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/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
'use strict';

var _ = require('lodash');
var async = require('async');
var asyncify = require('simple-asyncify');
var bignum = require('bignumber.js');
var ripple = require('ripple-lib');
var transactions = require('./transactions');
var validator = require('./lib/schema-validator');
var serverLib = require('./lib/server-lib');
var utils = require('./lib/utils');
var TxToRestConverter = require('./lib/tx-to-rest-converter.js');
var validate = require('./lib/validate');
var convertAmount = require('./transaction/utils').convertAmount;
var createPaymentTransaction =
var renameCounterpartyToIssuer =
var xrpToDrops = require('./transaction/utils').xrpToDrops;
var transact = require('./transact');

var errors = require('./lib/errors');
var InvalidRequestError = errors.InvalidRequestError;
var NotFoundError = errors.NotFoundError;
var TimeOutError = errors.TimeOutError;


 * Formats the local database transaction into ripple-rest Payment format
 * @param {RippleAddress} account
 * @param {Transaction} transaction
 * @param {Function} callback
 * @callback
 * @param {Error} error
 * @param {RippleRestTransaction} transaction
function formatPaymentHelper(account, txJSON) {
  if (!(txJSON && /^payment$/i.test(txJSON.TransactionType))) {
    throw new InvalidRequestError('Not a payment. The transaction '
      + 'corresponding to the given identifier is not a payment.');
  var metadata = {
    client_resource_id: txJSON.client_resource_id || '',
    hash: txJSON.hash || '',
    ledger: String(!_.isUndefined(txJSON.inLedger) ?
      txJSON.inLedger : txJSON.ledger_index),
    state: txJSON.validated === true ? 'validated' : 'pending'
  var message = {tx_json: txJSON};
  var meta = txJSON.meta;
  var parsed = TxToRestConverter.parsePaymentFromTx(account, message, meta);
  return _.assign({payment: parsed.payment}, metadata);

 * Submit a payment in the ripple-rest format.
 * @global
 * @param {/config/config-loader} config
 * @body
 * @param {Payment} request.body.payment
 * @param {String} request.body.secret
 * @param {String} request.body.client_resource_id
 * @param {Number String} req.body.last_ledger_sequence
 *          - last ledger sequence that this payment can end up in
 * @param {Number String} req.body.max_fee
 *          - maximum fee the payer is willing to pay
 * @param {Number String} req.body.fixed_fee - fixed fee the payer wants to pay
 *             the network for accepting this transaction
 * @query
 * @param {String "true"|"false"} request.query.validated - used to force
 *          request to wait until rippled has finished validating the
 *          submitted transaction
function submitPayment(account, payment, clientResourceID, secret,
    urlBase, options, callback) {

  function formatTransactionResponse(message, meta) {
    if (meta.state === 'validated') {
      var txJSON = message.tx_json;
      txJSON.meta = message.metadata;
      txJSON.validated = message.validated;
      txJSON.ledger_index = txJSON.inLedger = message.ledger_index;
      return formatPaymentHelper(payment.source_account, txJSON);

    return {
      client_resource_id: clientResourceID,
      status_url: urlBase + '/v1/accounts/' + payment.source_account
        + '/payments/' + clientResourceID

  function prepareTransaction(_transaction, remote) {

    _transaction.lastLedger(Number(options.last_ledger_sequence ||
      (remote.getLedgerSequence() + transactions.DEFAULT_LEDGER_BUFFER)));

    if (Number(options.max_fee) >= 0) {

    if (Number(options.fixed_fee) >= 0) {

    return _transaction;

  var isSubmitMode = options.submit !== false;
  var _options = _.assign({}, options, {
    clientResourceId: clientResourceID,
    blockDuplicates: isSubmitMode,
    saveTransaction: isSubmitMode

  var initialTx = createPaymentTransaction(account, payment);
  var transaction = isSubmitMode ? prepareTransaction(
    initialTx, this.remote) : initialTx;
  var converter = isSubmitMode ? formatTransactionResponse :
    _.partial(TxToRestConverter.parsePaymentFromTx, account);
  transact(transaction, this, secret, _options, converter, callback);

 * Retrieve the details of a particular payment from the Remote or
 * the local database and return it in the ripple-rest Payment format.
 * @param {Remote} remote
 * @param {/lib/db-interface} dbinterface
 * @param {RippleAddress} req.params.account
 * @param {Hex-encoded String|ASCII printable character String}
 *            req.params.identifier
function getPayment(account, identifier, callback) {
  var self = this;


