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Test Coverage
  "method": {
    "name": "flickr.groups.discuss.replies.add",
    "needslogin": 1,
    "needssigning": 1,
    "requiredperms": "2",
    "description": {
      "_content": "Post a new reply to a group discussion topic."
  "arguments": {
    "argument": [
        "name": "api_key",
        "optional": 0,
        "_content": "Your API application key. <a href=\"/services/api/misc.api_keys.html\">See here</a> for more details."
        "name": "group_id",
        "optional": "0",
        "_content": "Pass in the group id to where the topic belongs. Can be NSID or group alias. Making this parameter optional for legacy reasons, but it is highly recommended to pass this in to get faster performance. "
        "name": "topic_id",
        "optional": "0",
        "_content": "The ID of the topic to post a comment to."
        "name": "message",
        "optional": "0",
        "_content": "The message to post to the topic."
  "errors": {
    "error": [
        "code": "1",
        "message": "Topic not found",
        "_content": "The topic_id is invalid."
        "code": "2",
        "message": "Cannot post to group",
        "_content": "Either this account is not a member of the group, or discussion in this group is disabled.\r\n"
        "code": "3",
        "message": "Missing required arguments",
        "_content": "The topic_id and message are required."
        "code": 95,
        "message": "SSL is required",
        "_content": "SSL is required to access the Flickr API."
        "code": 96,
        "message": "Invalid signature",
        "_content": "The passed signature was invalid."
        "code": 97,
        "message": "Missing signature",
        "_content": "The call required signing but no signature was sent."
        "code": 98,
        "message": "Login failed / Invalid auth token",
        "_content": "The login details or auth token passed were invalid."
        "code": 99,
        "message": "User not logged in / Insufficient permissions",
        "_content": "The method requires user authentication but the user was not logged in, or the authenticated method call did not have the required permissions."
        "code": 100,
        "message": "Invalid API Key",
        "_content": "The API key passed was not valid or has expired."
        "code": 105,
        "message": "Service currently unavailable",
        "_content": "The requested service is temporarily unavailable."
        "code": 106,
        "message": "Write operation failed",
        "_content": "The requested operation failed due to a temporary issue."
        "code": 111,
        "message": "Format \"xxx\" not found",
        "_content": "The requested response format was not found."
        "code": 112,
        "message": "Method \"xxx\" not found",
        "_content": "The requested method was not found."
        "code": 114,
        "message": "Invalid SOAP envelope",
        "_content": "The SOAP envelope send in the request could not be parsed."
        "code": 115,
        "message": "Invalid XML-RPC Method Call",
        "_content": "The XML-RPC request document could not be parsed."
        "code": 116,
        "message": "Bad URL found",
        "_content": "One or more arguments contained a URL that has been used for abuse on Flickr."
  "stat": "ok"