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== Security

=== Guards

You may want to control who can sign the terms. This can be easily done using the `TermsGuardInterface` that will previously check if the subject can sign it.

The following example protect the terms with the slug `your_slug` to be signed by anybody but a User.

final class RandomGuard implements TermsGuardInterface
    public function supports(string $slug, TermsSubjectInterface $subject): bool
        return $slug === 'your_slug';

    public function check(string $slug, TermsSubjectInterface $subject): bool
        return $subject instanceof User;

=== Protecting a route

Since it can be hard to create a generic voter to check if a subject has sign the terms, the best way is to create a custom voter for each case.

The following example exposes a voter that checks if the User has signed a route.

[source, php]
final class UserTermsVoter extends Voter
    /** @var HasSignedLastTermsVersion **/
    protected $hasSignedLastTermsVersion;

    /** @var Security
    protected $security;

    // ...

    protected function supports($attribute, $subject): bool
        $user = $this->security->getUser();

        return $user instanceof User
            && $user instanceof TermsSubjectInterface
            && $attribute === 'HAS_USER_SIGNED_TERMS';

    protected function voteOnAttribute($attribute, $subject, TokenInterface $token): bool
        return ($this->hasSignedLastTermsVersion)('your_slug', $subject);

Using it in a controller is now straight forward !

[source, php]
final class RandomRoute extends AbstractController
     * @IsGranted("HAS_USER_SIGNED_TERMS")
    public function __invoke(): Response
        return new Response('Yay!');

=== Redirection after a voter

Since the voter blocks the access of the route, this may be a brutal behaviour. A redirection to the signing page of the appropriate terms would be smoother. For this, a listener that catches when an `AccessDeniedException` is thrown is the best approach.

The following example redirects the User if the voter denies the access.

[source, php]
final class RedirectUserWhenTermsNotSignedListener
    /** @var Security */
    private $security;

    /** @var GenerateSigningRoute */
    private $generateSigningRoute;

    // ...

    public function __invoke(ExceptionEvent $event): void
        $user = $this->security->getUserCompany();
        $exception = $event->getThrowable();

        if (!$exception instanceof AccessDeniedException || !user instanceof User) {

        $route = ($this->generateSigningRoute)('your_slug', $user);
        $response = new RedirectResposne($route);