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import type { ExtensionPriority } from '@remirror/core-constants';
import type {
} from '@remirror/core-types';
import type { PluginSpec } from '@remirror/pm/state';

type Changes<Type> =
  | {
       * Whether or not the value has changed.
       * - `false` when no change occurred.
      changed: false;
  | {
       * - `true` when a change occurred.
      changed: true;
       * The previous value before the changed. This is only accessible when
       * `changed` is `true`.
      previousValue: Type;

       * The latest value after the change. This is only accessible when
       * `changed` is `true`.
      value: Type;

 * Highlights all the properties that have changed.
export type ChangedOptions<Options extends ValidOptions> = {
  [Key in keyof GetDynamic<Options>]: Changes<GetDynamic<Options>[Key]>;

 * Get the static extension settings.
export type GetOptions<Type extends { ['~O']: unknown }> = Type['~O'];

 * Get the commands from a `RemirrorManager`, `Extension` or `Preset`.
export type GetCommands<Type extends { ['~C']: unknown }> = Type['~C'];

 * Get the helpers provided by an from a `RemirrorManager`, `Extension` or
 * `Preset`.
export type GetHelpers<Type extends { ['~H']: unknown }> = Type['~H'];

 * Get the constructor of an instance.
export type GetConstructor<Type extends { constructor: unknown }> = Type['constructor'];

 * Get the options from any constructor. Can be used for both presets and
 * extensions.
export type OptionsOfConstructor<Constructor extends AnyConstructor> = GetOptions<

 * Get the options from any constructor. Can be used for both presets and
 * extensions.
export type DynamicOptionsOfConstructor<Constructor extends AnyConstructor> = GetPartialDynamic<

 * The extension store which is shared across all extensions. It provides access
 * to methods and data that can be used throughout the extension lifecycle.
export interface ExtensionStore extends Remirror.ExtensionStore {}

export type ExtensionCommandFunction = (...args: any[]) => CommandFunction;

 * The return signature for an extensions command method.
export interface ExtensionCommandReturn {
  [command: string]: ExtensionCommandFunction;

 * The return signature for an extensions helper method.
export interface ExtensionHelperReturn {
  [helper: string]: AnyFunction;

 * The type of a non chainable command. It is a function with an `isEnabled`
 * method to check whether the command can be run.
export interface CommandShape<Parameter extends any[] = []> {
   * Returns true when the command can be run and false when it can't be run. It
   * basically runs the command without dispatching it to see whether it returns
   * true or false.
   * @remarks
   * Some commands can have rules and restrictions. For example, formatting like
   *`bold` is disabled within a `codeBlock`. In this case
   *`commands.toggleBold.isEnabled()` returns `false` when within a `codeBlock`
   *and `true` when outside.
   * @param args - The same arguments that are applied to the command function.
  enabled: (...args: Parameter) => boolean;

   * @deprecated use `enabled` instead.
  isEnabled: (...args: Parameter) => boolean;

   * This function gives you access to the original command defined by the
   * extension in your editor exactly as it was defined.
   * The function returns a function that takes the CommandFunctionProps of
   * `{ state, dispatch?, tr, view? }` object.
   * ```ts
   * function command(...args: any[]) => CommandFunction;
   * ```
  original: (...args: Parameter) => CommandFunction;

   * Commands which are not attached to a node extension or a mark extension can
   * optionally define custom `isActive` checker.
   * This is used for checking if `centerAlign` is active from the
   * `@remirror/extension-node-formatting`.
  active?: () => boolean;

  (...args: Parameter): void;

export interface ApplyStateLifecycleProps extends EditorStateProps {
   * The original transaction which caused this state update.
  tr: Transaction;

   * The previous state.
  previousState: EditorState;

export interface AppendLifecycleProps extends EditorStateProps {
   * Update this transaction in order to append.
  tr: Transaction;

   * The previous state.
  previousState: EditorState;

   * The transactions that have already been applied.
  transactions: readonly Transaction[];

export interface StateUpdateLifecycleProps extends EditorStateProps {
   * The previous state.
  previousState: EditorState;

   * When true, this lets you know that it is the first state update to happen.
   * This can be used to run an action that should only be run when the state is
   * first available.
  firstUpdate: boolean;

