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# nid

### Nice clean-mouthed random id generation, without any swearing!

A Node.js module that generates random identifiers for public consumption. Swear words not included.

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| ![Voxgig](https://www.voxgig.com/res/img/vgt01r.png) | This open source module is sponsored and supported by [Voxgig](https://www.voxgig.com). |

### What it Does

This module is useful for custom short links, password generation and
any sort of unique tag an end user might see.

By default the [big seven curse words](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_dirty_words) are avoided
(thanks [@dshaw](http://twitter.com/dshaw)!). The [Battlestar Galactica version](http://en.battlestarwiki.org/wiki/Frak) of one of the big seven is also avoided.

NOTE: this module is *not* cryptographically secure and should only be used in low-risk environments.

### Quick example

var nid = require('nid')

// generate a 6 character alphanumberic id, like: ytnzt2
console.log( nid() )

// generate a 3 character alphanumberic id, like: 5rg
console.log( nid(3) )


## Install

npm install nid

## Length

You can change the length of the identifier string by passing an
integer to _nid_, as per the quick example above. The default
alphanumeric alphabet is used.

## Options

You can change the ids generated by passing an options object to the
_nid_ function. A new, custom, function is returned. For example:

var mynid = require('nid')({length:8})

// generate an 8 character alphanumberic id, like: qnzvetvp
console.log( mynid() )

You have the following options:

   * _length_: number of characters in the id string
   * _alphabet_: a string containing the set of characters in the id, e.g. 1234567890abcdef
   * _curses_: specify the list of curse words to avoid (you can use _exclude_ as an alias if you don't want to sound quaint)

You can specify the curses as:

   * an array of strings: ["gosh","darn"]
   * a CSV formatted string: "gosh, darn"
   * a regular expression: matches are excluded
   * a function: first arg is the proposed id, return true to exclude

As a convenience you can use the following alphabet shortcuts:

   * _hex_: alphabet is '0123456789abcdef'
   * _HEX_: alphabet is '0123456789ABCDEF'

### Examples:

var nid = require('nid')

var nid_ABC = nid({alphabet:'ABC'})
console.log(nid_ABC()) // prints something like BCCABB

var nid_hex = nid({hex:1})
console.log(nid_hex()) // prints something like 47b5df

var nid_noa = nid({curses:/a/})
console.log(nid_noa()) // never includes an 'a' character

## How it Works

Keep getting a random character from a given alphabet of characters,
until you have enough to meet the length requirement. Then check if it
contains a curse word (case-insensitive). If so, try again.