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25 mins
Test Coverage
import { SIMPLE } from '@riotjs/util/binding-types.js'
import { TEXT } from '@riotjs/util/expression-types.js'
import bindings from './bindings/index.js'

 * Text expressions in a template tag will get childNodeIndex value normalized
 * depending on the position of the <template> tag offset
 * @param   {Expression[]} expressions - riot expressions array
 * @param   {number} textExpressionsOffset - offset of the <template> tag
 * @returns {Expression[]} expressions containing the text expressions normalized
function fixTextExpressionsOffset(expressions, textExpressionsOffset) {
  return =>
    e.type === TEXT
      ? {
          childNodeIndex: e.childNodeIndex + textExpressionsOffset,
      : e,

 * Bind a new expression object to a DOM node
 * @param   {HTMLElement} root - DOM node where to bind the expression
 * @param   {TagBindingData} binding - binding data
 * @param   {number|null} templateTagOffset - if it's defined we need to fix the text expressions childNodeIndex offset
 * @returns {Binding} Binding object
export default function create(root, binding, templateTagOffset) {
  const { selector, type, redundantAttribute, expressions } = binding
  // find the node to apply the bindings
  const node = selector ? root.querySelector(selector) : root

  // remove eventually additional attributes created only to select this node
  if (redundantAttribute) node.removeAttribute(redundantAttribute)
  const bindingExpressions = expressions || []

  // init the binding
  return (bindings[type] || bindings[SIMPLE])(node, {
      templateTagOffset && !selector
        ? fixTextExpressionsOffset(bindingExpressions, templateTagOffset)
        : bindingExpressions,