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import { extension, OnSetOptionsProps, PlainExtension, ProsemirrorPlugin } from '@remirror/core';
import { trailingNode, TrailingNodePluginOptions } from '@remirror/pm/trailing-node';

export interface TrailingNodeOptions extends TrailingNodePluginOptions {
   * By default this extension will set trailing nodes for all nodes except for
   * the ones that have the tag `Tags.LastNodeCompatible`. Setting this to true
   * means that the only nodes that will be ignored are those passed to the
   * `ignoredNodes` array.
   * @defaultValue false
  disableTags?: boolean;

 * Ensure that there's always a trailing paragraph at the end of the document.
 * Why? In some scenarios it is difficult to place a cursor after the last element.
 * This ensures there's always space to select the position afterward.
  defaultOptions: {
    ignoredNodes: [],
    disableTags: false,
    nodeName: 'paragraph',
export class TrailingNodeExtension extends PlainExtension<TrailingNodeOptions> {
  get name() {
    return 'trailingNode' as const;

   * Whenever the options are changed make sure to update the plugin with the
   * new values and trigger a state update.
  protected onSetOptions(props: OnSetOptionsProps<TrailingNodeOptions>): void {
    const { changes } = props;

    if (changes.disableTags.changed || changes.ignoredNodes.changed || changes.nodeName.changed) {;

   * Add the trailing node plugin to the editor.
  createExternalPlugins(): ProsemirrorPlugin[] {
    const { tags } =;
    const { disableTags, nodeName } = this.options;

    // The names of the nodes for which this rule should not be applied.
    const ignoredNodes: string[] = disableTags
      ? [...this.options.ignoredNodes]
      : [...this.options.ignoredNodes, ...tags.lastNodeCompatible];

    return [trailingNode({ ignoredNodes, nodeName })];

declare global {
  namespace Remirror {
    interface AllExtensions {
      trailingNode: TrailingNodeExtension;