  // If the transaction was not in the outgoing_transactions db,
  // get it from rippled
  function getTransaction(_callback) {
    transactions.getTransaction(self, account, identifier, {}, _callback);

  var steps = [
    asyncify(_.partial(formatPaymentHelper, account))

  async.waterfall(steps, callback);

 * Retrieve the details of multiple payments from the Remote
 * and the local database.
 * This function calls transactions.getAccountTransactions
 * recursively to retrieve results_per_page number of transactions
 * and filters the results by type "payment", along with the other
 * client-specified parameters.
 * @param {Remote} remote
 * @param {/lib/db-interface} dbinterface
 * @param {RippleAddress} req.params.account
 * @param {RippleAddress} req.query.source_account
 * @param {RippleAddress} req.query.destination_account
 * @param {String "incoming"|"outgoing"} req.query.direction
 * @param {Number} [-1] req.query.start_ledger
 * @param {Number} [-1] req.query.end_ledger
 * @param {Boolean} [false] req.query.earliest_first
 * @param {Boolean} [false] req.query.exclude_failed
 * @param {Number} [20] req.query.results_per_page
 * @param {Number} [1]
function getAccountPayments(account, source_account, destination_account,
    direction, options, callback) {
  var self = this;

  function getTransactions(_callback) {
    var args = {
      account: account,
      source_account: source_account,
      destination_account: destination_account,
      direction: direction,
      min: options.results_per_page,
      max: options.results_per_page,
      offset: (options.results_per_page || DEFAULT_RESULTS_PER_PAGE)
              * (( || 1) - 1),
      types: ['payment'],
      earliestFirst: options.earliest_first

      _.merge(options, args), _callback);

  function formatTransactions(_transactions) {
    return, account));

  function attachResourceId(_transactions, _callback) {, function(paymentResult, async_map_callback) {
      var hash = paymentResult.hash;

      self.db.getTransaction({hash: hash}, function(error, db_entry) {
        if (error) {
          return async_map_callback(error);
        var client_resource_id = '';
        if (db_entry && db_entry.client_resource_id) {
          client_resource_id = db_entry.client_resource_id;

        paymentResult.client_resource_id = client_resource_id;

        async_map_callback(null, paymentResult);
    }, _callback);

  function formatResponse(_transactions) {
    return {payments: _transactions};

  var steps = [
    _.partial(utils.attachDate, self),

  async.waterfall(steps, callback);

 * Get a ripple path find, a.k.a. payment options,
 * for a given set of parameters and respond to the
 * client with an array of fully-formed Payments.
 * @param {Remote} remote
 * @param {/lib/db-interface} dbinterface
 * @param {RippleAddress} req.params.source_account
 * @param {Amount Array ["USD r...,XRP,..."]} req.query.source_currencies
 *          - Note that Express.js middleware replaces "+" signs with spaces.
 *            Clients should use "+" signs but the values here will end up
 *            as spaces
 * @param {RippleAddress} req.params.destination_account
 * @param {Amount "1+USD+r..."} req.params.destination_amount_string
function getPathFind(source_account, destination_account,
    destination_amount_string, source_currency_strings, callback) {
  var self = this;

  var destination_amount = renameCounterpartyToIssuer(
    utils.parseCurrencyQuery(destination_amount_string || ''));

    source_account: source_account,
    destination_account: destination_account,
    destination_amount: destination_amount,
    source_currency_strings: source_currency_strings

  var source_currencies = [];
  // Parse source currencies
  // Note that the source_currencies should be in the form
  // "USD r...,BTC,XRP". The issuer is optional but if provided should be
  // separated from the currency by a single space.
  if (source_currency_strings) {
    var sourceCurrencyStrings = source_currency_strings.split(',');
    for (var c = 0; c < sourceCurrencyStrings.length; c++) {
      // Remove leading and trailing spaces
      sourceCurrencyStrings[c] = sourceCurrencyStrings[c].replace(
                                                        /(^[ ])|([ ]$)/g, '');
      // If there is a space, there should be a valid issuer after the space
      if (/ /.test(sourceCurrencyStrings[c])) {
        var currencyIssuerArray = sourceCurrencyStrings[c].split(' ');
        var currencyObject = {
          currency: currencyIssuerArray[0],
          issuer: currencyIssuerArray[1]
        if (validator.isValid(currencyObject.currency, 'Currency')
            && ripple.UInt160.is_valid(currencyObject.issuer)) {
        } else {
          callback(new InvalidRequestError('Invalid parameter: '
            + 'source_currencies. Must be a list of valid currencies'));
      } else if (validator.isValid(sourceCurrencyStrings[c], 'Currency')) {
        source_currencies.push({currency: sourceCurrencyStrings[c]});
      } else {
        callback(new InvalidRequestError('Invalid parameter: '
          + 'source_currencies. Must be a list of valid currencies'));

