layout: inner
title: "When I Was A Kid"
comments: false
<p>Sometimes I was so random.</p>
<h3>I Learned</h3>
<li>Boys have cooties.</li>
<li>My 64kB <a hreg="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_64" target="_blank">Commodore 64</a> had superior technology!</li>
<li>You should never wake a sleepwalker, the shock can kill them.</li>
<li>If you play with a piece of bread for long enough it turns back into dough.</li>
<li>Saying "Barley" made you <strong>untouchable</strong>.</li>
<li>Mum's never fart.</li>
<li>The cricket fielding position 'silly mid-on' is a bad place to be when playing with the big boys.</li>
<li>Santa will not come while you're awake.</li>
<li>Nobody ever really gets put on the naughty list.</li>
<li>You can get sucked under a train if you stand to close.</li>
<li>A bubble gum tree will grow in your belly if you swallow it.</li>
<h3>Kid Ideas</h3>
<li>I wanted to marry my dog (probably not a bad choice).</li>
<li>I wanted to be a flying horse, just like <a href="http://www.toonarific.com/show.php?prodstudio_id=77&show_id=2197" target="_blank">Luno</a>.</li>
<li>The Tigers are going to win the Grand Final this year (I still suffer from this delusion).</li>
<!-- <img src="http://www.toonarific.com/pics_root//00002197/lunologo.jpg"> -->
<blockquote>"Oh winged horse of marble white, take me on a magic flight". </blockquote>