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Test Coverage
# Code review check List [Delete from PR description once read]

### General

* Does the code work?
* Does it perform its intended function, the logic is correct etc. Is all the code easily understood?
* Does it conform to coding conventions?
* Is there any redundant or duplicate code?
* Is the code as modular as possible?
* Can any global variables be replaced?
* Is there any commented out code?
* Do loops have a set length and correct termination conditions?
* Can any logging or debugging code be removed?

### Security

* Are all data inputs checked (for the correct type, length, format, and range) and encoded?
* Where third-party utilities are used, are returning errors being caught?
* Are output values checked and encoded?
* Are invalid parameter values handled?

### Documentation

* Do comments exist and describe the intent of the code?
* Are all functions commented?
* Is any unusual behavior or edge-case handling described?
* Is the use and function of third-party libraries documented?
* Are data structures and units of measurement explained?
* Is there any incomplete code? If so, should it be removed or flagged with a suitable marker like ‘TODO’?

### Testing

* Is the code testable? i.e. don’t add too many or hide dependencies, unable to initialize objects, test frameworks can use methods etc.
* Do tests exist and are they comprehensive?
* Do unit tests actually test that the code is performing the intended functionality? Are arrays checked for ‘out-of-bound’ errors?