  function prepareOptions() {
    var pathfindParams = {
      src_account: source_account,
      dst_account: destination_account,
      dst_amount: convertAmount(destination_amount)
    if (typeof pathfindParams.dst_amount === 'object'
          && !pathfindParams.dst_amount.issuer) {
      // Convert blank issuer to sender's address
      // (Ripple convention for 'any issuer')
      //     #special-issuer-values-for-sendmax-and-amount

      pathfindParams.dst_amount.issuer = pathfindParams.dst_account;
    if (source_currencies.length > 0) {
      pathfindParams.src_currencies = source_currencies;
    return pathfindParams;

  function findPath(pathfindParams, _callback) {
    var request = self.remote.requestRipplePathFind(pathfindParams);
    request.once('error', _callback);
    request.once('success', function(pathfindResults) {
      pathfindResults.source_account = pathfindParams.src_account;
      pathfindResults.source_currencies = pathfindParams.src_currencies;
      pathfindResults.destination_amount = pathfindParams.dst_amount;
      _callback(null, pathfindResults);

    function reconnectRippled() {
      self.remote.disconnect(function() {
    request.timeout(serverLib.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, function() {
      _callback(new TimeOutError('Path request timeout'));

  function addDirectXrpPath(pathfindResults, _callback) {
    // Check if destination_amount is XRP and if destination_account accepts XRP
    if (typeof pathfindResults.destination_amount.currency === 'string'
          || pathfindResults.destination_currencies.indexOf('XRP') === -1) {
      return _callback(null, pathfindResults);
    // Check source_account balance
    self.remote.requestAccountInfo({account: pathfindResults.source_account},
        function(error, result) {
      if (error) {
        return _callback(new Error(
          'Cannot get account info for source_account. ' + error));
      if (!result || !result.account_data || !result.account_data.Balance) {
        return _callback(new Error('Internal Error. Malformed account info : '
                                  + JSON.stringify(result)));
      // Add XRP "path" only if the source_account has enough money
      // to execute the payment
      if (bignum(result.account_data.Balance).greaterThan(
                                      pathfindResults.destination_amount)) {
          paths_canonical: [],
          paths_computed: [],
          source_amount: pathfindResults.destination_amount
      _callback(null, pathfindResults);

  function formatPath(pathfindResults) {
    var alternatives = pathfindResults.alternatives;
    if (alternatives && alternatives.length > 0) {
      return TxToRestConverter.parsePaymentsFromPathFind(pathfindResults);
    if (pathfindResults.destination_currencies.indexOf(
            destination_amount.currency) === -1) {
      throw new NotFoundError('No paths found. ' +
        'The destination_account does not accept ' +
        destination_amount.currency +
        ', they only accept: ' +
        pathfindResults.destination_currencies.join(', '));
    } else if (pathfindResults.source_currencies
               && pathfindResults.source_currencies.length > 0) {
      throw new NotFoundError('No paths found. Please ensure' +
        ' that the source_account has sufficient funds to execute' +
        ' the payment in one of the specified source_currencies. If it does' +
        ' there may be insufficient liquidity in the network to execute' +
        ' this payment right now');
    } else {
      throw new NotFoundError('No paths found.' +
        ' Please ensure that the source_account has sufficient funds to' +
        ' execute the payment. If it does there may be insufficient liquidity' +
        ' in the network to execute this payment right now');

  function formatResponse(payments) {
    return {payments: payments};

  var steps = [

  async.waterfall(steps, callback);

module.exports = {
  submit: utils.wrapCatch(submitPayment),
  get: getPayment,
  getAccountPayments: getAccountPayments,
  getPathFind: getPathFind