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title: "Katie Who?"

<section class="content about">
  <h1 class="big thin">About Me</h1>

    <img src="" class="noclip" style="display: block;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;" />

    I <em>used</em> to make games and websites at <a href="">Roach Haus</a>. Now I'm not
    doing that, I'm usually <a href="">taking millions of photos</a>, but still enjoy
    playing on <a href="">GitHub </a>,
    and building new stuff (like <a href="">iOS7 CSS UI</a>)
    but never have have enough time for for all these things. I'm a rather good at Javascript and CSS (also a bit of wiz with Adobe 
    Creative Cloud, Topaz and Luminar AI). I love my Kelpie, my babe and my awesome kids. We live happily in Melbourne, Australia and 

    never want to leave!

  <p> Check this site out for everything important
    <a href="">
    </a>. You can also send me an <a href=";">email</a> or a tweet
    at <a href="">twitter</a> I love tweets! 
    I keep my photo tips <a href="/phototips/">over here</a>. Check them out if you want.