# Based on
[string] $projects,
[string][Alias('v')]$verbosity = "minimal",
[string] $filter,
[switch] $etl,
[switch] $diff,
[switch] $ci,
[switch] $help,
function Print-Usage() {
Write-Host "Common settings:"
Write-Host " -verbosity <value> Msbuild verbosity: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic] (short: -v)"
Write-Host " -help Print help and exit"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Actions:"
Write-Host " -diff Compare to baseline perf results"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Advanced settings:"
Write-Host " -etl Capture ETL traces of performance tests (requires admin permissions, default value is 'false')"
Write-Host " -filter Filter for tests to run (supports wildcards)"
Write-Host " -projects <value> Semi-colon delimited list of relative paths to benchmark projects."
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Command line arguments not listed above are passed thru to msbuild."
Write-Host "The above arguments can be shortened as much as to be unambiguous (e.g. -co for configuration, -t for test, etc.)."
try {
if ($help -or (($null -ne $properties) -and ($properties.Contains('/help') -or $properties.Contains('/?')))) {
exit 0
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($projects)) {
$projects = "tests\Moq.Analyzers.Benchmarks\Moq.Analyzers.Benchmarks.csproj"
if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($filter)) {
$filter = "*"
$RepoRoot = Resolve-Path (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '..\..\..')
$output = Join-Path $RepoRoot "artifacts\performance\perfResults"
# Diff two different SHAs
if ($diff) {
$DiffPerfToBaseLine = Join-Path $RepoRoot "build\scripts\perf\DiffPerfToBaseLine.ps1"
$baselinejson = Get-Content -Raw -Path (Join-Path $RepoRoot "build\perf\baseline.json") | ConvertFrom-Json
$baselineSHA = $baselinejson.sha
Write-Host "Running performance comparison against baseline: '$baselineSHA'"
$commandArguments = @{
baselineSHA = $baselineSHA
projects = $projects
output = $output
filter = $filter
if ($etl) { $commandArguments.etl = $True }
if ($ci) { $ = $True}
& $DiffPerfToBaseLine @commandArguments
$commandArguments = @{
projects = $projects
filter = $filter
perftestRootFolder = $RepoRoot
output = "$output\perfTest"
if ($etl) { $commandArguments.etl = $True }
if ($ci) { $ = $True}
$RunPerfTests = Join-Path $RepoRoot "build\scripts\perf\RunPerfTests.ps1"
& $RunPerfTests @commandArguments
catch {
Write-Host $_
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
exit 1
finally {