// forked from
// safe characters to precced a regex (including `=>`, `**`, and `...`)
const beforeReChars = '[{(,;:?=|&!^~>%*/'
const beforeReSign = `${beforeReChars}+-`
// keyword that can preceed a regex (`in` is handled as special case)
const beforeReWords = [
// Last chars of all the beforeReWords elements to speed up the process.
const wordsEndChar = beforeReWords.reduce((s, w) => s + w.slice(-1), '')
// Matches literal regex from the start of the buffer.
// The buffer to search must not include line-endings.
const RE_LIT_REGEX =
// Valid characters for JavaScript variable names and literal numbers.
const RE_JS_VCHAR = /[$\w]/
// Match dot characters that could be part of tricky regex
const RE_DOT_CHAR = /.*/g
* Searches the position of the previous non-blank character inside `code`,
* starting with `pos - 1`.
* @param {string} code - Buffer to search
* @param {number} pos - Starting position
* @returns {number} Position of the first non-blank character to the left.
* @private
function _prev(code, pos) {
while (--pos >= 0 && /\s/.test(code[pos]));
return pos
* Check if the character in the `start` position within `code` can be a regex
* and returns the position following this regex or `start+1` if this is not
* one.
* NOTE: Ensure `start` points to a slash (this is not checked).
* @function skipRegex
* @param {string} code - Buffer to test in
* @param {number} start - Position the first slash inside `code`
* @returns {number} Position of the char following the regex.
/* c8 ignore next */
export default function skipRegex(code, start) {
let pos = (RE_DOT_CHAR.lastIndex = start++)
// `exec()` will extract from the slash to the end of the line
// and the chained `match()` will match the possible regex.
const match = (RE_DOT_CHAR.exec(code) || ' ')[0].match(RE_LIT_REGEX)
if (match) {
const next = pos + match[0].length // result comes from `re.match`
pos = _prev(code, pos)
let c = code[pos]
// start of buffer or safe prefix?
if (pos < 0 || beforeReChars.includes(c)) {
return next
// from here, `pos` is >= 0 and `c` is code[pos]
if (c === '.') {
// can be `...` or something silly like 5./2
if (code[pos - 1] === '.') {
start = next
} else {
if (c === '+' || c === '-') {
// tricky case
if (
code[--pos] !== c || // if have a single operator or
(pos = _prev(code, pos)) < 0 || // ...have `++` and no previous token
beforeReSign.includes((c = code[pos]))
) {
return next // ...this is a regex
if (wordsEndChar.includes(c)) {
// looks like a keyword?
const end = pos + 1
// get the complete (previous) keyword
while (--pos >= 0 && RE_JS_VCHAR.test(code[pos]));
// it is in the allowed keywords list?
if (beforeReWords.includes(code.slice(pos + 1, end))) {
start = next
return start