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Test Coverage
  "method": {
    "name": "flickr.contacts.getList",
    "needslogin": 1,
    "needssigning": 1,
    "requiredperms": "1",
    "description": {
      "_content": "Get a list of contacts for the calling user."
    "response": {
      "_content": "<contacts page=\"1\" pages=\"1\" perpage=\"1000\" total=\"3\">\r\n\t<contact nsid=\"12037949629@N01\" username=\"Eric\" iconserver=\"1\"\r\n\t\trealname=\"Eric Costello\"\r\n\t\tfriend=\"1\" family=\"0\" ignored=\"1\" /> \r\n\t<contact nsid=\"12037949631@N01\" username=\"neb\" iconserver=\"1\"\r\n\t\trealname=\"Ben Cerveny\"\r\n\t\tfriend=\"0\" family=\"0\" ignored=\"0\" /> \r\n\t<contact nsid=\"41578656547@N01\" username=\"cal_abc\" iconserver=\"1\"\r\n\t\trealname=\"Cal Henderson\"\r\n\t\tfriend=\"1\" family=\"1\" ignored=\"0\" />\r\n</contacts>"
  "arguments": {
    "argument": [
        "name": "api_key",
        "optional": 0,
        "_content": "Your API application key. <a href=\"/services/api/misc.api_keys.html\">See here</a> for more details."
        "name": "filter",
        "optional": "1",
        "_content": "An optional filter of the results. The following values are valid:<br />\r\n&nbsp;\r\n<dl>\r\n\t<dt><b><code>friends</code></b></dt>\r\n\t<dl>Only contacts who are friends (and not family)</dl>\r\n\r\n\t<dt><b><code>family</code></b></dt>\r\n\t<dl>Only contacts who are family (and not friends)</dl>\r\n\r\n\t<dt><b><code>both</code></b></dt>\r\n\t<dl>Only contacts who are both friends and family</dl>\r\n\r\n\t<dt><b><code>neither</code></b></dt>\r\n\t<dl>Only contacts who are neither friends nor family</dl>\r\n</dl>"
        "name": "page",
        "optional": "1",
        "_content": "The page of results to return. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1."
        "name": "per_page",
        "optional": "1",
        "_content": "Number of photos to return per page. If this argument is omitted, it defaults to 1000. The maximum allowed value is 1000."
        "name": "sort",
        "optional": "1",
        "_content": "The order in which to sort the returned contacts. Defaults to name. The possible values are: name and time."
        "name": "fields",
        "optional": "1",
        "_content": "The fields can have the following args:\r\nrealname, friend, family,path_alias,location,public_photos_count,can_tag"
  "errors": {
    "error": [
        "code": "1",
        "message": "Invalid sort parameter.",
        "_content": "The possible values are: name and time."
        "code": 95,
        "message": "SSL is required",
        "_content": "SSL is required to access the Flickr API."
        "code": 96,
        "message": "Invalid signature",
        "_content": "The passed signature was invalid."
        "code": 97,
        "message": "Missing signature",
        "_content": "The call required signing but no signature was sent."
        "code": 98,
        "message": "Login failed / Invalid auth token",
        "_content": "The login details or auth token passed were invalid."
        "code": 99,
        "message": "User not logged in / Insufficient permissions",
        "_content": "The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions."
        "code": 100,
        "message": "Invalid API Key",
        "_content": "The API key passed was not valid or has expired."
        "code": 105,
        "message": "Service currently unavailable",
        "_content": "The requested service is temporarily unavailable."
        "code": 106,
        "message": "Write operation failed",
        "_content": "The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue."
        "code": 111,
        "message": "Format \"xxx\" not found",
        "_content": "The requested response format was not found."
        "code": 112,
        "message": "Method \"xxx\" not found",
        "_content": "The requested method was not found."
        "code": 114,
        "message": "Invalid SOAP envelope",
        "_content": "The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed."
        "code": 115,
        "message": "Invalid XML-RPC Method Call",
        "_content": "The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed."
        "code": 116,
        "message": "Bad URL found",
        "_content": "One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr."
  "stat": "ok"