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// Markdown-it plugin to render GitHub-style task lists; see

var disableCheckboxes = true;
var useLabelWrapper = false;
var useLabelAfter = false;

module.exports = function(md, options) {
    if (options) {
        disableCheckboxes = !options.enabled;
        useLabelWrapper = !!options.label;
        useLabelAfter = !!options.labelAfter;

    md.core.ruler.after('inline', 'github-task-lists', function(state) {
        var tokens = state.tokens;
        for (var i = 2; i < tokens.length; i++) {
            if (isTodoItem(tokens, i)) {
                todoify(tokens[i], state.Token);
                attrSet(tokens[i-2], 'class', 'task-list-item' + (!disableCheckboxes ? ' enabled' : ''));
                attrSet(tokens[parentToken(tokens, i-2)], 'class', 'contains-task-list');

function attrSet(token, name, value) {
    var index = token.attrIndex(name);
    var attr = [name, value];

    if (index < 0) {
    } else {
        token.attrs[index] = attr;

function parentToken(tokens, index) {
    var targetLevel = tokens[index].level - 1;
    for (var i = index - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (tokens[i].level === targetLevel) {
            return i;
    return -1;

function isTodoItem(tokens, index) {
    return isInline(tokens[index]) &&
           isParagraph(tokens[index - 1]) &&
           isListItem(tokens[index - 2]) &&

function todoify(token, TokenConstructor) {
    token.children.unshift(makeCheckbox(token, TokenConstructor));
    token.children[1].content = token.children[1].content.slice(3);
    token.content = token.content.slice(3);

    if (useLabelWrapper) {
        if (useLabelAfter) {

            // Use large random number as id property of the checkbox.
            var id = 'task-item-' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * (10000 * 1000) - 1000);
            token.children[0].content = token.children[0].content.slice(0, -1) + ' id="' + id + '">';
            token.children.push(afterLabel(token.content, id, TokenConstructor));
        } else {

function makeCheckbox(token, TokenConstructor) {
    var checkbox = new TokenConstructor('html_inline', '', 0);
    var disabledAttr = disableCheckboxes ? ' disabled="" ' : '';
    if (token.content.indexOf('[ ] ') === 0) {
        checkbox.content = '<input class="task-list-item-checkbox"' + disabledAttr + 'type="checkbox">';
    } else if (token.content.indexOf('[x] ') === 0 || token.content.indexOf('[X] ') === 0) {
        checkbox.content = '<input class="task-list-item-checkbox" checked=""' + disabledAttr + 'type="checkbox">';
    return checkbox;

// these next two functions are kind of hacky; probably should really be a
// true block-level token with .tag=='label'
function beginLabel(TokenConstructor) {
    var token = new TokenConstructor('html_inline', '', 0);
    token.content = '<label>';
    return token;

function endLabel(TokenConstructor) {
    var token = new TokenConstructor('html_inline', '', 0);
    token.content = '</label>';
    return token;

function afterLabel(content, id, TokenConstructor) {
    var token = new TokenConstructor('html_inline', '', 0);
    token.content = '<label class="task-list-item-label" for="' + id + '">' + content + '</label>';
    token.attrs = [{for: id}];
    return token;

function isInline(token) { return token.type === 'inline'; }
function isParagraph(token) { return token.type === 'paragraph_open'; }
function isListItem(token) { return token.type === 'list_item_open'; }

function startsWithTodoMarkdown(token) {
    // leading whitespace in a list item is already trimmed off by markdown-it
    return token.content.indexOf('[ ] ') === 0 || token.content.indexOf('[x] ') === 0 || token.content.indexOf('[X] ') === 0;