   * The original transaction which caused this state update.
   * This allows for inspecting the reason behind the state change.
   * When undefined this means that the state was updated externally.
   * If available:
   * - Metadata on the transaction can be inspected. `tr.getMeta`
   * - Was the change caused by added / removed content? `tr.docChanged`
   * - Was ths change caused by an updated selection? `tr.selectionSet`
   * - `tr.steps` can be inspected for further granularity.
  tr?: Transaction;

   * When the state updates are not controlled and it was a transaction that
   * caused the state to be updated this value captures all the transaction
   * updates caused by prosemirror plugins hook state methods like
   * `filterTransactions` and `appendTransactions`.
   * This is for advanced users only, and I personally have never needed it.
  transactions?: readonly Transaction[];

export interface BaseExtensionOptions extends Remirror.BaseExtensionOptions {
   * An object which excludes certain functionality from an extension.
  exclude?: ExcludeOptions;

   * The priority with which this extension should be loaded by the manager.
   * @remarks
   * Each priority level corresponds to a higher level of importance for the
   * extension within the editor.
   * When this is set to `null` the `defaultPriority` level for the extension
   * will be used instead.
  priority?: ExtensionPriority;

export interface ExcludeOptions extends Partial<Remirror.ExcludeOptions> {}

 * @internal
export type UpdateReason = 'set' | 'reset';

export interface UpdateReasonProps {
   * Describes what triggered an update.
   * - `set` - the change was triggered by an update in some properties
   * - `reset` - the user has specifically requested to reset all properties to
   *   their initial defaults
   * - `init` - the update is happening when the preset is being It will receive
   *   all the items as changes.
  reason: UpdateReason;

export interface GetChangeOptionsReturn<Options extends ValidOptions> {
   * The next value of the properties after the update.This also includes values
   * which have not been changed.
  options: GetFixedDynamic<Options>;

   * An object with all the keys showing what's been changed. This should be
   * used to determine the children extensions which should be updated.
   * @remarks
   * Using this can prevent unnecessary updates. It's possible for new
   * properties to be passed that are identical to the previous, by checking if
   * the object was changed this can be avoided.
   * This uses a discriminated union. When the `changed` property is true then
   * the object has a value as well.
   * ```ts
   * if (changes.myProperty.changed) {
   *   doSomething(changes.myProperty.value);
   * }
   * ```
  changes: Readonly<Required<ChangedOptions<Options>>>;

   * Pick the changed values by their key. An object populated with only the
   * changed items will be returned to you.
  pickChanged: PickChanged<Options>;

export type PickChanged<Options extends ValidOptions> = <
  Key extends keyof GetFixedDynamic<Options>,
  keys: Key[],
) => Partial<Pick<GetFixedDynamic<Options>, Key>>;

export interface OnSetOptionsProps<Options extends ValidOptions>
  extends Pick<GetChangeOptionsReturn<Options>, 'changes' | 'pickChanged'>,
    UpdateReasonProps {
   * The initial options for the extension. Falls back to default options.
  initialOptions: RemoveAnnotations<GetFixedDynamic<Options>>;

   * The next value of the properties after the update.This also includes values
   * which have not been changed.
  options: RemoveAnnotations<GetFixedDynamic<Options>>;

declare global {
  namespace Remirror {
     * A global type which allows setting additional options on the exclude.
    interface ExcludeOptions {}

     * A global type which allows additional default settings to be added to the
     * editor.
    interface BaseExtensionOptions {}

 * An interface for creating custom plugins in your `remirror` editor.
export interface CreateExtensionPlugin<PluginState = any>
  extends Pick<
    'props' | 'state' | 'key' | 'view' | 'filterTransaction' | 'appendTransaction'
  > {
   Additional properties are allowed on plugin specs, which can be
   read via [`Plugin.spec`](
  [key: string]: any;

 * A helper interface for creating strongly typed decorators.
export interface TypedPropertyDescriptor<Type> {
  configurable?: boolean;
  enumerable?: boolean;
  value?: Type;
  writable?: boolean;
  get?: () => Type;
  set?: (v: Type) => void;

 * The type of arguments acceptable for the focus parameter.
 * - Can be a prosemirror selection
 * - A range of `{ from: number; to: number }`
 * - A single position with a `number`
 * - A string of `'start' | 'end'`
 * - `true` which sets the focus to the current position or start.
export type FocusType = PrimitiveSelection | boolean;