import * as signale from 'signale';
import * as cheerio from 'cheerio';
import { AxiosInstance } from 'axios';
import dbConnect from '../../database';
import Theatre from '../../models/theatre';
async function getName(html: string) {
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const name = $('h4').text();
return name.trim();
async function getAddress(html: string) {
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const address = $('li.address > p').text();
return address.trim();
async function getPhone(html: string) {
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const phone = $(' > p').text();
return phone.trim();
async function getAmenities(html: string) {
const $ = cheerio.load(html);
const amenitiesArr = $('ul > li')
.filter((_, elem) => $(elem).prop('title') !== undefined)
const amenities = await Promise.all( => Theatre.amenityMap($(amenity).prop('title')))
const amenitiesMapping: { [key: string]: boolean } = amenities.reduce(
(accum: { [key: string]: boolean }, amenity: string) => {
accum[amenity] = true;
return accum;
return amenitiesMapping;
async function getTheatreData(instance: AxiosInstance, slug: string) {
const theatrePage = await instance.get(`/theatre/${slug}`);
const $ = cheerio.load(;
const html = $('div.contact_box').html();
if (!html) {
throw new Error('Could not obtain theatre data: no HTML found');
try {
const name = await getName(html);
const address = await getAddress(html);
const phone = await getPhone(html);
const amenities = await getAmenities(html);
slug = slug.trim().replace(/\//g, '');
return { name, slug, address, phone, amenities };
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Could not obtain theatre data: ${err.message}`);
export default async (theatreSlugs: string[], instance: AxiosInstance) => {
const dbLog = new signale.Signale({ interactive: true, scope: 'db' });
dbLog.await('Connecting to DB...');
await dbConnect();
dbLog.success('DB connection successful.');
for (const theatreSlug of theatreSlugs) {
const theatreLog = new signale.Signale({
interactive: true,
scope: `Theatre Slug: ${theatreSlug}`,
theatreLog.await(`Getting data for ${theatreSlug}...`);
const data = await getTheatreData(instance, theatreSlug);
const existingTheatre = await Theatre.findOneAndUpdate(
{ slug: data.slug },
if (existingTheatre) {
`Found existing Theatre ${} and updated it!`
} else {
theatreLog.await(`Creating Theatre ${}...`);
const theatre = await Theatre.create(data);
theatreLog.success(`${} saved!`);