* Mini-parser for expressions.
* The main pourpose of this module is to find the end of an expression
* and return its text without the enclosing brackets.
* Does not works with comments, but supports ES6 template strings.
import skipES6TL, { $_ES6_BQ } from './skip-es6-tl'
import { unclosedExpression, unexpectedCharInExpression } from '../messages'
import escapeStr from './escape-str'
import panic from './panic'
import skipRegex from './skip-regex'
* @exports exprExtr
const S_SQ_STR = /'[^'\n\r\\]*(?:\\(?:\r\n?|[\S\s])[^'\n\r\\]*)*'/.source
* Matches double quoted JS strings taking care about nested quotes
* and EOLs (escaped EOLs are Ok).
* @const
* @private
const S_STRING = `${S_SQ_STR}|${S_SQ_STR.replace(/'/g, '"')}`
* Regex cache
* @type {Object.<string, RegExp>}
* @const
* @private
const reBr = {}
* Makes an optimal regex that matches quoted strings, brackets, backquotes
* and the closing brackets of an expression.
* @param {string} b - Closing brackets
* @returns {RegExp} - optimized regex
function _regex(b) {
let re = reBr[b]
if (!re) {
let s = escapeStr(b)
if (b.length > 1) {
s = `${s}|[`
} else {
s = /[{}[\]()]/.test(b) ? '[' : `[${s}`
reBr[b] = re = new RegExp(`${S_STRING}|${s}\`/\\{}[\\]()]`, 'g')
return re
* Update the scopes stack removing or adding closures to it
* @param {Array} stack - array stacking the expression closures
* @param {string} char - current char to add or remove from the stack
* @param {string} idx - matching index
* @param {string} code - expression code
* @returns {Object} result
* @returns {Object} result.char - either the char received or the closing braces
* @returns {Object} result.index - either a new index to skip part of the source code,
* or 0 to keep from parsing from the old position
function updateStack(stack, char, idx, code) {
let index = 0
switch (char) {
case '[':
case '(':
case '{':
stack.push(char === '[' ? ']' : char === '(' ? ')' : '}')
case ')':
case ']':
case '}':
if (char !== stack.pop()) {
panic(code, unexpectedCharInExpression.replace('%1', char), index)
if (char === '}' && stack[stack.length - 1] === $_ES6_BQ) {
char = stack.pop()
index = idx + 1
case '/':
index = skipRegex(code, idx)
return { char, index }
* Parses the code string searching the end of the expression.
* It skips braces, quoted strings, regexes, and ES6 template literals.
* @function exprExtr
* @param {string} code - Buffer to parse
* @param {number} start - Position of the opening brace
* @param {[string,string]} bp - Brackets pair
* @returns {Object} Expression's end (after the closing brace) or -1
* if it is not an expr.
export default function exprExtr(code, start, bp) {
const [openingBraces, closingBraces] = bp
const offset = start + openingBraces.length // skips the opening brace
const stack = [] // expected closing braces ('`' for ES6 TL)
const re = _regex(closingBraces)
re.lastIndex = offset // begining of the expression
let end
let match
while ((match = re.exec(code))) {
// eslint-disable-line
const idx = match.index
const str = match[0]
end = re.lastIndex
// end the iteration
if (str === closingBraces && !stack.length) {
return {
text: code.slice(offset, idx),
const { char, index } = updateStack(stack, str[0], idx, code)
// update the end value depending on the new index received
end = index || end
// update the regex last index
re.lastIndex = char === $_ES6_BQ ? skipES6TL(code, end, stack) : end
if (stack.length) {
panic(code, unclosedExpression, end)