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<code>[renemarc][link-profile] / **[home-assistant-config][link-repo]** / **appdaemon** /</code>

<p align="right"><sub><strong><a href="">🏠 Home Assistant configuration for a smart-looking place! 😎</a><br>Be sure to <a href="#" title="star">⭐️</a> or <a href="#" title="fork">🔱</a> this repo!</strong></sub></p>

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<h1 align="center">AppDaemon configuration</h1>

## Folders

### [`📂 ./apps/`](apps)

Empty, to be used for eventual AppDaemon apps.

### [`🌈 ./custom_css/`](custom_css/modern)

For the **Modern** theme.

### [`🔘 ./custom_widgets/`](custom_widgets)

For third-party, custom and modified dashboard widgets.

### [`🖼 ./dashboards/`](dashboards)

For the dashboards used in HADashboard.

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## Files

### [`⚙️ ./appdaemon.yaml`](appdaemon.yaml)

AppDaemon configuration file.

### [`🔑 ./secrets-dummy.yaml`](secrets-dummy.yaml)

Placeholder file for sensitive information, to be copied to `secrets.yaml` and modified according to the target environment.

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<p align="center"><strong>Don't forget to <a href="#" title="star">⭐️</a> or <a href="#" title="fork">🔱</a> this repo! 😃</strong></p>

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