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35 mins
Test Coverage
package transport

import (



// HTTP represents password http transport service
type HTTP struct {
    svc password.Service

// NewHTTP creates new password http service
func NewHTTP(svc password.Service, er *echo.Group) {
    h := HTTP{svc}
    pr := er.Group("/password")

    // swagger:operation PATCH /v1/password/{id} password pwChange
    // ---
    // summary: Changes user's password.
    // description: If user's old passowrd is correct, it will be replaced with new password.
    // parameters:
    // - name: id
    //   in: path
    //   description: id of user
    //   type: int
    //   required: true
    // - name: request
    //   in: body
    //   description: Request body
    //   required: true
    //   schema:
    //     "$ref": "#/definitions/pwChange"
    // responses:
    //   "200":
    //     "$ref": "#/responses/ok"
    //   "400":
    //     "$ref": "#/responses/errMsg"
    //   "401":
    //     "$ref": "#/responses/err"
    //   "403":
    //     "$ref": "#/responses/err"
    //   "500":
    //     "$ref": "#/responses/err"
    pr.PATCH("/:id", h.change)

// Custom errors
var (
    ErrPasswordsNotMaching = echo.NewHTTPError(http.StatusBadRequest, "passwords do not match")

// Password change request
// swagger:model pwChange
type changeReq struct {
    ID                 int    `json:"-"`
    OldPassword        string `json:"old_password" validate:"required,min=8"`
    NewPassword        string `json:"new_password" validate:"required,min=8"`
    NewPasswordConfirm string `json:"new_password_confirm" validate:"required"`

func (h *HTTP) change(c echo.Context) error {
    id, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Param("id"))
    if err != nil {
        return gorsk.ErrBadRequest

    p := new(changeReq)
    if err := c.Bind(p); err != nil {
        return err

    if p.NewPassword != p.NewPasswordConfirm {
        return ErrPasswordsNotMaching

    if err := h.svc.Change(c, id, p.OldPassword, p.NewPassword); err != nil {
        return err

    return c.NoContent(http.StatusOK)