const path = require('path');
const unionwith = require('lodash.unionwith');
const optionator = require('optionator');
const kebab = require('lodash.kebabcase');
const { createLogger } = require('../logger');
const logger = createLogger('options');
const settings = {
prepend: 'esw [options] [file.js ...] [dir ...]',
concatRepeatedArrays: true,
mergeRepeatedObjects: true,
const defaultOptions = [
heading: 'ESW Options',
option: 'help',
alias: 'h',
type: 'Boolean',
description: 'Show help',
option: 'watch',
alias: 'w',
type: 'Boolean',
description: 'Enable file watch',
option: 'changed',
type: 'Boolean',
description: 'Enables single file linting while watch is enabled',
option: 'clear',
type: 'Boolean',
description: 'Clear terminal when running lint',
option: 'version',
type: 'Boolean',
alias: 'v',
description: 'Prints Eslint-Watch Version',
option: 'versions',
type: 'Boolean',
description: 'Prints Eslint-Watch and Eslint Versions',
option: 'watch-ignore',
type: 'RegExp',
description: 'Regex string of folders to ignore when watching - default: /.git|node_modules|bower_components|.eslintcache/',
option: 'watch-delay',
type: 'Int',
description: 'Delay(ms) for watcher to wait to trigger re-lint',
default: '300',
heading: 'Basic configuration',
option: 'ext',
type: '[String]',
description: 'Specify JavaScript file extensions',
default: '.js',
function areEqual(opt1, opt2) {
if (opt1.heading && opt2.heading) {
return opt1.heading === opt2.heading;
return opt1.alias === opt2.alias && opt1.option === opt2.option && opt1.type === opt2.type;
module.exports = {
get eswOptions() {
return [...defaultOptions];
createOptions(eswOptions, eslintOptions = []) {
const mergedOptions = unionwith(eswOptions, eslintOptions, areEqual);
const opsor = optionator({ ...settings, options: mergedOptions });
return {
helpText: opsor.generateHelp(),
parse(rawArgs) {
const options = opsor.parse(rawArgs, { slice: 0 });
const dirs = options._;
if (dirs.length === 0) {
options._ = dirs;
return options;
getCli(options) {
const eswKeys = ['watch', 'versions', 'version', 'clear', 'changed', 'watchIgnore', 'watchDelay'];
return Object.entries(options).reduce(
(acc, [key, value]) => {
if (eswKeys.includes(key)) {
return acc;
if (key === '_') {
return acc;
if (key === 'rule') {
Object.keys(value).forEach((ruleKey) => {
acc.flags.push('--rule', `${ruleKey}: ${JSON.stringify(value[ruleKey]).replace(/"/g, '')}`);
return acc;
if (typeof value === 'boolean') {
acc.flags.push(`--${value ? '' : 'no-'}${kebab(key)}`);
} else {
return acc;
flags: [],
dirs: options._ || [],