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/* eslint-disable valid-jsdoc */
'use strict';
 * Response handler
 * Format http(s) responses and appropriate error codes
 * Every response will have JSON body containing at least the `success` property
 * Responses will be accompanied by appropriate error codes
 * In case of error, an error type and optional message will be supplied
 * HTTP Status Codes
 * 200 OK - Everything worked as expected.
 * 201 Created - POST request has been accepted and resulted in successful
 *               creation.
 * 202 Accepted - Request has been accepted for processing.
 *                E.g. submitting a transaction.
 * 400 Bad Request - Invalid or malformed request.
 *                   E.g. missing or invalid parameter.
 * 403 Forbidden - Unauthorized access to endpoint
 * 404 Not Found - The requested item doesn't exist.
 * 500 Internal Server Error - Unexpected condition occurred
 * 502 Bad Gateway - Invalid/unexpected response from rippled
 * 503 Service Unavailable - Rippled busy
 * 504 Gateway Timeout - Rippled response timed out
 * Error Types
 * invalid_request  - invalid request errors arise when the request has
 *                    invalid parameters.
 * connection       - rippled is busy or could not be connected, timed out, etc.
 * transaction      - response from rippled or internal processing error
 * server           - unexpected condition in the server occurred

var _ = require('lodash');

var ErrorType = {
  invalidRequest: 'invalid_request',
  connection: 'connection',
  transaction: 'transaction',
  server: 'server'

var StatusCode = {
  ok: 200,
  created: 201,
  badRequest: 400,
  notFound: 404,
  internalServerError: 500,
  badGateway: 502,
  timeout: 504

 * Send a JSON response
 * @param response - response object
 * @param body
 * @param statusCode
function send(response, body, statusCode) {

 * Send a success response
 * @param response - response object
 * @param body - (optional) body to the response, in addition to the
 *                success property
function success(response, body) {
  var content = _.assign(body || {}, {success: true});
  send(response, content, StatusCode.ok);

 * Send a created response
 * @param response - response object
 * @param body - (optional) body to the response, in addition to the
 *                success property
function created(response, body) {
  var content = _.assign(body || {}, {success: true});
  send(response, content, StatusCode.created);

function errorContent(type, message, body) {
  var content = _.omit({
    success: false,
    error_type: type,
    message: message
  }, _.isUndefined);
  return _.assign(body || {}, content);

function errorContentExt(type, error) {
  return _.assign(errorContent(type, error.message), {error: error.error});

 * Send an transaction error response
 * @param response - response object
 * @param message  - (optional) message to accompany and describe the
 *                    invalid response
 * @param body     - (optional) additional body to the response
function transactionError(response, message, body) {
  var content = errorContent(ErrorType.transaction, message, body);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.internalServerError);

 * Send a not found error response
 * @param response  - response object
 * @param message   - (optional) additional error message
 * @param body      - (optional) additional body to the response
function transactionNotFoundError(response, message, body) {
  var content = errorContent(ErrorType.transaction, message, body);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.notFound);

 * Send an api error response
 * @param response  - response object
 * @param message   - (optional) message to accompany and describe the
 *                    invalid response
 * @param body      - (optional) additional body to the response
function apiError(response, error) {
  var content = errorContentExt(ErrorType.server, error);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.internalServerError);

 * Send an invalid request error response
 * @param response  - response object
 * @param error     - error to send back to the client
function invalidRequestError(response, error) {
  var content = errorContentExt(ErrorType.invalidRequest, error);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.badRequest);

 * Send an internal error response
 * @param response  - response object
 * @param message   - (optional) additional error message
 *                    e.g. description for provided error
 * @param body      - (optional) additional body to the response
function internalError(response, message, body) {
  var content = errorContent(ErrorType.server, message, body);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.internalServerError);

 * Send an connection error response
 * @param response  - response object
 * @param message   - (optional) additional error message
 * @param body      - (optional) additional body to the response
function connectionError(response, message, body) {
  var content = errorContent(ErrorType.connection, message, body);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.badGateway);

 * Send a not found error response
 * @param response  - response object
 * @param error     - error to send back to the client
function notFoundError(response, error) {
  var content = errorContentExt(ErrorType.invalidRequest, error);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.notFound);

 * Send a timeout error response
 * @param response  - response object
 * @param message   - (optional) additional error message
 * @param body      - (optional) additional body to the response
function timeOutError(response, message, body) {
  var content = errorContent(ErrorType.connection, message, body);
  send(response, content, StatusCode.timeout);

module.exports = {
  success: success,
  created: created,
  transactionError: transactionError,
  transactionNotFoundError: transactionNotFoundError,
  invalidRequest: invalidRequestError,
  internalError: internalError,
  connectionError: connectionError,
  notFoundError: notFoundError,
  timeOutError: timeOutError,
  apiError: apiError