shape;

   * Part of the Prosemirror API and is called whenever there is state change in
   * the editor.
   * @internalremarks
   * How does it work when transactions are dispatched one after the other.
  protected readonly dispatchTransaction = (tr: Transaction): void => {
    // This should never happen, but it may have slipped through in the certain places.
    invariant(!this.manager.destroyed, {
      code: ErrorConstant.MANAGER_PHASE_ERROR,
        'A transaction was dispatched to a manager that has already been destroyed. Please check your set up, or open an issue.',

    tr = this.props.onDispatchTransaction?.(tr, this.getState()) ?? tr;

    const previousState = this.getState();
    const { state, transactions } = previousState.applyTransaction(tr);

    this.#previousState = previousState;

    // Use the abstract method to update the state.
    this.updateState({ state, tr, transactions });

    // Update the view props when an update is requested
    const forcedUpdates =;

    if (!isEmptyArray(forcedUpdates)) {

   * Adds `onBlur` and `onFocus` listeners.
   * When extending this class make sure to call this method once
   * `ProsemirrorView` has been added to the dom.
  protected addFocusListeners(): void {
    this.view.dom.addEventListener('blur', this.onBlur);
    this.view.dom.addEventListener('focus', this.onFocus);

   * Remove `onBlur` and `onFocus` listeners.
   * When extending this class in your framework, make sure to call this just
   * before the view is destroyed.
  protected removeFocusListeners(): void {
    this.view.dom.removeEventListener('blur', this.onBlur);
    this.view.dom.removeEventListener('focus', this.onFocus);

   * Called when the component unmounts and is responsible for cleanup.
   * @remarks
   * - Removes listeners for the editor `blur` and `focus` events
  destroy(): void {
    // Let it clear that this instance has been destroyed.

    if (this.view) {
      // Remove the focus and blur listeners.

   * Use this method in the `onUpdate` event to run all change handlers.
  readonly onChange = (props: ListenerProps = object()): void => {
    const onChangeProps = this.eventListenerProps(props);

    if (this.#firstRender) {
      this.#firstRender = false;


   * Listener for editor 'blur' events
  private readonly onBlur = (event: Event) => {
    const props = this.eventListenerProps();

    this.props.onBlur?.(props, event);
    this.#events.emit('blur', props, event);

   * Listener for editor 'focus' events
  private readonly onFocus = (event: Event) => {
    const props = this.eventListenerProps();

    this.props.onFocus?.(props, event);
    this.#events.emit('focus', props, event);

   * Sets the content of the editor. This bypasses the update function.
   * @param content
   * @param triggerChange
  private readonly setContent = (
    content: RemirrorContentType,
    { triggerChange = false }: TriggerChangeProps = {},
  ) => {
    const { doc } = this.manager.createState({ content });
    const previousState = this.getState();
    const { state } = this.getState().applyTransaction(, previousState.doc.nodeSize - 2, doc),

    if (triggerChange) {
      return this.updateState({ state, triggerChange });


   * Clear the content of the editor (reset to the default empty node).
   * @param triggerChange - whether to notify the onChange handler that the
   * content has been reset
  private readonly clearContent = ({ triggerChange = false }: TriggerChangeProps = {}) => {
    this.setContent(this.manager.createEmptyDoc(), { triggerChange });

   * Creates the props passed into all event listener handlers. e.g.
   * `onChange`
  protected eventListenerProps(
    props: ListenerProps = object(),
  ): RemirrorEventListenerProps<Extension> {
    const { state, tr, transactions } = props;

    return {
      internalUpdate: !tr,
      view: this.view,
      firstRender: this.#firstRender,
      state: state ?? this.getState(),
      createStateFromContent: this.createStateFromContent,
      previousState: this.previousState,

  protected readonly createStateFromContent: CreateStateFromContent = (content, selection) =>
    this.manager.createState({ content, selection });

   * Focus the editor.
  protected readonly focus = (position?: FocusType): void => {
    ( as CommandsFromExtensions<BuiltinPreset>).focus(position);

   * Blur the editor.
  protected readonly blur = (position?: PrimitiveSelection): void => {
    ( as CommandsFromExtensions<BuiltinPreset>).blur(position);

   * Methods and properties which are made available to all consumers of the
   * `Framework` class.
  protected get baseOutput(): FrameworkOutput<Extension> {
    return {
      manager: this.manager,,
      addHandler: this.addHandler,

      // Commands
      focus: this.focus,
      blur: this.blur,

      // Properties
      uid: this.#uid,
      view: this.view,

      // Getter Methods
      getState: this.getState,
      getPreviousState: this.getPreviousState,
      getExtension: this.manager.getExtension.bind(this.manager),
      hasExtension: this.manager.hasExtension.bind(this.manager),

      // Setter Methods
      clearContent: this.clearContent,
      setContent: this.setContent,

   * Every framework implementation must provide it's own custom output.
  abstract get frameworkOutput(): Output;