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var _ = require('./utils')
var resolver = require('./resolver')
var http = require('./http')

module.exports = Client

function Client (resilient) {
  this._resilient = resilient

Client.prototype.get = function (path, options, cb) {
  return this.send(path, options, cb, 'GET')
} = function (path, options, cb) {
  return this.send(path, options, cb, 'POST')

Client.prototype.put = function (path, options, cb) {
  return this.send(path, options, cb, 'PUT')

Client.prototype.del =
Client.prototype.delete = function (path, options, cb) {
  return this.send(path, options, cb, 'DELETE')

Client.prototype.patch = function (path, options, cb) {
  return this.send(path, options, cb, 'PATCH')

Client.prototype.head = function (path, options, cb) {
  return this.send(path, options, cb, 'HEAD')

Client.prototype.send = function (path, options, cb, method) {
  var args =, path, options, cb, method)
  var opts = args[0]
  var callback = args[1]

  var promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    this._resilient.emit('request:start', opts, this._resilient)

    requester.apply(this, [opts, function (err, res) {
      if (err) {
      } else {
      // Always resolve the callback
      callback(err, res)

  // If a callback is passed, subscribe to then/catch to avoid node +6.6 stdout warnings
  if (callback !== _.noop) {

  return promise

function requester (options, cb) {
  if (isFullUrlSchema(options)) {
    return plainHttpRequest(this._resilient, options, cb)
  } else {
    return resolver(this._resilient, options, cb)

function normalizeArgs (path, options, cb, method) {
  if (typeof options === 'function') {
    cb = options
    options = arguments[0]

  options = mergeHttpOptions(this._resilient, _.isObj(options) ? options : _.emptyObject())

  if (typeof path === 'string') options.path = path
  if (typeof method === 'string') options.method = method
  if (typeof cb !== 'function') cb = _.noop

  return [ options, wrapCallback(this._resilient, cb) ]

function wrapCallback (resilient, cb) {
  return once(function finalRequestHandler (err, res) {
    resilient.emit('request:finish', err, res, resilient)
    cb(err, res)

function mergeHttpOptions (resilient, options) {
  var defaults = resilient.options('service').get()

  if (options.timeout) {
    options.$timeout = options.timeout

  return _.merge(defaults, options)

function isFullUrlSchema (options) {
  return options && ((_.isURI(options.path) || _.isURI(options.url))) || false

function plainHttpRequest (resilient, options, cb) {
  if (options.path) {
    options.url = options.path
    options.path = null

  return (resilient._httpClient || http)(options, cb)

function once (fn) {
  var called = false
  return function () {
    if (called === false) {
      called = true
      fn.apply(null, arguments)