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package model

// Item represents common struct containing id and name.
type Item struct {
    ID   int    `json:"id"`
    Name string `json:"name"`

// ItemCount represents common struct containing id, name and count.
type ItemCount struct {
    ID    int    `json:"id"`
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Count int    `json:"count"`

// Date represents splitted date.
// Normal date usually has day, month, and year. But,
// in MyAnimeList, there are some dates that don't have them all 3.
// For example, (future) anime airing date which sometimes contains
// only year. So, it can't be parsed to time.Time. That's why this date
// has its own data type.
type Date struct {
    Year  int `json:"year"`
    Month int `json:"month"`
    Day   int `json:"day"`

// Source represents simple anime/manga model.
type Source struct {
    ID    int    `json:"id"`
    Title string `json:"title"`
    Image string `json:"image"`
    Type  string `json:"type"`

// Role represents simple model of character/va's role.
type Role struct {
    ID    int    `json:"id"`
    Name  string `json:"name"`
    Image string `json:"image"`
    Role  string `json:"role"`

// AlternativeTitle represents alternative english, synonym, and japanese title of anime/manga.
type AlternativeTitle struct {
    English  string `json:"english"`
    Synonym  string `json:"synonym"`
    Japanese string `json:"japanese"`

// StartEndDate represents anime/manga start and end of airing/publishing date.
type StartEndDate struct {
    Start Date `json:"start"`
    End   Date `json:"end"`

// Related represents related anime & manga model.
type Related struct {
    Sequel      []RelatedItem `json:"sequel"`
    Prequel     []RelatedItem `json:"prequel"`
    AltSetting  []RelatedItem `json:"alternativeSetting"`
    AltVersion  []RelatedItem `json:"alternativeVersion"`
    SideStory   []RelatedItem `json:"sideStory"`
    Summary     []RelatedItem `json:"summary"`
    FullStory   []RelatedItem `json:"fullStory"`
    ParentStory []RelatedItem `json:"parentStory"`
    SpinOff     []RelatedItem `json:"spinOff"`
    Adaptation  []RelatedItem `json:"adaptation"`
    Character   []RelatedItem `json:"character"`
    Other       []RelatedItem `json:"other"`

// RelatedItem represents related anime/manga model.
type RelatedItem struct {
    ID    int    `json:"id"`
    Title string `json:"title"`
    Type  string `json:"type"`

// Stats represents anime/manga stats model.
type Stats struct {
    Summary StatsSummary `json:"summary"`
    Score   StatsScore   `json:"score"`

// StatsSummary represents stats summary count.
type StatsSummary struct {
    Current   int `json:"current"`
    Completed int `json:"completed"`
    OnHold    int `json:"onHold"`
    Dropped   int `json:"dropped"`
    Planned   int `json:"planned"`
    Total     int `json:"total"`

// StatsScore represents stats each score.
type StatsScore struct {
    Score10 StatsScoreItem `json:"10"`
    Score9  StatsScoreItem `json:"9"`
    Score8  StatsScoreItem `json:"8"`
    Score7  StatsScoreItem `json:"7"`
    Score6  StatsScoreItem `json:"6"`
    Score5  StatsScoreItem `json:"5"`
    Score4  StatsScoreItem `json:"4"`
    Score3  StatsScoreItem `json:"3"`
    Score2  StatsScoreItem `json:"2"`
    Score1  StatsScoreItem `json:"1"`

// StatsScoreItem represents detail score model and its count.
type StatsScoreItem struct {
    Vote    int     `json:"vote"`
    Percent float64 `json:"percent"`