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<h1>About This Project</h1>

This web app aims to effectively and beautifully communicate the amount of activity and collaboration within a Github Organisation.
Its main feature is a network graph showing members of the organisation and their interactions with each other.
It can quickly show how active and vibrant a developer community is, which is the use-case it was created for.


This project was incepted and built by RMIT University students in The Programming Club.
It can be used by the club and by faculty to measure student engagement and collaboration, a key goal of the club.
As well as being a useful tool, it also served as the first time students in the club got together to develop in a team,
adhering to software development best practices like code reviews, continuous integration, and test driven development.

<h2>Contributing Students</h2>
    <div class="contributor-container">

        <% data.each do |contributor| %>
        <div class="contributor">
            <div class="contributor-image">
                <%= link_to image_tag(contributor[:avatar_url], class: 'avatar_image', alt: 'avatar picture'), contributor[:html_url], target: '_blank' %>
            <div class="contributor-info">
                <%= link_to "#{contributor[:login]}", contributor[:html_url], :class => "contributor-info", target: '_blank'%>
        <% end %>
