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Test Coverage
# Warn someone if a door was left open for too long
# Notifications are sent whenever at least one door has been left open for a
# while, and reminders are then sent every few minutes until all doors are
# closed. Only a few reminders are sent out however, to avoid notification spam
# when a door has actually been purposefully left open (for example, while
# moving things in and out).
# @subscribe counter.door_notify
# @subscribe group.door_sensors
# @subscribe group.presence
# @publish counter.door_notify
# @see automations/notifications/door_notify_reset.yaml
- id: door_notify
  alias: "Door NOTIFY"

    # When a door has been left open for a while.
    - platform: state
      entity_id: group.door_sensors
      to: 'on'
        minutes: 10

    # When the last check was a while ago (reminder).
    - platform: time_pattern
      minutes: '/10'
      seconds: 00

    # If automation was not trigered lately (hey, do not nag).
    - condition: template
      value_template: >-
        {% set delay = 5 * 60 %}
        {% set current = as_timestamp(utcnow()) %}
        {% set last = as_timestamp(state_attr('automation.door_notify', 'last_triggered')) | float %}

        {{ current - last > delay }}

    # If at least one door is currently open.
    - condition: state
      entity_id: group.door_sensors
      state: 'on'
        minutes: 10

    # # If no known person is home.
    # - condition: state
    #   entity_id: group.presence
    #   state: 'not_home'

    # Warn someone by text to take action.
    - condition: numeric_state
      entity_id: counter.door_notify
      above: 0
    - service: counter.decrement
      entity_id: counter.door_notify
    - service: notify.text
        title: "Home security issue"
        message: |
          A door has been left open for too long.
          {% if states('sensor.door_location') != '' -%}
            Location: {{ states('sensor.door_location') }}.
          {% endif %}
          {% if states('counter.door_notify')|int == 10 -%}
            No further notifications will be sent about this issue until it gets resolved.
          {% endif %}