
Test Coverage
## Help us to manage our issues by answering the following:

1. Describe your issue:

2. Can you reproduce the issue?

Post the link using one of our bug report templates:

- [Bug Report Template](https://riot.js.org/examples/plunker/?app=bug-reporter) on plnkr (preferred)
- [Bug Report Template](https://codesandbox.io/s/riot-js-9-bug-template-forked-ffm7jf?file=/index.html) on codesandbox

3. On which browser/OS does the issue appear?

4. Which version of Riot does it affect?

5. How would you tag this issue?

- [ ] Question
- [ ] Bug
- [ ] Discussion
- [ ] Feature request
- [ ] Tip
- [ ] Enhancement
- [ ] Performance