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import type { ComponentType, RefCallback } from 'react';
import type {
} from '@remirror/core';

import type { PortalContainer } from './portals';

export type ReactComponentEnvironment = 'ssr' | 'dom' | 'both';

export interface ReactComponentOptions {
   * The default main block node.
   * @defaultValue 'div'
   * @staticOption
  defaultBlockNode?: Static<keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>;

   * The default main inline node (for inline content).
   * @defaultValue 'span'
   * @staticOption
  defaultInlineNode?: Static<keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>;

   * The default content node to use.
   * @defaultValue 'span'
   * @staticOption
  defaultContentNode?: Static<keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>;

   * Whether to render as a nodeView, as an ssr component or in both
   * environments.
  defaultEnvironment?: Static<ReactComponentEnvironment>;

   * Override any valid schema node with your own custom components
   * ```ts
   * {
   *   paragraph: ({ forwardRef }) => <p style={{ backgroundColor: 'pink' }} ref={forwardRef} />,
   * }
   * ```
  nodeViewComponents?: Dynamic<Record<string, ComponentType<NodeViewComponentProps>>>;

   * Override the return value from the `stopEvent` method in `ReactNodeView`
  stopEvent?: Dynamic<(props: { event: Event }) => boolean> | null;

export interface NodeViewComponentProps extends EditorViewProps, NodeWithAttributesProps {
   * Provides the position of the node view in the prosemirror document
  getPosition: GetPosition;

   * A ref callback which should be used by the component to pass the dom
   * reference of the react element back to the node view. This is used as
   * container where the content within which the content will be placed.
   * This **must** be used in your component otherwise the editor has no
   * understanding of where to render the node content and defaults to placing
   * it within the provided element created by the `toDOM` method.
  forwardRef: RefCallback<HTMLElement>;

   * This is true when the component is selected.
  selected: boolean;

   * Update the attributes for the target node.
   * This should be called in the `useEffect` hook to prevent excessive renders.
  updateAttributes: (attrs: ProsemirrorAttributes) => void;

   * The decorations which are currently applied to the ReactNodeView.
  decorations: readonly Decoration[];

 * Retrieve the position of the current nodeView
export type GetPosition = () => number | undefined;

export interface ReactNodeViewProps
  extends EditorViewProps,
    CreateNodeViewProps {
   * Method for retrieving the position of the current nodeView
  getPosition: GetPosition;

export interface CreateNodeViewProps {
   * A container and event dispatcher which keeps track of all dom elements that
   * hold node views
  portalContainer: PortalContainer;

   * The react component that will be added to the DOM.
  ReactComponent: ComponentType<NodeViewComponentProps>;

   * The options passed through to the react extension component.
  options: GetFixed<ReactComponentOptions>;