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<h1 align="center"> ICStorm</h1>

<div align="center">

<strong>A package for creating and importing iCalendar/ICS files with one or multiple events.</strong>

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## Installation

The recommended way to install this package is using [Composer]( Execute the following
command. This will not only install
the package but also add it to your project's composer.json file as a dependency.

composer require renfordt/icstorm

## Usage

### Create Events

The PHP code below is used to create a new event.

The variables at the
beginning (`title`, `summary`, `description`, `startDate`, `endDate`, `classification`, `transparency`, and `location`)
represent different details of the event:

- `title`: The title of the event.
- `summary`: A brief overview of the event.
- `description`: Detailed information about the event.
- `startDate` and `endDate`: The start and end dates of the event and are mandatory.
- `classification`: The visibility of the event, indicating whether it's private or public.
- `transparency`: Indicates whether the time of the event is blocked or free.
- `location`: Location of the event.

These details are collected together into an associative array using the `compact` function. This array is then passed
as an argument to the `Event::createEvent` function, which generates an instance of an event with these details.

$title = 'Test Event';
$summary = 'Test Event';
$description = 'This is a test event';
$startDate = '2024-10-15 18:15:00';
$endDate = '2024-10-15 18:45:00';
$classification = EventClassification::private;
$transparency = EventTransparency::opaque;
$location = 'Test Location';

$event = Event::create(

### Create an iCalendar

To create an iCalendar/ICS file you can use the following code.

First create a new Calendar instance and add all required Events to it. After that you can generate the ICS string or
the file with the functions.

$calendar = new Calendar();

$ics = $calendar->generateICS(); // generates a ICS string
$icsFile = $calendar->generateICSFile(); // generates a ICS file