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import { builders, types } from '../../utils/build-types.js'
import { TAG_CSS_PROPERTY } from '../../constants.js'
import cssEscape from 'cssesc'
import getPreprocessorTypeByAttribute from '../../utils/get-preprocessor-type-by-attribute.js'
import preprocess from '../../utils/preprocess-node.js'

const HOST = ':host'
const DISABLED_SELECTORS = ['from', 'to']

 * Matches valid, multiline JavaScript comments in almost all its forms.
 * @const {RegExp}
 * @static
const R_MLCOMMS = /\/\*[^*]*\*+(?:[^*/][^*]*\*+)*\//g

 * Source for creating regexes matching valid quoted, single-line JavaScript strings.
 * It recognizes escape characters, including nested quotes and line continuation.
 * @const {string}
const S_LINESTR =

 * Matches CSS selectors, excluding those beginning with '@' and quoted strings.
 * @const {RegExp}

const CSS_SELECTOR = RegExp(
  `([{}]|^)[; ]*((?:[^@ ;{}][^{}]*)?[^@ ;{}:] ?)(?={)|${S_LINESTR}`,

 * Matches the list of css selectors excluding the pseudo selectors
 * @const {RegExp}

const CSS_SELECTOR_LIST = /([^,]+)(?::\w+(?:[\s|\S]*?\))?(?:[^,:]*)?)+|([^,]+)/g

 * Scope the css selectors prefixing them with the tag name
 * @param {string} tag - Tag name of the root element
 * @param {string} selectorList - list of selectors we need to scope
 * @returns {string} scoped selectors
export function addScopeToSelectorList(tag, selectorList) {
  return selectorList.replace(CSS_SELECTOR_LIST, (match, selector) => {
    const trimmedMatch = match.trim()
    const trimmedSelector = selector ? selector.trim() : trimmedMatch

    // skip selectors already using the tag name
    if (trimmedSelector.indexOf(tag) === 0) {
      return match

    // skips the keywords and percents of css animations
    if (
      !trimmedSelector ||
      DISABLED_SELECTORS.indexOf(trimmedSelector) > -1 ||
      trimmedSelector.slice(-1) === '%'
    ) {
      return match

    // replace the `:host` pseudo-selector, where it is, with the root tag name;
    // if `:host` was not included, add the tag name as prefix, and mirror all `[is]`
    if (trimmedMatch.indexOf(HOST) < 0) {
      return `${tag} ${trimmedMatch},[is="${tag}"] ${trimmedMatch}`
    } else {
      return `${trimmedMatch.replace(HOST, tag)},${trimmedMatch.replace(

 * Parses styles enclosed in a "scoped" tag
 * The "css" string is received without comments or surrounding spaces.
 * @param   {string} tag - Tag name of the root element
 * @param   {string} css - The CSS code
 * @returns {string} CSS with the styles scoped to the root element
export function generateScopedCss(tag, css) {
  return css.replace(CSS_SELECTOR, function (m, cssChunk, selectorList) {
    // skip quoted strings
    if (!selectorList) return m

    // we have a selector list, parse each individually
    const scopedSelectorList = addScopeToSelectorList(tag, selectorList)

    // add the danling bracket char and return the processed selector list
    return cssChunk ? `${cssChunk} ${scopedSelectorList}` : scopedSelectorList

 * Remove comments, compact and trim whitespace
 * @param { string } code - compiled css code
 * @returns { string } css code normalized
function compactCss(code) {
  return code.replace(R_MLCOMMS, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()

const escapeBackslashes = (s) => s.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
const escapeIdentifier = (identifier) =>
    cssEscape(identifier, {
      isIdentifier: true,

 * Generate the component css
 * @param   { Object } sourceNode - node generated by the riot compiler
 * @param   { string } source - original component source code
 * @param   { Object } meta - compilation meta information
 * @param   { AST } ast - current AST output
 * @returns { AST } the AST generated
export default function css(sourceNode, source, meta, ast) {
  const preprocessorName = getPreprocessorTypeByAttribute(sourceNode)
  const { options } = meta
  const preprocessorOutput = preprocess(
  const normalizedCssCode = compactCss(preprocessorOutput.code)
  const escapedCssIdentifier = escapeIdentifier(meta.tagName)

  const cssCode = (
      ? generateScopedCss(
      : escapeBackslashes(normalizedCssCode)

  types.visit(ast, {
    visitProperty(path) {
      if ( === TAG_CSS_PROPERTY) {
        path.value.value = builders.templateLiteral(
          [builders.templateElement({ raw: cssCode, cooked: '' }, false)],

        return false


  return ast