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title: "Make your own Ruby Gem"
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_From start to finish, learn how to package your Ruby code in a gem._

## Introduction

Creating and publishing your own gem is simple thanks to the tools baked right into RubyGems. Let's make a simple "hello world" gem, and feel free to play along at home! The code for the gem we're going to make here is up [on GitHub][1].

## Your first gem

I started with just one Ruby file for my `hola` gem, and the gemspec. You'll need a new name for yours (maybe `hola_yourusername`) to publish it. Check the Patterns guide for [basic recommendations][2] to follow when naming a gem.

    % tree
    ├── hola.gemspec
    └── lib
        └── hola.rb

Code for your package is placed within the `lib` directory. The convention is to have _one_ Ruby file with the _same_ name as your gem, since that gets loaded when `require 'hola'` is run. That one file is in charge of setting up your gem's code and API.

The code inside of `lib/hola.rb` is pretty bare bones. It just makes sure that you can see some output from the gem:

    % cat lib/hola.rb
    class Hola
      def self.hi
        puts "Hello world!"

The gemspec defines what's in the gem, who made it, and the version of the gem. It's also your interface to [][3]. All of the information you see on a gem page (like [jekyll][4]'s) comes from the gemspec.

    % cat hola.gemspec do |s|        = 'hola'
      s.version     = '0.0.0'        = '2010-04-28'
      s.summary     = "Hola!"
      s.description = "A simple hello world gem"
      s.authors     = ["Nick Quaranto"]       = ''
      s.files       = ["lib/hola.rb"]
      s.homepage    =
      s.license       = 'MIT'

> The description member can be much longer than you see in this example. If it matches `/^== [A-Z]/` then the description will be run through [RDoc's markup formatter][5] for display on the RubyGems web site. Be aware though that other consumers of the data might not understand this markup.

Look familiar? The gemspec is also Ruby, so you can wrap scripts to generate the file names and bump the version number. There are lots of fields the gemspec can contain. To see them all check out the full [reference][6].

After you have created a gemspec, you can build a gem from it. Then you can install the generated gem locally to test it out.

    % gem build hola.gemspec
    Successfully built RubyGem
    Name: hola
    Version: 0.0.0
    File: hola-0.0.0.gem

    % gem install ./hola-0.0.0.gem
    Successfully installed hola-0.0.0
    1 gem installed

Of course, the smoke test isn't over yet: the final step is to `require` the gem and use it:

    % irb
    >> require 'hola'
    => true
    >> Hola.hi
    Hello world!

> If you're using an earlier Ruby than 1.9.2, you need to start the session with `irb -rubygems` or require the rubygems library after you launch irb.

Now you can share hola with the rest of the Ruby community. Publishing your gem out to only takes one command, provided that you have an account on the site. To setup your computer with your RubyGems account:

    $ curl -u qrush >
    ~/.gem/credentials; chmod 0600 ~/.gem/credentials

    Enter host password for user 'qrush':

> If you're having problems with curl, OpenSSL, or certificates, you might want to simply try entering the above URL in your browser's address bar. Your browser will ask you to login to Enter your username and password. Your browser will now try to download the file api_key.yaml. Save it in ~/.gem and call it 'credentials'

Once this has been setup, you can push out the gem:

    % gem push hola-0.0.0.gem
    Pushing gem to
    Successfully registered gem: hola (0.0.0)

In just a short time (usually less than a minute), your gem will be available for installation by anyone. You can see it [on the site][7] or grab it from any computer with RubyGems installed:

    % gem list -r hola

    *** REMOTE GEMS ***

    hola (0.0.0)

    % gem install hola
    Successfully installed hola-0.0.0
    1 gem installed

It's really that easy to share code with Ruby and RubyGems.

## Requiring more files

Having everything in one file doesn't scale well. Let's add some more code to this gem.

    % cat lib/hola.rb
    class Hola
      def self.hi(language = "english")
        translator =

    class Hola::Translator
      def initialize(language)
        @language = language

      def hi
        case @language
        when "spanish"
          "hola mundo"
          "hello world"

This file is getting pretty crowded. Let's break out the `Translator` into a separate file. As mentioned before, the gem's root file is in charge of loading code for the gem. The other files for a gem are usually placed in a directory of the same name of the gem inside of `lib`. We can split this gem out like so:

    % tree
    ├── hola.gemspec
    └── lib
        ├── hola
        │   └── translator.rb
        └── hola.rb

The `Translator` is now in `lib/hola`, which can easily be picked up with a `require` statement from `lib/hola.rb`. The code for the `Translator` did not change much:

    % cat lib/hola/translator.rb
    class Translator
      def initialize(language)
        @language = language

      def hi
        case @language
        when "spanish"
          "hola mundo"
          "hello world"

But now the `hola.rb` file has some code to load the `Translator`:

    % cat lib/hola.rb
    class Hola
      def self.hi(language = "english")
        translator =

    require 'hola/translator'

> Gotcha: For newly created folder/file, do not forget to add one entry in hola.gemspec file, as shown-

    % cat hola.gemspec do |s|
    s.files       = ["lib/hola.rb", "lib/hola/translator.rb"]

> without the above change, new folder would not be included into the installed gem.

