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# Network Vis [![Build Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( [![Test Coverage](]( [![Issue Count](](


`description coming soon`




## Features Under Development

* Visualise connectivity between organisation members based on coding activity. Emphasise most active members [under dev]
* Visualise overall organisation activity by activity it the organisation's repositories [under dev]
* Visualise overall organisation activity by aggregating the organisation's member's activity
* Visualise a member's immediate network (who they code with), who much they're coding, and what they code
* Visualise who's following who within the network

## Installing

> Note: You might not have things like `bundle` or `npm` or `git` on your computer. You will of course need to install these.

1. `git clone` the repo
2. then do `bundle install`.
3. then do `npm install` in project root directory

Post any issues you have in this [repo's Github issues]( or on the [Facebook group](

## Running the App

#### Authorizing with Github Client

In order to use Github's API in this project you need to provide your Github authentication details. You do this by setting two environment variables: `GITHUB_USERNAME` and `GITHUB_PASSWORD`. *If you use 2-Factor Authentication* you will need to use a Github Access Token instead of your password. Otherwise, it's just your password.

#### Starting the Local Server

Run `GITHUB_USERNAME=<USERNAME> GITHUB_PASSWORD=<PASSWORD OR ACCESS_TOKEN> bundle exec rails server` to get authentication working. If you don't want to have to keep supplying these details save them to a `.bash_profile` file or something.

## Development

#### `/app`

Contains the core Rails app controllers, models, and views.

#### `/app-js`

Contains ES6-compatible JS files that get compiled using *Babel* and *Webpack* into an `app-js.js` file that's placed in the asset pipeline in `app/assets/javascripts/` and loaded by the Rails app.

To compile the files in `app-js/` run `npm run build`.

#### `db`

##### Resetting DB

`bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load`