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// Package fastsql is a library which extends Go's standard database/sql library.  It provides performance that's easy to take advantage of.
// Even better, the fastsql.DB object embeds the standard sql.DB object meaning access to all the standard database/sql library functionality is preserved.  It also means that integrating fastsql into existing codebases is a breeze.
// Additional functionality inclues:
// 1. Easy, readable, and performant batch insert queries using the BatchInsert method.
// 2. Automatic creation and re-use of prepared statements.
// 3. A convenient holder for manually used prepared statements.
package fastsql

import (

var (
    dupeRegexp   = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)on duplicate key update`)
    valuesRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(?i)values`)

// DB is a database handle that embeds the standard library's sql.DB struct.
//This means the fastsql.DB struct has, and allows, access to all of the standard library functionality while also providng a superset of functionality such as batch operations, autmatically created prepared statmeents, and more.
type DB struct {
    PreparedStatements map[string]*sql.Stmt
    prepstmts          map[string]*sql.Stmt
    driverName         string
    flushInterval      uint
    batchInserts       map[string]*insert

// Close is the same a sql.Close, but first closes any opened prepared statements.
func (d *DB) Close() error {
    var (
        wg sync.WaitGroup

    if err := d.FlushAll(); err != nil {
        return err

    go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
        defer wg.Done()

        for _, stmt := range d.PreparedStatements {
            _ = stmt.Close()

    go func(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
        defer wg.Done()

        for _, stmt := range d.prepstmts {
            _ = stmt.Close()

    return d.DB.Close()

// Open is the same as sql.Open, but returns an *fastsql.DB instead.
func Open(driverName, dataSourceName string, flushInterval uint) (*DB, error) {
    var (
        err error
        dbh *sql.DB

    if dbh, err = sql.Open(driverName, dataSourceName); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return &DB{
        DB:                 dbh,
        PreparedStatements: make(map[string]*sql.Stmt),
        prepstmts:          make(map[string]*sql.Stmt),
        driverName:         driverName,
        flushInterval:      flushInterval,
        batchInserts:       make(map[string]*insert),
    }, err

// BatchInsert takes a singlular INSERT query and converts it to a batch-insert query for the caller.  A batch-insert is ran every time BatchInsert is called a multiple of flushInterval times.
func (d *DB) BatchInsert(query string, params ...interface{}) (err error) {
    if _, ok := d.batchInserts[query]; !ok {
        d.batchInserts[query] = newInsert()
    } //if

    // Only split out query the first time Insert is called
    if d.batchInserts[query].queryPart1 == "" {


    // Build VALUES seciton of query and add to parameter slice
    d.batchInserts[query].values += d.batchInserts[query].queryPart2
    d.batchInserts[query].bindParams = append(d.batchInserts[query].bindParams, params...)

    // If the batch interval has been hit, execute a batch insert
    if d.batchInserts[query].insertCtr >= d.flushInterval {
        err = d.flushInsert(d.batchInserts[query])
    } //if

    return err

// FlushAll iterates over all batch inserts and inserts them into the database.
func (d *DB) FlushAll() error {
    for _, in := range d.batchInserts {
        if err := d.flushInsert(in); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

// flushInsert performs the acutal batch-insert query.
func (d *DB) flushInsert(in *insert) error {
    var (
        err   error
        query = in.queryPart1 + in.values[:len(in.values)-1] + in.queryPart3

    // Prepare query
    if _, ok := d.prepstmts[query]; !ok {
        var stmt *sql.Stmt

        if stmt, err = d.DB.Prepare(query); err == nil {
            d.prepstmts[query] = stmt
        } else {
            return err

    // Executate batch insert
    if _, err = d.prepstmts[query].Exec(in.bindParams...); err != nil {
        return err
    } //if

    // Reset vars
    in.values = " VALUES"
    in.bindParams = make([]interface{}, 0)
    in.insertCtr = 0

    return err

func (d *DB) setDB(dbh *sql.DB) (err error) {
    if err = dbh.Ping(); err != nil {
        return err

    d.DB = dbh
    return nil

type insert struct {
    bindParams []interface{}
    insertCtr  uint
    queryPart1 string
    queryPart2 string
    queryPart3 string
    values     string

func newInsert() *insert {
    return &insert{
        bindParams: make([]interface{}, 0),
        values:     " VALUES",

func (in *insert) splitQuery(query string) {
    var (
        ndxOnDupe, ndxValues = -1, -1
        ndxParens            = strings.LastIndex(query, ")")

    // Find "VALUES".
    valuesMatches := valuesRegexp.FindStringIndex(query)
    if len(valuesMatches) > 0 {
        ndxValues = valuesMatches[0]

    dupeMatches := dupeRegexp.FindAllStringIndex(query, -1)
    if len(dupeMatches) > 0 {
        ndxOnDupe = dupeMatches[len(dupeMatches)-1][0]

    // Split out first part of query
    in.queryPart1 = strings.TrimSpace(query[:ndxValues])

    // If ON DUPLICATE clause exists, separate into 3 parts.
    // If ON DUPLICATE does not exist, seperate into 2 parts.
    if ndxOnDupe != -1 {
        in.queryPart2 = query[ndxValues+6:ndxOnDupe-1] + ","
        in.queryPart3 = query[ndxOnDupe:]
    } else {
        in.queryPart2 = query[ndxValues+6:ndxParens+1] + ","