Let's try this out. First, fire up `irb`:

    % irb -Ilib -rhola
    irb(main):001:0> Hola.hi("english")
    => "hello world"
    irb(main):002:0> Hola.hi("spanish")
    => "hola mundo"

We need to use a strange command line flag here: `-Ilib`. Usually RubyGems includes the `lib` directory for you, so end users don't need to worry about configuring their load paths. However, if you're running the code outside of RubyGems, you have to configure things yourself. It's possible to manipulate the `$LOAD_PATH` from within the code itself, but that's considered an anti-pattern in most cases. There are many more anti-patterns (and good patterns!) for gems, explained in [this guide][8].

If you've added more files to your gem, make sure to remember to add them to your gemspec's `files` array before publishing a new gem! For this reason (among others), many developers automate this with [Hoe][9], [Jeweler][10], [Rake][11], [Bundler][12], or [just a dynamic gemspec ][13].

Adding more directories with more code from here is pretty much the same process. Split your Ruby files up when it makes sense! Making a sane order for your project will help you and your future maintainers from headaches down the line.

## Adding an executable

In addition to providing libraries of Ruby code, gems can also expose one or many executable files to your shell's `PATH`. Probably the best known example of this is `rake`. Another very useful one is `prettify_json.rb`, included with the [JSON][14] gem, which formats JSON in a readable manner (and is included with Ruby 1.9). Here's an example:

    % curl -s |
      "ip": ""

Adding an executable to a gem is a simple process. You just need to place the file in your gem's `bin` directory, and then add it to the list of executables in the gemspec. Let's add one for the Hola gem. First create the file and make it executable:

    % mkdir bin
    % touch bin/hola
    % chmod a+x bin/hola

The executable file itself just needs a [shebang][15] in order to figure out what program to run it with. Here's what Hola's executable looks like:

    % cat bin/hola
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby

    require 'hola'
    puts Hola.hi(ARGV[0])

All it's doing is loading up the gem, and passing the first command line argument as the language to say hello with. Here's an example of running it:

    % ruby -Ilib ./bin/hola
    hello world

    % ruby -Ilib ./bin/hola spanish
    hola mundo

Finally, to get Hola's executable included when you push the gem, you'll need to add it in the gemspec.

    % head -4 hola.gemspec do |s|        = 'hola'
      s.version     = '0.0.1'
      s.executables << 'hola'

Push up that new gem, and you'll have your own command line utility published! You can add more executables as well in the `bin` directory if you need to, there's an `executables` array field on the gemspec.

> Note that you should change the gem's version when pushing up a new release. For more information on gem versioning, see the [Patterns Guide][16]

## Writing tests

Testing your gem is extremely important. Not only does it help assure you that your code works, but it helps others know that your gem does its job. When evaluating a gem, Ruby developers tend to view a solid test suite (or lack thereof) as one of the main reasons for trusting that piece of code.

Gems support adding test files into the package itself so tests can be run when a gem is downloaded. An entire community effort has sprung up called [GemTesters][17] to help document how gem test suites run on different architectures and interpreters of Ruby.

In short: _TEST YOUR GEM!_ Please!

`Test::Unit` is Ruby's built-in test framework. There are [lots][18] of [tutorials][19] for using it online. There are many other test frameworks available for Ruby as well. [RSpec][20] is a popular choice. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you use, just _TEST_!

Let's add some tests to Hola. This requires adding a few more files, namely a `Rakefile` and a brand new `test` directory:

    % tree
    ├── Rakefile
    ├── bin
    │   └── hola
    ├── hola.gemspec
    ├── lib
    │   ├── hola
    │   │   └── translator.rb
    │   └── hola.rb
    └── test
        └── test_hola.rb

The `Rakefile` gives you some simple automation for running tests:

    % cat Rakefile
    require 'rake/testtask' do |t|
      t.libs << 'test'

    desc "Run tests"
    task :default => :test

Now you can run `rake test` or simply just `rake` to run tests. Woot! Here's a basic test file for hola:

    % cat test/test_hola.rb
    require 'minitest/autorun'
    require 'hola'

    class HolaTest < Minitest::Test
      def test_english_hello
        assert_equal "hello world",

      def test_any_hello
        assert_equal "hello world",

      def test_spanish_hello
        assert_equal "hola mundo",

Finally, to run the tests:

    % rake test
    (in /Users/qrush/Dev/ruby/hola)
    Loaded suite
    Finished in 0.000736 seconds.

    3 tests, 3 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

    Test run options: --seed 15331

It's green! Well, depending on your shell colors. For more great examples, the best thing you can do is hunt around [GitHub][21] and read some code.

## Documenting your code

By default most gems use RDoc to generate docs. There are plenty of [great tutorials][22] for learning how to mark up your code with RDoc. Here's a simple example:

    # The main Hola driver
    class Hola
      # Say hi to the world!
      # Example:
      #   >> Hola.hi("spanish")
      #   => hola mundo
      # Arguments:
      #   language: (String)

      def self.hi(language = "english")
        translator =
        puts translator.hi

Another great option for documentation is [YARD][23], since when you push a gem, [][24] generates YARDocs automatically from your gem. YARD is backwards compatible with RDoc, and it has a [good introduction][25] on what's different and how to use it.

## Wrapup

With this basic understanding of building your own RubyGem, we hope you'll be on your way to making your own! The next few guides cover patterns in making a gem and the other capabilities of the RubyGems system.

## Credits

This tutorial was adapted from [Gem Sawyer, Modern Day Ruby Warrior][26]. The code for this gem can be found [on GitHub][1].
