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# Alexa Browser Client


**Alexa client in your browser. Django app. Talk to Alexa from your desktop, phone, or tablet browser.**


## Demo

The demo should really be heard, so click the gif below to view it in youtube.


## Run the demo

First follow these steps:

1. [Configure your Amazon oauth configuration](#refresh-token)
2. [Set your environment variables](#authentication)
3. Install:
$ git clone
$ cd alexa-browser-client
$ virtualenv .venv -p python3.6 && source .venv/bin/activate && make test_requirements
4. [Compile snowboy](#snowboy)
5. Install and run [redis](#Dependencies)
6. `$ make demo`
7. Go to http://localhost:8000 for basic demo, or http://localhost:8000/mixer/ to play with the response audio

## Installation

pip install alexa_browser_client

Make sure your settings `INSTALLED_APPS` contains at least these entries:


## Dependencies

[Snowboy]( detects when the wakeword "Alexa" is uttered.

You must compile [Snowboy]( manually. Copy the compiled `snowboy` folder to the top level of you project. By default, the folder structure should be:
├── ...
├── snowboy
|   ├──
|   ├──
|   └── resources
|       ├── alexa.umdl
|       └── common.res
└── ...

If the default folder structure does not suit your needs you can [customize the wakeword detector](#wakeword).

You must have [redis]( running too, as Django Channels relies on redis.

### Routing and urls
Add `url(r'^', include('alexa_browser_client.config.urls')),` to `` `url_patterns`.

Add `include('alexa_browser_client.config.routing.channel_routing')` to your `` `channel_routing`.

## Authentication ##

This app uses Alexa Voice Service. To use AVS you must first have a [developer account]( Then register your product [here]( Choose "Application" under "Is your product an app or a device"?

Ensure you update your

| Setting                                   | Notes                                 |
| ----------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- |
| `ALEXA_BROWSER_CLIENT_AVS_CLIENT_ID`      | Retrieve by clicking on the your product listed [here](   |
| `ALEXA_BROWSER_CLIENT_AVS_CLIENT_SECRET`  | Retrieve by clicking on the your product listed [here](   |
| `ALEXA_BROWSER_CLIENT_AVS_DEVICE_TYPE_ID` | Retrieve by reading "Product ID" [here]( |

### Refresh token ###

You will need to login to Amazon via a web browser to get your refresh token.

To enable this first go [here]( and click on your product to set some security settings under `Security Profile` and, assuming you're running on localhost:8000, set the following:

| setting             | value                                         |
| ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------|
| Allowed Origins     | https://localhost:8000/refreshtoken/          |
| Allowed Return URLs | https://localhost:8000/refreshtoken/callback/ |

## Usage

Once you have all the settings configured:

- Run django: `./ runserver`
- Go to `http://localhost:8000` and start talking to Alexa.

## Customization ##

### Wakeword ###

The default wakeword is "Alexa". You can change this by customizing the lifecycle's `audio_detector_class`:

# my_project/

import alexa_browser_client
import command_lifecycle

class CustomAudioDetector(command_lifecycle.wakeword.SnowboyWakewordDetector):
    wakeword_library_import_path = ''
    resource_file = b'path/to/resource_file.res'
    decoder_model = b'path/to/model_file.umdl'

class CustomAudioLifecycle(alexa_browser_client.AudioLifecycle):
    audio_detector_class = CustomAudioDetector

class CustomAlexaConsumer(alexa_browser_client.AlexaConsumer):
    audio_lifecycle_class = CustomAudioLifecycle

Then in your ``:

import alexa_browser_client.consumers
from channels.routing import ProtocolTypeRouter, URLRouter
from channels.sessions import SessionMiddlewareStack

from django.conf.urls import url

application = ProtocolTypeRouter({
    'websocket': SessionMiddlewareStack(
            url(r"^ws/$", alexa_browser_client.consumers.AlexaConsumer),


## Versioning

We use [SemVer]( for versioning. For the versions available, see the [PyPI](

## Other projects

This project uses [Voice Command Lifecycle]( and [Alexa Voice Service Client](




