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# Ajax

A tiny XMLHTTPRequest abstraction, 2kb minified and a bit less than 900b minified and gzip.

## Why?

I just want to use jQuery Ajax like methods, but without loading ALL jQuery.

## Why not use XYZ lib?

Because I made no reasearch before building this :bowtie:.

## Include in your project

You can just download it from this repo. But I'd recommend you to use bower method:

bower install Ajax

You can also use npm:

npm install ajax-abstraction

Yeap, not same name. It was already taken on NPM. Life is not so beautiful =/

## How to use

If you know how to use jQuery Ajax methods, you know how to use this. See below:

    url: '/foo',
    success: function(data) {
        // my success function

This lib supports **UMD**. So, import this via **AMD**, **CommonJS** or importing min script in you HTML and using as **window global**.

It's possible to use **setup** method for setting default options. The same parameters can be passed. 

## Options

* contentType [string]: 
    * The content type of your request;
    * **default**: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'.

* context [object]:
    * Context where your callbacks will be executed;
    * **default**: window

* data [string]:
    * Data that will be passed on body of the request.

* dataType [string]:
    * Format that your data will be returned;
    * **default**: JSON

* fail [function]:
    * Function that will be called if your function doesn't return code 200.

* headers [json]: 
    * Headers of your request. This must be an Javascript Object.

* method [string]:
    * HTTP method used on this request; 
    * **default**: 'GET'.

* success [function]:
    * Function that will be called if your function returns code 200.

## License

GPL 3 (full copy shipped with code)